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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

Oooh! Nice character choices!

Venus was always probably the best candidate. Hadn't thought of it tough!

I had expected Filia to be the obvious choice for Blackbody, due to the headband and general 'young girl in way over her head' aspect to their characters. But Robo-Fortune is made of so many panels that there's room for Blackbody's... black... body as well as her pink knees. And of course the skimpy outfit.
I think that's one of the palette's I've seen on this thread that I'd most like to see in game, and that's saying something because you guys do amazing work on this thread.
Hey! I got some news for ya.
Kill la Kill is coming to Toonami! IN FEBRUARY. The dub has several VAs from SG in it.

Parasoul - Satsuki
Fortune- Nui
Filia - Mako (with Senketsu)
Painwheel - Berserker Form
Big Band - Gamagoori
Peacock - Nonon
Hey! I got some news for ya.
Kill la Kill is coming to Toonami! IN FEBRUARY. The dub has several VAs from SG in it.

Parasoul - Satsuki
Fortune- Nui
Filia - Mako (with Senketsu)
Painwheel - Berserker Form
Big Band - Gamagoori
Peacock - Nonon
Wait, I don't think Stephaine Sheh voices Ms Fortune, or Erin Frtizgerald voices Satsuki.
Also, there's a distinct lack of Laura Post as Valentine and Ragyo.
If I were a bad Demoman, I won't be sittin' here discussion with ya, now would I?
Would be cool if her doll was colored to be like Demoman's bottle of scrumpy.
Wait, I don't think Stephaine Sheh voices Ms Fortune, or Erin Frtizgerald voices Satsuki.
Also, there's a distinct lack of Laura Post as Valentine and Ragyo.

Would be cool if her doll was colored to be like Demoman's bottle of scrumpy.
Ok. I updated it, check the post
Wait, I don't think Stephaine Sheh voices Ms Fortune, or Erin Frtizgerald voices Satsuki.
Also, there's a distinct lack of Laura Post as Valentine and Ragyo.
Some are just for visuals are not direct references to VAs.

Also Eliza already has a Ragyo, so I'm still thinking about that one.
Some are just for visuals are not direct references to VAs.
It'd be pretty hard to make Valentine/Ragyou work though.

Also Eliza already has a Ragyo, so I'm still thinking about that one.
Well technically Big Band already has a Nonon palette (yours is better though)
Funnily enough, before Sarah Williams got the role in the dub my mind went to Cerebella for a Nonon palette. Because of the big hat with a skull on it and the way her hair sat at the side of her head. But Peacock's hat and build are just too perfect.

Wait, I don't think Stephaine Sheh voices Ms Fortune, or Erin Frtizgerald voices Satsuki.
If voice actors were all that mattered Cerebella would be the one with the Shantae palette, not Filia.

Hey @Denizen, do you just come here for the Beowulf palettes or what?
@Scatmon, I like you. You make awesome palette swaps with nice presentation, and you also like Captain Falcon. Can I make a request? A Bayonetta palette for Beowulf. I'll be your best friend.
@Scatmon, I like you. You make awesome palette swaps with nice presentation, and you also like Captain Falcon. Can I make a request? A Bayonetta palette for Beowulf. I'll be your best friend.

Aw shucks, thanks. I'm glad you appreciate the little things.

About Bayonetta, I've thought about making a palette earlier after seeing this, but looking up some reference (cause I ain't know squat about Bayonetta) it looks like she get her design from alot of ornamentation (glasses, charms, etc) that I couldn't really work into it without heavy blatant shopping, so it would just be a straight gray palette with black hair and gold suspenders really :(

As a consolation, how about another Platinum Game Beowulf?


I've been working on another shop with Raiden, Sam, and Mistral.
Felt like making some Borderlands palettes.




Lilith. I'm a bit disappointed by the sleeves though, doesn't feel like her but I was too lazy to edit them.



and of course Claptrap!


I was also going to make a Zero palette for Val but things got complicated and I just dropped it. Maybe I can make one in the future but I can't promise anything.
Are you too much of a wimp to do full screen normals? Why don't you try ANCHOR HAT?


How big do you want 'em? Normal? Veiny? And for the ladies... ...hairy. I was a wimp before anchor arms. Now, I'm a jerk and everybody loves me. So order now, wimp!!

I made a Parasoul Palette based off Chell from the game Portal 2. Krieg is based off the Handheld Portal Device and his Tears would've looked similarly to the character Wheatley (Silver/white ring, blue iris). I wanted to do a Turret-themed Black Egret Soldier to go along with it, but at this point, I'm too tired to do it. It's not very good compared to the rest of the custom palettes I've seen, but I'm happy with it anyway.

This is the first one I've actually done, so maybe I'll do more.
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