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Just who the hell is Fukua anyways?


do you think hitler ever looked at porn
Sep 8, 2013
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Your nightmares
Storywise, I mean.

Assuming her trailer is to be taken seriously, she was created by Brain Drain.
But why? What is her purpose? Why did Brain Drain create her? And, for that matter, what is she? Clone, robotic duplicate, reptilian alien in human guise, what? Personality is a big thing here, too. Judging by her two new super lines, she seems to have some kind of sadistic streak, but just how far does that go?

I'd share my assumptions about this, but, as we all know, this is a family-friendly forum.

Hey, as long as we have a new character we may as well try to integrate her into the story for giggles, right?
Pretty sure the initial joke thing is just placeholder.
I'm sure we'll get something pretty rad when time comes to update her.
Though, I'm fairly certain the Brain Drain connection will stay, especially if the whole "Brain Drain does Cloning" thing is anything to believe.
Didn't he make Robo-Fortune in the current state of affairs?

I personally like the idea of her being a cosmic joke thrown together i̶n̶ ̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶ by the Trinity.
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After a long night of playing crappy dating sims Aeon gets the munchies and decides to raid the fridge for whatever she can find. The only thing remotely edible is a bowl of green jello, but it has Venus's name on it. Pissed off at the thought that Venus would claim all the jello for herself Aeon decides that instead of eating it she would curse it so that it would blow up in Venus's face. However Venus did the same in case Aeon tried to steal it from her.

The combination of hexes brought the jello to life and the resulting globular mass leaped out the window and escaped the Trinity's secluded dimension. Plummeting to earth at high speed the flubber look-alike landed on an unlucky Filia and Samson, the hairier of the two catching a mouthful in the process. Dismissing it as just more crap she deals with on a daily basis Filia wiped it off in a trash can, making sure it wasn't one of the ones she lives in. Samson coughed up the gunk into the same can. There are some things even he won't eat, mysterious space slime being one of them.

The gooey mutant was able copy Filia and Samson's DNA while it was inside the latter's stomach. Using the last of it's energy the gelatinous mound split into two autonomous but fused beings and took the form of Filia and Samson.
Lacking any creativity they simply changed up their names and declared their independence as Fukua and Shamone. They crawled their way out of the trash heap humiliated and filthy. Fukua and Shamone decide to take revenge on Filia and Samson, and after them the goddesses would be next.

Revenge is all that they know, for revenge is what gave them life.
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Her (allegedy) real story was posted in the description section of this video.

Skullgirls said:
Fukua is the result of a fortunate - or unfortunate - Lab Zero accident: a union of two souls. One, a once-proud warrior known for her brute strength in close combat; the other a silent assassin who specialized in ranged weapons for her kills.
Together as one, Fukua possesses the best of both specialties...but relationships formed under intense circumstances often don't last.

I like the jello backstory more...
I like to think Brain Drain can't trust Carol because she hates him and fears Valentine since an aspect of her plan is becoming the Skullgirl (which leads to the mind-controlling on the whoever uses the Skullheart)

So he decided he needs to make his own homemade 100%-loyal minions. But he doesn't know whether cloning or robotics is better, so he makes one of both.
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Fukua is also the only other character that can cause so much chaos and derailing that the only other character that can match it is Annie.
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Frankly, I'm disappointed that we aren't being graced with the vocal talents of Jaleel White.

Also if you want a more *ahem* "detailed explanation" about Fukua here's Brady telling of her creation
To bad I couldn't find the original stream as I think it was taken down
Said this in the Fukua general discussion thread and felt it should be said it this thread, too, for those who care to hear from the originator of Fukua sorta (he had a better detail in the original stream but that stream is lost in time)
The quote of a quote of a qoute with a link that leads to a qoute to a tread that is basically already covering this topic sorta. WELCOME TO THE QUOTATIONING
The quote of a quote of a qoute with a link that leads to a qoute to a tread that is basically already covering this topic sorta. WELCOME TO THE QUOTATIONING

I was just aiming for shits-and-giggles speculation here.
I was just aiming for shits-and-giggles speculation here.
I figured as much I just wanted to link to that thread, quote my post as well, and post the link the the stream where fukua is mentioned by her accidental creator Brady, in well fell swoop. It was just a little misworded, I guess.