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One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

I have one really big gripe right now with BB, and that's taunts. If his taunt is starting to gain importance, why is it the motion it is? It's silly to have his taunt be the Turn Around Punch, since it takes up so much time to even get ready. I did hear of a forward charge -> back motion and I though that's probably much better than it is now, because as it stands, the Turn Around Punch taunt input is driving me crazy.

Any other input on his taunt?

Isn't it, essentially, hard to use because Mike wanted it to be hard to use? It's part of his core strategy, but it's a bonus you have to work your way into, not something to easily drop in the middle of a combo or on command without some forethought/difficulty.

It seems like a reward for planning and execution. It was really easy to do when it was down down+kick and that didn't seem like what he wanted.
The ding would be as helpful for Big Band as for his opponent. Perhaps even more for the latter. After all, it would send out a message saying "Big guy doesn't have two of his kicks at the moment, plus he's just about to do something that leaves him mad vulnerable". As a future Big Band player, I'm not sure I want that message to be sent.
Anyone else wish ZA WARUDO was the song of time or another time based move?
I kinda wish the tune was changed to the notes from the game's intro with all the logos (OST Track 1 - Echoes)

Then its a game reference!
I think the deal with BB's taunt input now is that it's actually extremely easy (anyone could do it, after all) but extremely taxing on the player and risky. I think that's by design, since the taunt is actually a core aspect of Big Band gameplay. A harder input like Peacock's would just be a unnecessary execution hurdle, and a simple command like 2,2,KK lacks commitment for something so powerful.

I kinda don't like it much actually, but dunno if it makes sense to change it...

And MAN, his new lvl3 is awesome. The first version was kinda weird, but this one I loved.

Here's his post assist taunt
Wow. Parries feel awesome. I'm surprised they work so well. I picked them up right away despite never having played Third Strike.
Wow. Parries feel awesome. I'm surprised they work so well. I picked them up right away despite never having played Third Strike.

What is the trick, I have not played it yet, do you move towards the attack or away from it. Please go into detail. I know how to counter tech in blazblue, is it the same thing?
Forward to parry high/mid. Down to parry low. You can air parry by pushing forward timing is important. It's in the patch notes dude.
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Forward to parry high/mid. Down to parry low. You can air parry by pushing forward timing is important. It's in the patch notes dude.

Fair enough, I did not even read them yet since I was not at home when I read that Parry was complete. Sorry but I did not have access to steam.
Wow, played Big Band today in Beta. He is pretty much complete it seems other than some tweaking and stuff. I think they hit it out of the park with this character. I honestly wasn't sold on the look initially, but it really works and the variety of animations is staggering. The parry makes him play unlike any other character in the game, along with his massive size and unique tools.
The new taunt input :F::HP::MP::LP::F: is better than the other two IMO.

I don't know, I can't get the damned thing to work consistently, and I was in training mode for almost 30 minutes just doing it over and over... So in short do not want lol.
I personally hate the new input. It feels really weird. The last one was perfect, it fitted the charging that Big Band is all about. Say for example during a combo with a good knockdown, you could hold forward and get the taunt out nicely after the combo ended. And now? You have to do this silly button combination which doesn’t work properly. Trust me, I play the big man since he got into beta, but the taunt comes out whenever he wants to not when I want it to. It’s so awkward. Also, if it would work properly, you can do it whenever you want and get away with it. With the last input that wasn’t possible, even when you duck down and charge you can still be hit with anything.

I like the idea of the taunt itself and find myself using it like Q would use it in Third Strike. That’s my problem with the new input: It doesn’t work very well. I could adjust to it with a few more training units, but I still think the charging move version suits Ben much better.
I'd be cool with a Down-Up charge, personally, but yeah, I don't care for this button combo.

Besides, why exactly do taunts always follow a Darkstalkers button combo? Like, Peacock's at least make sense because it (supposedly, I've never checked) makes her next large item toss be a Tenrai-Ha. Cause her input is Tenrai-Ha.

But this one doesn't fit BB. Sorry Mike my love but I gotta disagree with ya on this.
I can still put taunts in my combos. Even with the vsav motion.

Wasn't the original plan to make taunt inputs as obnoxious as possible, since it would take commitment to do them. For people having problems, just piano the HP/MP/LP part really fast, you kara-cancel the s.hp animation.

But since BB is Q, his taunt plays a more significant role for his gameplay. I'm pretty sure, we'll see at least a couple more motions before Mike decide on anything. If anything, inputs that lead to accidental taunts should be avoided.
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I really don't think you can accidentally do this taunt, considering the buttons and motions in question. Like, HP is a launcher, there is no reason you'd press MP and then LP followed by a forward UNLESS you're button mashing. And even then it's rare.
Sorry, the forward charge back P was too easy to get out on accident. TAP locked you out of kicks so you needed to mask it behind a long move or switch which kicks you hold down when you want to use the buttons.

His "charge theme" is not a good reason. He has 3 special moves and only 2 of them are charge. Edit: 5 special moves

And I was able to do this new taunt pretty fast and slow, I'm not ruling out there might be a input problem but I haven't hit it.
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Honestly the only thing I'm worried about this input is doing rush punches on accident.
I'll play around with it first but this might mess with my charge character muscle memory.
Sorry, the forward charge back P was too easy to get out on accident. TAP locked you out of kicks so you needed to mask it behind a long move or switch which kicks you hold down when you want to use the buttons.

His "charge theme" is not a good reason. He has 3 special moves and only 2 of them are charge.

And I was able to do this new taunt pretty fast and slow, I'm not ruling out there might be a input problem but I haven't hit it.

Five special moves, actually, and only two charge. :P Even worse ratio.

I wasn't too fond of the charge forward, back motion, TBH, though I'm not sure if I like this one better or worse. So far the two kicks one was the best combo of doable / handicapping to me, but this one seems okay too.

I get that it needs to be something you can combo into efficiently but not easy to combo into, so I don't really want it to be something that feels too natural. After all, this is meant to be bonus tech kind of, not the baseline standard. It's something you should have to skill into, isn't it?
So how would you beat a parry? I mean, even if it's hard to do, I'm pretty sure people will master it like some of the players I've fought in 3rd strike (had whole supers blocked countless times). Skull girls has been out for a while, and I'm pretty sure some people know by heart how many frames/hit's they'd need to parry. And why is only big band capable of doing it? shouldn't Lab zero even the playing field by allowing every character to parry? I don't want it to be taken out, I just want to know how to counter act it?

Sorry if this sounds like I'm whining, I just don't want to get raped by the sea of big band's I'll see online. (I'm still butt sore from 3rd strike)
So how would you beat a parry? I mean, even if it's hard to do, I'm pretty sure people will master it like some of the players I've fought in 3rd strike (had whole supers blocked countless times). Skull girls has been out for a while, and I'm pretty sure some people know by heart how many frames/hit's they'd need to parry. And why is only big band capable of doing it? shouldn't Lab zero even the playing field by allowing every character to parry? I don't want it to be taken out, I just want to know how to counter act it?

Sorry if this sounds like I'm whining, I just don't want to get raped by the sea of big band's I'll see online. (I'm still butt sore from 3rd strike)

Well, I think Big Band gets it as a way of mitigating his size/speed, really. Though he's considerably faster than I thought he'd be in all honesty. The idea is probably that he gets Parry as a defensive option to balance out being big and slower, much like how Panzerfaust would/will some day specialize in super armor. Whether he's slow enough to need it in practice is another question; he's a lot more mobile than I thought he'd be and he feels more like Cerebella speed than Juggernaut.

But I assume Parry isn't the cure-all it was in 3rd Strike because Skullgirls is a much faster paced game and the burden on your reaction time is way higher. It takes a lot more to Parry the point character, and the Assist, and any DHCs.
Can parry be set as an assist move? Sorry for dumb question but I only have console so I don't fully understand what the input and timing is, so I wonder if we'd have to worry about parry based assist moves?
Well, I think Big Band gets it as a way of mitigating his size/speed, really. Though he's considerably faster than I thought he'd be in all honesty. The idea is probably that he gets Parry as a defensive option to balance out being big and slower, much like how Panzerfaust would/will some day specialize in super armor. Whether he's slow enough to need it in practice is another question; he's a lot more mobile than I thought he'd be and he feels more like Cerebella speed than Juggernaut.

But I assume Parry isn't the cure-all it was in 3rd Strike because Skullgirls is a much faster paced game and the burden on your reaction time is way higher. It takes a lot more to Parry the point character, and the Assist, and any DHCs.

I thought he was given it because of his size/speed before he came out as well, but now that I've used him, it feels like he's exactly like cerebella (like you said). I had no problems fighting filia or ms fortune with BB but I wasn't using parries, and now after watching some YT videos of users parrying whole supers, I'm getting sore again. Also, with the way people just copy paste the best assist options and assist combo's into their arsenal (nothing wrong with that!) I think skilled players would be able to easily find the timing to parry.

Is their any mix up options or delay tactics I could use to mess up the timing? or do I just eat the counter damage after they inevitably parry my moves? Before anyone calls me a scrub, let me make it clear that I am ASKING how to deal with it, not whining and asking for it to be abolished.
Can parry be set as an assist move? Sorry for dumb question but I only have console so I don't fully understand what the input and timing is, so I wonder if we'd have to worry about parry based assist moves?

I hope not! I don't think so either because how would the assist know how many times to parry? Maybe one hit?
Can parry be set as an assist move? Sorry for dumb question but I only have console so I don't fully understand what the input and timing is, so I wonder if we'd have to worry about parry based assist moves?
If this can happen, hmmmmmmm, interesting. But since you can hold forward all day when selecting a custom assist, it's pretty much not going to happen I think.
On parries.

1. He's the biggest character in the cast, so he has by far the largest hurtbox. This is a HUGE weakness.

2. He isn't that slow, but slower than most characters. Another weakness.

3. Parrying is a huge risk cause if you mess up, you get comboed likely to death.

4. Parrying is the signature calling card of Big Band, and should be restricted only to him due to his weaknesses.

5. If you throw out raw supers you deserve to be parried, weather it is double's annoying cars or whatever.
On parries.

1. He's the biggest character in the cast, so he has by far the largest hurtbox. This is a HUGE weakness.

2. He isn't that slow, but slower than most characters. Another weakness.

3. Parrying is a huge risk cause if you mess up, you get comboed likely to death.

4. Parrying is the signature calling card of Big Band, and should be restricted only to him due to his weaknesses.

5. If you throw out raw supers you deserve to be parried, weather it is double's annoying cars or whatever.

But what about parrying combos? Should I stop and jump back/dash/block?
I'm not home right now, so can anyone tell me if parries can cancel from normals or anything? I ask because of the Lonesome Lenny combos with peacock could potentially be parried that I don't want to spend hours on end trying if they don't work.
New taunt input is gdlk on stick since you can piano the buttons and do the whole thing in one quick motion, but I can see where the pad players are coming from with it being more difficult to pull off consistently. It's still way easier than Peacock's taunt on any controller and the risk of taunting accidentally is totally nullified, though, so if this ends up being the final version, it's got my vote.

Also are we just going to have a running theme of taunts being crazy Darkstalkers inputs?