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Corocoro came out with new info today. No Mega reveals, but we now know that practically every Legendary in existence is going to be available for capture in ORAS. Also some strange new character has been added into the story. Post-game perhaps? Maybe add a twist into the main game? I guess we shall see when the game drops in little over a week.



Of course the four Pokémon I need to complete the National Dex aren't part of "every legendary in existence." Fucking event Pokémon.
Is that like Mew, Celebi, etc. or the other event pokemon?
I'm missing Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, and Meloetta. Once I have them I will be the very best. Like no one ever was.
I never had Deoxys, and always wanted it. This will be fun.

And know your feel Ktulu. Now when I could get Diancie (and my ever first event pokémon) there were no codes in the store.
25 mile driving for nothing >.<
Flying with Mega-Rayquaza into space to kick some Deoxys-ass? Interesting.

This will probably replace the Emerald-Story, it will shift the priority of catching Rayquaza to end the fight between Groudon and Kyogre towards catching it to battle Deoxys. But I wonder, if they give Deoxys this much attention (it totally deserves that), is there a new form or Mega-Evolution for it too? This would've been the time to announce it, but maybe they keep it a secret. I mean there's still one meteorite too much in X&Y, this cant be just a mistake. Maybe they will make a “true form” for Deoxys, one that's balanced out like his normal one but more powerful?

It's a little sad they didn’t announce new Mega's, but I'm sure there will be more then the ones they announced by now in the retail version.
If they ever thought having a story based around the megastones. That meteorite would be the answer!
When's the last day for Diancie? I could go to the store and get a code for you on Sunday.
November 28.

I would forever be grateful to you if you did that for me (the codes arn't region locked right? This could be a test however)!
We'll find out on Sunday!

Maybe is a region locked but if the game is the same countrie from de code, not. Mine NA X accepted de code, even if I in Brazil :D

I dont know if a European one can use a NA code...
I hope Nintendo goes through with the talks of ending region locks for their games.
What do they earn on doing that anyway? If I had 1 dollar from every Mother fan that is pissed Mother 3 isn't officialy released outside Japan. I would probably have a small fortune.
Nintendo is starting to realize that.
Well, that Robot chicken E3 presentation from Nintendo do show that.
OMG I'm soo blind, and soo pissed. I got a bit hyped becous ORAS should be realesed next week.
Well guess what, Europe have to wait one more week (SMH)
OMG I'm soo blind, and soo pissed. I got a bit hyped becous ORAS should be realesed next week.
Well guess what, Europe have to wait one more week (SMH)

Eh... I hope I remember not to visit any Pokémon topic/site during this week.

Would anyone be interested in helping me evolve this random Feebas I got on Wonder Trade into a Milotic? If anyone could help me with this, that would be very nice of you.

Would anyone be interested in helping me evolve this random Feebas I got on Wonder Trade into a Milotic? If anyone could help me with this, that would be very nice of you.

Define "helping". Do you need the item, someone to train it for you or simply a trade?
Simply trade. I've got the item, and I can train it by myself. I just need it to evolve.
Then I can help you out. Send me your contact-thingys and we can start.
Alright, you're registered on my end. Here's mine:

Good I'm starting up now. Do you want Xerneas for the entry in the dex or do you have that one already?
I've got Y, so I don't have Xerneas. So yeah, Xerneas for the entry.

EDIT: Actually, I have to go. I'll be back. With a vengeance.

EDIT2: Or we could do it right now. :P
If we have done all this now and they won't give Milotic a Mega in AS/OR it's just unfair!
They gave Gyrados a Mega and Milotic is effectively the anti-Gyrados (probably); it wouldn't be unfair as much as it wouldn't make sense.
it's the anti-gyarados in that gyarados is simple and easy and milotic is terrible and painful if that's what you mean
I dunno, I have a friend with a Milotic that has one of those ailment orbs and it wrecks my shit a lot.
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Anyone here wanna help me evolve a Slowpoke into a Slowking?
They gave Gyrados a Mega and Milotic is effectively the anti-Gyrados (probably); it wouldn't be unfair as much as it wouldn't make sense.
People LIKE Gyarados, though. I can't be the only one with fond memories of this laughably useless Magikarp that turns into a badass dragon thing if you can bother getting him some experience. Milotic was a pain in the ass every step of the way. From just finding a damn Feebas, to getting him to evolve.
of all the pokemon that exist I can say that feebas is and will always be my absolute least favorite
I gotta say that Milotic is one of the best water types ever. They knew what to do with Milotic and made it happen. It's great.
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Still need that help?
My FC is: 2165-7100-1345

I think I have you on my 3DS already. 3DS Friend Codes thread and all that.

Since that's probably the case, here's my code: 3711-6991-0338
Yeah, how about that, I totally had you registered. xD
You are in now? Causs I live in different timeline and really should sleep soon.