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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

I know there aren't any balance changes to go through anymore. But the things I'm suggesting here aren't balance changes:

There are already buffers in the game to make linking certain normals easier, so can Beowulf get a buffer on his dash input like after executing lp chair and after combos such as launch>j.mk,j.hp (land) \ / dash jump normal or iad j.mp. The buffer windows for doing these things are small and easy to miss.

Also with Beowulf, idk if this is intended, so if it is then so be it:

I can't do iad j.lp (or any iad move really) then land and buffer another iad attack. It simply will not buffer. Like if I try to iad j.lp' iad j.lp with the fastest possible timing or anywhere near fastest possible timing I will get a st.lp not an iad attack.

If this is to keep Beowulf from being ridiculous like filia then ok. But if it's an oversight then I personally would love it to be fixed so I can get my filiawulf on :) (I don't think that counts as a balance change if it is unintentional, I can't think of any place else in the game where inputting a move at neutral will not give you said move that should be available)

It's like in the alpha series where they took out kens ability to cancel into his roll in A3.

Have a good day.
Also with Beowulf, idk if this is intended, so if it is then so be it:
Intended, doing a hop attack locks hop for 30f.
Buffers - too late, I have no idea what side effects there might be so I have to say no.
I guess last item were those crashes...still working on that but so far so good.

This has absolutely nothing to do with beta updates but moreso something noticed since this is for retail release. So GMG (greenmangaming) has "Held back by unnecessary sexualization blah blah..." Is that supposed to be a selling point or compliment or something?? http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/ca/en/pc/games/indie/skullgirls/

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I would like to try to get this taken care of but anything we do needs to be tested and we don't have much time for that. Also, what seems like a basic issue isn't always as easy to handle as it might sound. :P
There was this one time at my work where I had to get some text to right justify instead of left justify. It took the entire day to figure out
I'm not sure if this is a bug or problem for everyone (It's probably not, I've never seen anyone complain about it.) but since the inclusion of Voice Packs, my Ensembles and settings do not save at all. I have to turn other player voice packs on and re-save them any time I boot up the Endless Beta. Does anyone know anything about this?
This isn't a problem specifically with the beta but with both retail and beta.
So, my arcade sticks both work everywhere else in the game (can config buttons, play in match, navigate menus, etc) but none of the buttons are recognized in art gallery. I can move about the first page of art but can't select it or exit without using a keyboard. The arcade sticks I'm using are a Qanba Q4 RAF 3 in 1 and a HORI FS-3 wireless if that is of any use. My DS4 works fine on it though.

Edit: Nevermind me, tried it again and it worked this time >.<
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I'm not sure if this is a bug or problem for everyone (It's probably not, I've never seen anyone complain about it.) but since the inclusion of Voice Packs, my Ensembles and settings do not save at all. I have to turn other player voice packs on and re-save them any time I boot up the Endless Beta. Does anyone know anything about this?
Did you put this in the bugs section?
I guess last item were those crashes...still working on that but so far so good.

This has absolutely nothing to do with beta updates but moreso something noticed since this is for retail release. So GMG (greenmangaming) has "Held back by unnecessary sexualization blah blah..." Is that supposed to be a selling point or compliment or something?? http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/ca/en/pc/games/indie/skullgirls/

I have no idea what you're reading, but the page you linked doesn't say anything of the sort. I think they must have changed it since.
Guitalex, it is part of the PC gamer review on the page.
I just went there though, on my phone.

Maybe the mobile site doesn't show.

Edit: Oh wow, I could've sworn I didn't see that lol
Are you going to sell the final version of the ost on steam and any other platforms?
Are you going to sell the final version of the ost on steam and any other platforms?

Yes. I actually don't know if we'll release it on Steam, but think we should. This is also not the appropriate thread to be asking that.
This has absolutely nothing to do with beta updates but moreso something noticed since this is for retail release. So GMG (greenmangaming) has "Held back by unnecessary sexualization blah blah..." Is that supposed to be a selling point or compliment or something?? http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/ca/en/pc/games/indie/skullgirls/
I laughed pretty damn hard. I don't think there's anything we can do about the text they include, but wow.
Yeah Also a lot of the game has changed...there needs to be a FINAL retail/2nd encore review. It's good 2nd encore is finally coming out whether PC or not (hoping PC though...only system *sniffle*) because it warrants a 2nd look -- assuming they got the "omg girls" thing out their system.

I already have a script written up for review on what I do know, so I look forward to makin a relevant video as someone who actually plays fighting games and not just some boob noob reviewer.


Is it possible that any future changes will come after final retail? Like aside from the bug stuff. Not asking for miracles or drastic things but just curious will there be any major updates slated for the future...?
Honestly I don't think a review of PC 2nd encore will be terribly warranted if the new content doesn't come to PC because that's all reviewers will care about. Most reviewers won't understand undizzy or character balancing or any of the huge changes that the game has underwent since vanilla. To the casual observer the only difference between skullgirls now and skullgirls on release is "oh there's male characters now". If the 2nd encore content comes to PC then the game having stuff like trials and challenges will be something the gaming press will probably notice, but to someone who doesn't play fighting games not much about the game has changed.
@Pickles i see what you mean but you're missing the point a bit. The aim is to take a new look At the game from a finished perspective. Gameplay will be the exact same. Of course I REALLY want the other things and think 2nd encore is the perfect capstone, but you gotta understand many of these reviews are from like 2013...& prior. Their scores weren't too great (primarily because the cast) & now we've what...5 new characters? That's a pretty big deal.

Another thing is this review isn't for us, it's for newcomers to the game. They need a relevant (keyword here) look at the game to make an informed decision -- especially those who only remember the version they saw a few years ago & wrote off. Not just from gushing fans. It's more than enough to warrant a review. Either version. Trust me...reviews have hinged on much less in regards to actual tangible changes.

....or do you not want more players ;)

Well something like what khaosmuffins did where he went over all the gameplay stuff that's changed since vanilla and talked about a bunch of cool mechanics, something like that with someone making a video FOR the FGC, yeah I'm 100% for that. But when you said

It's good 2nd encore is finally coming out whether PC or not (hoping PC though...only system *sniffle*) because it warrants a 2nd look -- assuming they got the "omg girls" thing out their system.

since you mentioned the "omg girls" thing, that's not something that would turn off a real fighting game player, that's the thing that turned off the mainstream media. So I assumed you meant "pc gamer or another outlet should review skullgirls again" and I was saying that no one writing those reviews knows enough about fighting games for the review to be any different now than it was when SG came out. Sorry if that was confusing.
Yeah I think I unconsciously had the mainstream in mind. And yeah I did see that vid...lol Khaos muffins already knows my criticisms on it. But definitely something you could tell he put thought into

So in this video the sniper is waiting for Fortune to become vulnerable so it can shoot her but it ends up shooting Big Band instead.
just tested some replays from today and they sometimes still desync.
Same session, same person?
Two person lobby or multiple people?
Spectator or player? (important)
Bad connection? Any "Waiting for Opponent" during the fight?
Randomness important (Peacock) or not?
Same session, same person? yes
Two person lobby or multiple people? two person
Spectator or player? (important) player
Bad connection? Any "Waiting for Opponent" during the fight? green ping, good connection mostly
Randomness important (Peacock) or not? yes

I played a bunch of matches tonight against a peacock. two matches de-synched towards the end long after peacock was dead (fili/dubs vs fili/dubs) one right after a lv3 item drop was combo'd into and one de-synched, most oddly, because my combo in the replay triggered IPS when it did not in the game (and the opponent was pushing buttons). looking at my inputs shows me pressing my normal combo / reset route stuff after I've been bursted across the screen.

I am still checking these replays but the only one not de-synched so far had no argus or lv3* item drops. scratch that, have one with both that is fine

edit: okay I have one that de-synchs in the middle and resynchs towards the end? my second character was showing some obvious signs of desynch, but my third was very much not, and I remember the situations happenning, but the replay ends without my character dying somehow.
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Yes. I actually don't know if we'll release it on Steam, but think we should. This is also not the appropriate thread to be asking that.

Oh sorry. I didn't know where else to go to ask about future plans.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but like, if this isn't the thread for bug reports or questions about future plans, and if the game isn't getting any more gameplay updates, what should we be talking about in this thread?
Last patch notes said:
This is probably the last update for the Beta before Robo-Fortune's patch is made, so if there are any problems you'd better let me know now!
I think this thread is pretty much done...
Sorry if this is a dumb question but like, if this isn't the thread for bug reports or questions about future plans, and if the game isn't getting any more gameplay updates, what should we be talking about in this thread?

Seems to me like bug reports are highly relevant to the topic still. "Future plans" is pretty broad. Plans on what we're going to do for the PC beta fall under that category and are still relevant. Plans on what we're going to do about the OST or the DAC or the MLB or the NBA or the NCAA or the SPCA or the what-have-you are still "future plans" but irrelevant to the topic of this thread.
So is the big reveal about Lab Zero's involvement with the NHL?

Also I think things like replays bugs should belong in this thread since Mike asked for them here, as well as the Beta crashes involved with voice packs, but I don't think that one still happens.
This may be a stupid suggestion, but can select load the save state when you release the button instead of when you press it? This way you can delete the save state by holding down select without loading t.
I know you can do lk + hk + select but I always get lk or hk and it's kinda annoying.
OK, I tried this, and it has all kinds of attached problems which would require bigger changes, so I will not be doing it at this point. Sorry.
1 - If I make negative-edge load, then negative-edge should probably also save. This isn't too big a deal. But it does involve tracking more about the button since if you hold it down to erase it, I need to ensure that releasing it after the state erased itself will not save a new state.
2 - If I make negative-edge load, then I also HAVE to make negative-edge play back dummy recordings, because otherwise when set to Both you won't get the load and the recording at the same time. And this is definitely not easy in the current codebase.
3 - And finally, making all these things negative-edge makes them feel less responsive, which is not as big an issue as #2 there but is still an issue.
I dunno exactly why this happened but...
Cuz she did it when he was too high. No matter what I did to fix it that would always be possible.
Man so if the asssist and point are overlapping and a guy does parasoul sniper will this happen 100% of the time?\
Man so if the asssist and point are overlapping and a guy does parasoul sniper will this happen 100% of the time?
Yes, if the point is invincible and the assist is not. It shoots the first frame it overlaps something it can hit.
You did not need to repost the video. :^)