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STEAMY GOODNESS: talk about games on steam

To move this thread slightly off topic again, steam has added a report function to the beta. This, combined with devs being able to manage their own sales and the fact that Gabe's been saying he wanted it to happen for like the past 3 years or so, means steam is probably going to turn into an open market soon. No more steam greenlight, you just throw that shit on steam.
I hve Gary's mod, Portal and Portal 2 and I play TF2 or Dota a lot.
So no more Greenlight is either a good or a bad thing.
Because now even more shit can trickle onto the store.
But hey that's why we have the review system now
It's definitely a good thing that everyone (including valve) has wanted for a while now. If there's one thing we've learned from mobile games it's this shit works and it works really fucking well.
Honestly I'd even go as far as to say that microsoft and sony and nintendo should switch over too. Not that I have any hope in that happening, but hey, it would be nice.
Been playing Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, pretty fun. Not going to review or recommend it though till I get a little farther in. The combat is pretty damn solid aside from a few things (don't unlock Flash Kick, whatever you do, obnoxious input will ruin your pokes), and it has a nice balance between reflexes and spacing. The fact that it's arena based isn't really that big a deal, 'cause it doesn't play much differently than most 3d character action games...it just cuts out that 5 seconds of walking to and from each closed off arena, heh.

Also I've only logged 2 hours or so into it, but I'm pleasantly surprised by Steam Marines. Simple little squad based rogue like/turn based strategy hybrid. Fun so far, but I haven't made it deep yet (have yet to see any bosses which are supposed to be balls hard).
Been playing Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, pretty fun. Not going to review or recommend it though till I get a little farther in. The combat is pretty damn solid aside from a few things (don't unlock Flash Kick, whatever you do, obnoxious input will ruin your pokes), and it has a nice balance between reflexes and spacing. The fact that it's arena based isn't really that big a deal, 'cause it doesn't play much differently than most 3d character action games...it just cuts out that 5 seconds of walking to and from each closed off arena, heh.
tl;dr: It's Bloody Palace: The Game.
tl;dr: It's Bloody Palace: The Game.
Yeah, pretty much. It's still really impressive for a Doujin game.

Also Steam Marines: Managed to make it past the first boss on my first encounter with him. I really like how the maps feel like puzzles, with all the enemies who are only vulnerable on one side and whatnot. Feels really satisfying when you play out everything just right.
Is this the place where I post the deels?
Screw it I'm posting the deels here.
30+ games for $25 and all of it goes to Brandon Boyer's cancer treatment. You should buy it.
There are some pretty good games in there too, notably VVVVVV, Thomas Was Alone, World of Goo, Sword and Sworcery EP, Waking Mars, Stacking and... am I allowed to say I like Proteus? Is this the sort of forum where I'll get stoned to death for that?
Anyone else who plays Kerbal Space Program here? For only being in Alpha, it's certainly a really, really good game. there's certainly a whole universe of possibilities of what'll happen in the future.

If only CS:GO didn't take so much of my free time...
ive been playing one finger death punch a lot along with gunpoint. both really unique games, you should check it out when you get the chance
I previously bought Vanguard Princess. I love to use Lilith since I am sucker for Pro Wrestling moves. The final boss is such an SNK boss. I also bought Bioshock Infinite when it was 75% off.
Just thought I'll share this game with all ya just cause I bought it out of curiosity and I found it fun for the little I played it.
hey guys while me may not be able to buy Titanfall on steam. . .we caaan by the documentary on it, thanks Origin
Anyone else addicted to Starbound? I'm only on my first planet, but I still feel like I've only touched a part of it
Y'all should get on dat Sanic Racin'.

What ever happened to that BlockFight game thing?
Transistor, made by Bastion's devs, will be playable on May 20. Got hype and already pre-ordered it. I hope I'm not mistaken.
Transistor, made by Bastion's devs, will be playable on May 20. Got hype and already pre-ordered it. I hope I'm not mistaken.
I'm hype for it, and I would have preordered if there was even a sliver of a reason to. Usually there's a tiny discount to help you rationalize buying it before it can be played, but apparently supergiant games opted not to.
Probably going to buy it right on release though, been following it since it was announced and I'm hyped as fuck. Bastion is probably one of my favorite games of all time so I'm pretty excited.
I'm hype for it, and I would have preordered if there was even a sliver of a reason to. Usually there's a tiny discount to help you rationalize buying it before it can be played, but apparently supergiant games opted not to.
Yeah, and they explained why. Basically they open a pre-order right before release, and only because many of fans asked for it, not to attract people with any usual pre-order tricks. So it's just an option.
I dunno if this would go in this thread or the steam match making thread, but I would like to note that making your steam profile friends only is extremely annoying in a game like this. If I want to arrange to play a match with you, I can't do so without adding you (and maybe I have a billion people already), and if I do add you I can't fucking send you a message on Steam identifying who I am or asking you if you wanted to play before adding you.

Not a big deal for the forums, but encountering someone in a quick match and wanting to meet up with them again and not being able to request some more matches without sending a friend invite is really silly.

Just wanted to throw this out there since it's been bugging me for several months, and I have no idea why such a huge number of people do this. I mean, it's not like you're some Youtube celebrity and will be receiving spam every hour of every day or something.
Just wanted to throw this out there since it's been bugging me for several months, and I have no idea why such a huge number of people do this. I mean, it's not like you're some Youtube celebrity and will be receiving spam every hour of every day or something.
I get about 2-3 random friend requests a day if I turn it off. :/
I think it's mostly from being in a couple of big groups.
I get about 2-3 random friend requests a day if I turn it off. :/
I think it's mostly from being in a couple of big groups.

That might explain it. I generally avoid groups like that so I don't see that as much. I get one or two random friend invites every week or so, but it's not a big deal for me otherwise.
Lucky. I'm usually the guy who sends them.

So Outlast is on sale.
Oh one more thing I wanted to point out:

I've met a number of people out there who like to use illegal pirating to "try before they buy". From how this has worked out for them, I'd like to advise anyone who uses this practice to stop immediately.

Why? Because from what I've seen, pirated Steam games are often incredibly buggy and will give you the wrong impression of the game. I'm talking things like input delay, severe lag, fps issues, bugged hitboxes, bugged controls, etc. that would not be present in an official copy of the game. I sincerely suggest that anyone who practices this takes care not to potentially come under a false impression about certain games that are completely excellent, just because they picked up a shitty bootleg copy and didn't realize it wasn't working right.
Oh one more thing I wanted to point out:

I've met a number of people out there who like to use illegal pirating to "try before they buy". From how this has worked out for them, I'd like to advise anyone who uses this practice to stop immediately.

Why? Because from what I've seen, pirated Steam games are often incredibly buggy and will give you the wrong impression of the game. I'm talking things like input delay, severe lag, fps issues, bugged hitboxes, bugged controls, etc. that would not be present in an official copy of the game. I sincerely suggest that anyone who practices this takes care not to potentially come under a false impression about certain games that are completely excellent, just because they picked up a shitty bootleg copy and didn't realize it wasn't working right.
Haha, for some games it may be and opposite. Like Sims and some other EA games, that much harder to install and make it work if they *legal*. My brother have an all DLCs, but still prefer to play pirated "all in one" with some mods used to increase stability. Did you try to play licensed Bioshok 2 on win8? Now there is an instruction, how to make it work, but before only repacked version was stable enough. The same problem was with Disciples 2. So sometimes you can get better expirience (with old games) than with *legal* one.
But for new games I think is better to get licensed copy :)
Haha, for some games it may be and opposite. Like Sims and some other EA games, that much harder to install and make it work if they *legal*. My brother have an all DLCs, but still prefer to play pirated "all in one" with some mods used to increase stability. Did you try to play licensed Bioshok 2 on win8? Now there is an instruction, how to make it work, but before only repacked version was stable enough. The same problem was with Disciples 2. So sometimes you can get better expirience (with old games) than with *legal* one.
But for new games I think is better to get licensed copy :)

Yeah. I understand some people have technical difficulties for games they payed for, and pirating is a legitimate way around that. I'm more just warning about the "try before you buy" attitude since people who do that (in my experience) seem to often pick up extremely borked copies of the game off the internet and don't even realize that what they are playing is vastly inferior to the real producet.
You just got a bad Crack for the game... I I've the Corsair method for years and it works
Apparently Jet Set Radio is on sale in the US for $2.50, though in my region it's $3.24. It think it works out to 50% off either way, though.
All three Bioshock games on sale, in one bundle. Blade Symphony is also on sale.
Back on transistor... I'm convinced that supergiant games makes things specifically because they think I would like them.
Back on transistor... I'm convinced that supergiant games makes things specifically because they think I would like them.
I started playing this too. It's pretty cool! I'm not really a fan of how dying works but the aesthetics are top notch. Supergiant definitely has made a trademark style for themselves.
I started playing this too. It's pretty cool! I'm not really a fan of how dying works but the aesthetics are top notch. Supergiant definitely has made a trademark style for themselves.
At first I thought dying was terrible, but half way through I realized it was brilliant.
Why? Because it forces you to use different load-outs. It takes 2 access points to get your powers back so the best option is always to whip up something new. It's the way that I figured out that cull is the best thing ever, and pretty much the only time I ever played without summoning dogs and making them do everything for me.
At first I thought dying was terrible, but half way through I realized it was brilliant.
Why? Because it forces you to use different load-outs. It takes 2 access points to get your powers back so the best option is always to whip up something new. It's the way that I figured out that cull is the best thing ever, and pretty much the only time I ever played without summoning dogs and making them do everything for me.
Ah, good point! I was getting comfy with my setup and had never looked at it that way. It's not the losing-power thing that I disliked, I would have just liked it to start you over at the beginning of the battle. As of right now the game feels really easy, but I've only played about 90 minutes.
SSF4 AE is on sale again and now has steam matchmaking
