ok so this story was back from the open beta, but the game was so good, especially for a pub match that i really want to mention it, plus it might even be a good pointer for the Hollywood map (though i see most defendingcomps going straight to the archway)
So the set up was Mercy (me), 76, Torb, Symmetra, Junko, and someone else i forgot. Symmetra was doing her usual thing setting up turrets near the point while Torb was setting a turret up at this point, near the sign to be specific.
76 decided to stick around him to protect the turret, and naturally i followed suit. plenty of cover out of LOS from the enemy spawn. Junko and i THINK the 6th person made their way into the buildings to spawn camp...
They never stood a chance. I literally never saw an enemy. I know it's pubs, but... the positioning was just perfect. I could literally fly to anyone who needed healing (usually Junko or Symmetra. 76 had healing covered for himself/torb) or damage (for extra suppression)
The only issue this set up had was poor Symmetra defending the car all by her lonesome, but she held her own pretty well, and i was able to fly to her when i heard the "intruder alert" stuff.
I've had dreams of recreating this kind of game, but i'd like to know what other kind of weaknesses this set up would have. if the junko was good enough, he could camp at the balcony by himself while tthe 6th person could defend the point with Symmetra. McCree perhaps? or maybe a Rein to protect the Junko or 76/Torb team from snipers.