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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I will back the Mii Brawler group in this matter. I can really say that Mii Brawler kicks some serious ass. The shot put is great for hitting those buggers who like appraoching the ledge from below. Dair is awesome if you hit with it. All the throws are just gorgeous and half of them follow up. Mobility is great, low landing lag on aerials, power, knockback, everything. Everything minus range. It really has to get up in your face to be good, but if you can do that well, Mii Brawler is beast.

And this is coming from someone who REALLY disliked the inclusion of Miis...
Shi Gaming recently released a new tier list that we can all bitch at.

I don't approve of Jigg's being so low there.
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Miis are bad because they are Miis.
I agree, yet, Mii brawler is not bad in the slightest. I'm a little disappointed in the available costumes for mii brawlers though...
But why doesn't the mecha suit for Brawler change color with the Mii clothes

It's always a really ugly yellow
What was that? Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of D-Throw -> Up-b killing at 80%, please call again later.
I can't hear you over the sound of my resting.
GG scrubs, enjoy your peasant controllers!
You should of preordered! HA!
Rellek did, though. If anything he should've gone back and complained until they compensated for their mistakes.
I'm fine with that, there's Gamecube like controllers that connect to your Wiimote and those probably work with more games anyway.
Rellek did, though. If anything he should've gone back and complained until they compensated for their mistakes.

Well then, maybe he should of preordered better.

In all seriousness, that really does suck for Rellek.
I hear the Pro Controller is okay, dude. Hang in there.

LOL. What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo?
I'm not buying it until I see something from Nintendo. These rumors have been circulating since release, and the only time I've seen a nintendo official say anything about them it's been "no that's dumb."
And it's kind of the amiibos that give that away to me. They've practically confirmed there's going to be a new animal crossing in 2015/16 and SMT vrs Fire Emblem is still a thing that's eventually coming out. Discontinuing those figures would be insanely stupid.
I'm fine with that, there's Gamecube like controllers that connect to your Wiimote and those probably work with more games anyway.

Those are not wired and 3rd party.

I'm not buying it until I see something from Nintendo. These rumors have been circulating since release, and the only time I've seen a nintendo official say anything about them it's been "no that's dumb."
And it's kind of the amiibos that give that away to me. They've practically confirmed there's going to be a new animal crossing in 2015/16 and SMT vrs Fire Emblem is still a thing that's eventually coming out. Discontinuing those figures would be insanely stupid.

This is coming from a canadian games store which said when they went to order more Marth/WFT/Villager amiibos, they were denied.

Our best hope is that this is a canada only thing (sorry canada), or that Nintendo stopped production after the first wave and didn't realize the huge demand for GC adaptors/amiibos, so they're currently making a 2nd wave. I mean, purposely cutting off supply before Christmas? That's just insanity, so much so that I have trouble believing this was intentional.
Speaking of demand for Amiibos, does anyone know how well Amiibos are selling thus far? I am rather curious.


This source claims they've made $1 billion off of amiibo sales already. However that seems near impossible considering they would have to have produced close to 100 million amiibos already, so it may mean 1 billion yen rather than USD. Still though, 1b yen is around 100m USD, which is still pretty amazing.

Edit: misread, it claims they are projected to sell $1b worth (likely in yen) in Q4.

Edit2: Wait no, $1b yen is around 10m USD...but that seems a little low, so idk what is up with this projection. Maybe they just added an extra zero by accident?
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This is coming from a canadian games store which said when they went to order more Marth/WFT/Villager amiibos, they were denied.

Our best hope is that this is a canada only thing (sorry canada), or that Nintendo stopped production after the first wave and didn't realize the huge demand for GC adaptors/amiibos, so they're currently making a 2nd wave. I mean, purposely cutting off supply before Christmas? That's just insanity, so much so that I have trouble believing this was intentional.
Waiting for something official is better than freaking out before it's confirmed. This isn't a big retailer so it's not all that trustworthy, and since kindling these rumors will likely bump the price of second hand adapters up on amazon and ebay they could be doing this for personal gain. Nintendo, on the other hand, has no motive whatsoever for this; there's clearly demand for these products and not supplying that is just throwing money out the window.
There's also apparently some guy on r/smashbros saying that his best buy restocked them (canadian best buy) so yeah, I wouldn't freak out just yet.
I'm fine with that, there's Gamecube like controllers that connect to your Wiimote and those probably work with more games anyway.
there is an unoffical wiimote adapter thing that was made bofore for gamecubes before nintendo announced there's and it is super wonky and doens't work that great.
AKA: don't be a dick about other people's religions.

coming from a southern baptist, who can respect other people's religions.