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The Wulf Den

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I've got my hopes on Ninja. He's great
oh my...


well now... now i have two reasons to win this tourny. gonna impress you lass.
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Dude. No. It's Rebel Up tomorrow (Saturday). And it's at Super Arcade, not UGC.
So will there be any updates this week?
Given Saturday obligations, too early for me to be available more likely than not.
Gah, will moving it to 5:00 PM be good enough for you or should I leave it as is?
Oh, It's honestly hard to figure out where you guys are doing stuff lol I assume it was all at one location.
It. Switches. Every. Other. Week. For like, five months now? :^P

I discovered what seems to be an unfinished move for beowulf that wasn't mentioned in the patch notes:
OOPS. Welp. I guess I'd better finish that before the other thing I was doing. :^P


It. Switches. Every. Other. Week. For like, five months now? :^P

Unfortunately, I'm one of those jerks that only watches for the updates and usually has to be in bed for work so I'm not a zombie. Sorry, guess I completely missed the memo.

Also :^P
Does anyone know who on the side banners? Its a little hard to tell
Gah, will moving it to 5:00 PM be good enough for you or should I leave it as is?
I didn't notice the tournament was moved from Saturday to Sunday so my previous post is irrelevant.

Talked with Zen, but to inform everyone else:
I host Skullbats EU on Sundays, which start at 2 pm EST and usually last till about 3:30 pm EST. So, 4 pm EST (or later if needed) is a good starting time for me.
I'll be the one managing the bracket for the Beowulf tournament in challonge. If I'll have to leave before the tourney ends, Zen will take over that duty.
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I noticed only now that they changed the sweater's colour to dark grey. Daww
Does anyone know who on the side banners? Its a little hard to tell

From far left to far right they are:
One on the far left that I don't know (can someone in the Beta check that), Beatrix, Hubrecht, Minette, Umbrella, Roxie, Annie, Ottomo, Scythana, Stanley.
Why did they have to ruin it and put Annie there?
Why did they have to ruin it and put Minette there?
I noticed only now that they changed the sweater's colour to dark grey. Daww
I do kind of wish he stood a bit more upright in his idle, so his body isn't cast in shadow. But isn't his shirt still kinda beige/cream when he walks backwards?
Ah right, I don't have beta access so was just trying to remember from streams. Yeah, i'd agree beige was better. I also think it helped make the diamond pattern on his chest more visible in his default pallette. But plenty of his design has changed since his indiegogo reveal, I miss his tiny skinny pathetic calf muscles the most lmao RIP.
YO I'M BACK BABIES~! I HAD THE WIND TO MY BACK AND I GOT HOME EARLY- ish... what ever time to play some BeoWulf.
So he has Talbain's hop normals and Beast Cannon? Holy moly Beo is basically the Marvel 3 Jon Talbain I always wanted
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This might be better than the command dash I wanted.
Someone make a GIF of it and put it in the Retirement Thread.
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Like... I'm upset he can't do anything after the special, because I know how broken it is. Imagine you're Beowulf full screen against a peacock. She throws out a George car and plane. You beo-st cannon diagonally up to avoid the car, forward to avoid the plane, and back up again. Now you're flying across the full screen, recovered, and you come down on the scared little cock with a chair a.HP.

*sigh* only in my dreams...

Now, I really can't wait for Beo. In my very short time playing the PlayStation version of VSav, I really liked playing Talbain. Beo's shaping up to be a really good character with that move alone.
Oh right, Rebel Up was today.
Slightly ashamed to say I completely forgot.

Though Mike said that the Beast Cannon was the last special, yeah? So it's just that and the grab mode?
Though Mike said that the Beast Cannon was the last special, yeah?
So it's just that and the grab mode?
I was really surprised when he said that, but there are still more finishers and extra stuff to go with the Beast Cannon. Also we haven't seen anything yet about the Hype Mechanic. There's still plenty we haven't seen.
Yeah we still need the hype mechanic, his grab will have more mashable buttons and finishers (both air and ground), and his beast cannon is not done. It should only do 2 hits and then a third thing Mike has not had the time to complete since beast cannon was put in accidentally, so he made it work last minute. Beowulf should also have AT LEAST one more super, I'm expecting at least 2; probably one from grab mode and another normal one (either being a level 3 or more).
Aw, I was kinda hoping for a command grab or something.
Eh. Grab mode turns every grab into a command grab.
Huh? Grab mode is done off hit grabs and his normal grab. How does that in any way function like a command grab?

EDIT: Can't wait to see what can be done off of grab mode, I suspect a lot of the things he can do with his chair come from that.
I personaly think Beo right now is like crazy amounts of fun. adding a command grab would be just icing on the cake in my eyes. the Wulf Charge is gonna be amazing and is going to give Beo some crazy looking combos. it also looks like a reliable DP-ish assist (i can safely say that it's not going to have any invu. frame, right?), cause I'm guessing you're going to make it have Beo go diagonal upwards, aye? what ever I'm just having fun with him.
Wulf Charge

looks like a reliable DP-ish assist (i can safely say that it's not going to have any invu. frame, right?), cause I'm guessing you're going to make it have Beo go diagonal upwards, aye?
There are 3 strengths, one is diagonal upwards...and having zero invin makes it a pretty poor DP-ish assist, doesn't it?
How sure are you there isn't one?
Command grab super confirmed.
because nobody techs grabs in Skull Girls. that's why.

But teching grabs is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.
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