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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

Here is the touched up version. There's still obvious flaws, but the fixes I made were all I could do.
I want to make my own! :3


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OHMYGOD YOU DID THE THING. It's beautiful... QvQ
It's my first pallete ever. :3
Palettes I'd love to see:

Birdie from Street Fighter Alpha
Knuckles the Echidna
Machamp from Pokémon


Afro Samurai
Invader Zim, both in real form (Samson) and Human Disguise (Filia
Filia and Fukua! (Even though the Fukua palette I made isn't a clone character reference)

I colored the hair again for my last palette of Filia. To even out the hair color.
And I gave Fukua a Lucario Palette (From Pokemon), her projectiles = Balls of Aura
I tried doing my very first palette again, I think it came out rather well.

The first time I didn't really understand colors and how they worked.
But now that I have had experience, I think I can do much better.
(Both of these are original palettes btw)
Requesting Scarlet Spider/Ben Reilly palette for Fukua. He's a Spider-Man/Peter Parker clone

Any requests on something parasoul/filia related?
Princess Tiana for Parasooooooul.

Something like this...? (Should I have made the face Black...?)

I applaud your efforts, should've been more specific but the hair and the clothing is correct besides where the bust is at. Skin color besides face is fine (ought to be the same as legs and hands) Black cornea and white pupils. Shoes could be grey
I applaud your efforts, should've been more specific but the hair and the clothing is correct besides where the bust is at. Skin color besides face is fine (ought to be the same as legs and hands) Black cornea and white pupils. Shoes could be grey

Is this to your liking?
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>That moment when you see a person suggest the same palette over and over on multiple boards< You must REEEEALLY want a Tiana Parasoul xD But I'm glad someone is making it finally :3
I sure did (I'm embarrassed...) I'd do it myself but I suck at this.
Whens Annie? My new Annie Palettes are coming 5-5-14. ANNIE hype train? cuz im already aboard:PUN::PUN::PUN:
This pleases me, thank you.
I suggest crediting the original artist who drew that Annie
Sorry for the double post but i just noticed the link

that was a reblogg of my post, so i am thee original palette creator
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