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Mario Kart 8

One of my videos from Mario Kart TV:

*Edit (Possibly some more later)
Favorite Courses: Mount Wario, Dolphin Shoals
Favorite Cup: Star Cup
Least Favorite Cup: N/A
Favorite Character: Toad
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Favorite courses: N64 Rainbow Road and Cloudtop Cruise
Favorite cup: Leaf Cup
Favorite character: Baby Rosalina and Rosalina.

I had a realization that Baby Rosalina is much like Annie.
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It's not TOO large a boost, it's nowhere near as ridiculous as Snaking or that Maka Wuhu glitch.
what are people s strats for kart selection?

i usually always piuck a light character, and then max out accel and handling as much as i can. you get super tight turns and your corner boosts go longer with the higher accel.
I always seem to find myself using Mach 8 and Roller wheels, along with an acceleration-boosting glider.
Rosalina, Mach 8, Slick, light glider. Sport Bike depending on the course.
I've been using Roy, the Flame Rider bike, King Crimson tires, and the Wario face glider. I chose it mainly for looks, but that's the setup I used to beat all of the staff ghosts :V

Which seemed much easier in this game than in previous titles, anybody else feel that way?
god tier waifu rosalina
any kart without shit handling/the orange bike that kind of looks like a plane
slick wheels and whatever glider I feel like.
I've been finding myself very gravitated towards Lemmy (they made him so cute in this one jesus christ)
no real preference in vehicle choice (though he looks best in the landship)

Edit: also? not a big fan of the kart customization
doesn't really feel all that special unless i do really stupid looking combinations
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Pipe Frame, Standard tires/ Cyber slick, super glider all day erry day.
Toad, Luigi, sometimes Daisy. Rosalina if I'm feeling fancy.
Yeah I don't really like kart customization that much.
Kind of just makes it more difficult to make decisions compared to MKWii where you just inta lock mach bike/flame runner
Though I suppose objectively it is a better system.
i just mean more like
aesthetically less impressive
the optimal combination might be ugly as fuck
yeah, I find myself avoiding combos that seem optimal because I don't like how it looks.
I don't give a fuck if the wiggler kart is good or not, no way in hell is that happening.
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Favorite courses: N64 Rainbow Road and Cloudtop Cruise
Favorite cup: Leaf Cup
Favorite character: Baby Rosalina and Rosalina.

I had a realization that Baby Rosalina is much like Annie.
Have I ever told you that I love you?

I typically use Pipe Frame, Slick tires and Peach Parasol With either Rosalina or Baby Rosalina.
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I found this by TheBourgyMan :
Another reason to think Luigi is awesome.
So my first upload with the MKTV thing. Tons of fun had online, but this ending was worthy of posting. Keep in mind that they had a Green Shell trailing behind them so a direct hit wasn't gonna happen. Also, Iggy is growing on me. That colour combo is perfect.

so i keep hearing how not good Rainbow Road 8 is compared to N64, and I think I feel the opposite?
I really like the tight, demanding turns that Rainbow Road 8 has, whereas N64 is just kinda
not much to me, it's still a very long-winded and uneventful track like it was 64 just with the added bonus that you don't need to go through thrice before it finishes
For anyone who cares, I got a room open and we should totally race. You should also let me know your preference for rules.

But I feel you there, Ruin. It's more interesting and engaging than the N64 version. However, I despise it as a course. Like, it's one step behind Donut Plains 3 and Dry Dry Desert as my least fav tracks to race on. N64 one is bearable at least.
Well, getting 3 stars in every cup in every difficulty amounted to nothing aside bragging rights. Kind of a disappointment considering all that effort against beyond broken AI honestly, but eh, can't complain.

Also, I'm convinced that we'll get DLC Cups. The cup selection screen is big enough to accommodate four more cups, so...
The AI is a little bit broken yeah? I've noticed some serious rubberbanding happening, especially during vs races on teams. That damn 2nd place person always keeps coming back and they aren't even on my team. Daisy is supposedly faster than Morton because she flies by him every time.
Hasn't AI in Mario Kart always been ridiculously rubberbanded?
I'm pretty sad I don't get stars next to my name anymore :(
Hasn't AI in Mario Kart always been ridiculously rubberbanded?
It hasn't been as horrible as 64 since, well, 64. It was obnoxious. I'd say it's really toned down in 8 for sure. I've been able to get blue shelled twice and still have a lead in front of computer players. MKWii was pretty bad and DS was nearly non-existent. That's as close as it's gotten to "untampered cpu ability".
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About to break 3,000 VP. There's so many Rosalinas on bikes it's ridiculous. I think people paid 60$ for just 'dat butt.
About to break 3,000 VP. There's so many Rosalinas on bikes it's ridiculous. I think people paid 60$ for just 'dat butt.
There were people who didn't?
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'Skullbuddies.' That's fookin' adorable. Yes, this needs to happen now.
That's a rather large clan tag tho... something tells me [Skullbuddies]Rellek wouldn't exactly fit into the name box.

Perhaps just [SH] or Skull[Insert name here]