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Show Your Fightstick

Playing on this right now.
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Did you construct the housing yourself?
What is it made out of?
Yeah, I made it myself, because that way I could adjust the button/key placement to get the most comfortable layout. I can't remember exactly what the material is, but I think it's some sort of Acrylic. Getting the 6 sides cut from a plastics supply place only cost about $20.

Also the keys are Cherry MX Reds and the rest of the buttons/PCB were pulled from a HORI FS3.
Playing on this right now.

Heh, nice. I've got the PS3 version. Might have to replace the parts soon, though. The balltop unscrews itself slightly sometimes.
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Wish I could actually afford a good fight stick. XD

I had one of those Mayflash arcade sticks for a while just to get used to using a stick but the hardware inside it is terrible. The only thing it's worth is the casing but I still didn't have the supplies to mod it with Sanwa buttons and a proper stick. I'm sure it'd be infinitely more comfortable to use a stick if it was much more responsive and wasn't made of cheapo parts. So I had to go back to using my game pad for now.
Ugh yeah, a long time ago when I wanted to buy a stick I did a bit of research on the Mayflash and ultimately decided against it. It looks like a newbie trap, but luckily it seems that a lot of people have modded it and put up tutorials. A friend and I picked up Mad Catz SF4 SEs on sale instead; mine got stolen shortly afterwards and I didn't get a chance to buy another stick until fairly recently. I'm using a Hori Fighting Stick V3. If I want to replace the parts I'm going to have to buy soldering equipment.
Ugh yeah, a long time ago when I wanted to buy a stick I did a bit of research on the Mayflash and ultimately decided against it. It looks like a newbie trap, but luckily it seems that a lot of people have modded it and put up tutorials. A friend and I picked up Mad Catz SF4 SEs on sale instead; mine got stolen shortly afterwards and I didn't get a chance to buy another stick until fairly recently. I'm using a Hori Fighting Stick V3. If I want to replace the parts I'm going to have to buy soldering equipment.

Well I wouldn't really call it a trap, it's good for getting comfortable with a stick or trying a stick without investing a ton of money into one. Not to say you couldn't invest more into one when starting off if you want to, that's kind of a personal choice thing but when you're going to be learning how to use a new controller for the first time and wanting to see if you'll even be able to get comfortable using it, I wouldn't want to invest close to a hundred dollars or more in a high quality stick when I might not use it for long.
This was my first stick, made it myself. It's dead inside now but still lives in my heart.
It had a bunch of crappy parts and lasted for about 3 years.

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Those button holes seem like they're uncomfortably far apart. Unless you have freakishly large hands, in which case you should skip fighting games and just actually fight people.

Poverty decal which i'm too lazy to change since i haven't found a place that can print anything that looks decent.

Pink buttons because that's manly.
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Those button holes seem like they're uncomfortably far apart. Unless you have freakishly large hands, in which case you should skip fighting games and just actually fight people.
I do have freakishly large hands, but my arms make pasta look like they're made of steel, so I've settled on rekking in vidja gaems.
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I guess I will post my stick! I took one of those horrible Mayflash arcade sticks and took the casing. The pcb was garbage so I used a ps1 controller instead. It has Sanwa stick, buttons and a Seimitsu ball top for added goodness. This was my first attempt making one of these but my next one will be much better.
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where can I obtain a good skullgirls fightstick?
The only way is to buy an ordinary one and have custom art made for it (or make it yourself, of course). There aren't any official SG sticks that you can buy.
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how in the hell do you make one!

IId rather just go with option 1
Get a picture you want or get one made, then get someone to print it out for you. The way you apply the art depends on the stick that you have.
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It took forever to put together, but I couple weeks ago I finished building this sweet stick.


I went pretty overboard on the features, ps360, jlf link, all that jazz. Case is foehammer, I just put it together. I had a hard time choosing between this art or using something from bible black
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Here's mine with a photoshop picture I did, transparent buttons and a bat top.


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It´s just a stock one, no modding done to it or anything as I see no need to do so and I´ve only gotten it a few months ago so I don´t wanna mess with it. I love it to bits though, it´s very comfortable to play on.
Clocking in with a weight reduction of 22%, a button quantity increase of 18%, and a style increase of over 9000%, introducing the PikStick Mk II (codename Shoebox).

Due to a small wiring fiasco and the fact that EVO is a frikkin week away, the wiring was a bit of a rush job, and the buttons aren't wired quite as they are labeled. RT and RB are wired to the LC and RC buttons, and the RT/RB buttons are dead buttons. When I'm not under such a nuts time constraint I'll wire it proper.

And for those worried about bringing my previous stick to EVO, have no fear. I'll be bringing both this and Mk I (codename Cinderblock) when I go, so everyone can bask in its deformity.
Clocking in with a weight reduction of 22%, a button quantity increase of 18%, and a style increase of over 9000%, introducing the PikStick Mk II (codename Shoebox).

Due to a small wiring fiasco and the fact that EVO is a frikkin week away, the wiring was a bit of a rush job, and the buttons aren't wired quite as they are labeled. RT and RB are wired to the LC and RC buttons, and the RT/RB buttons are dead buttons. When I'm not under such a nuts time constraint I'll wire it proper.

And for those worried about bringing my previous stick to EVO, have no fear. I'll be bringing both this and Mk I (codename Cinderblock) when I go, so everyone can bask in its deformity.

Looks like a giant lego brick:PUN:
I hate all of you creatively awesome people and your brilliant sticks.

This is why:

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They look really cool. I'm surprised nobody's made one with the Big Band's piston buttons lining up with the stick's buttons, though.
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Reactions: Wenzel
Made it last year, I plan to put together another one once Elizas frames are in the compendium
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