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[Sep 19, 2014] GUTS 3 (Ledyard, Connecticut)

Weird, I thought Smash players hated brawl. Why not just play Project M if you want the Brawl prettiness?

Couldn't they just replace the Brawl setups with, I dunno, a free play area? Or maybe some free weights?

askin to get shot I see
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I just wanna say... Happy Birthday Shade! o/

Also much love for Lethal, next time don't let sage scrub you out man! o_O"
I didn't play Lethal once this tournament looool
Shoutouts to Warped for treating me like a piñata in our set but fucking up.
Shoutouts to losing to sonic 4 times this tournament. I think I would have won Uniel if I beat you LOL
<3 Everyone/10. Happy birthday shade!!!!
Weird, I could've sworn he told me you'd sent him to losers. I must've misheard it.
Still a warning for future endeavors, Lethal should only lose to the Chris Jitters!
Weird, I could've sworn he told me you'd sent him to losers. I must've misheard it.
Still a warning for future endeavors, Lethal should only lose to the Chris Jitters!

Nah that was McPeanuts.

Zid finished the job in losers.
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Thanks to everyone who came to the event, I hope everyone had a good time. I love gettin to spend the weekend with my Skullfamily. Shoutouts to shoutouts:
@SonicFox5000 congrats on winning Skullgirls and a ton of other games. I am honored to be counted as one of your mans. I'm gonna try to get back into DOA if I can get some people at GU to play it.

@dekillsage a pleasure as always, GGs (in both games) and I will see you again this Saturday

@ShadeMoneh always great to hang out with you, hope you had a happy birthday

@WarpedEcho gratz on making top 8. You really almost had it there against Sage, huge props on your improvement at the game

@Zidiane GGs as always, I think it's super cool that even in a tournament of this size we still end up meeting late in the tournament. Can't tell you how much I'm gonna miss you after you move, hope you can at least make it out to some more majors somehow.

@DaydreamingSorc shout outs to you for pointing out that Alex is tsundere for the Skullgirls community, it's so obvious now that you've said it. "I-it's not even like I wanted to hang out with you guys all weekend, I was just looking for Under Night casuals, b-baka..."

@Lethalmind GGs I always get hella STRESSED when we fight. I only know how to do the Peacock stuff, I don't actually know how to beat it, lol. Seeya next week

@Deer @theDMAGS hope you guys had a good time at your first major. You were both really close to making top 8 and you ain't even really played this game all that long. Keep it up!

@thedoctor2112 @Natezer hell yea bitch dis go hard as hell flocka i will suck big dick team slut all day and week month year and century i love big naps D I C K S Q U A D

@Datagram thanks for filling in on commentary on short notice, hope you had a fun time at the event!

@LordCeno sorry your side of the bracket was such bullshit! Tell Chris I said thanks for helping me with the brackets.

@Dolfinh shout outs to mishearing everything I said all weekend, thanks for commentating, it's always great hanging out with you and I wish we could hang out more often. You're honorary east coast in my book. Dunno if the next one will be NEC or SCR but I hope to see you and your boys at whatever the next tournament is.
I want to do shoutouts, but I really wasn't there all that long. Barely got to play with anyone outside of tournament, and didn't get any real chance to hang out with anyone. I'm still upset I missed the rest of that day. There were birthday parties, and Alex "Whackbot" Dosouto (who's full name I had never heard before Facebook) hanging out, and some apparently epic event at Fudruckers involving Nate being a badass, and all sorts of other shit that sounded hella fun. Well... hopefully all you guys show at NEC. Wanna actually enjoy myself outside the tournament this time.
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Tournament was fun lol. Id shoutout but i always talk to you guys on skype lol and im not too good at remembering all the mans usernames. Just know I <3 you all~!
P.s @mcpeanuts u fukboi better pick up doa >:C
Wow, I'm not a fukboi

e: Top 8 has been uploaded to Youtube, hope Skullheart doesn't fuck up this link so good:

e2: it fucked up the link so good, whatever, I don't feel like figuring out how to trick it into posting the video as a playlist right now. Instead I will give you Murph's Youtube page so you can figure it out yourself: https://www.youtube.com/user/GameUndergroundStore
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e2: it fucked up the link so good, whatever, I don't feel like figuring out how to trick it into posting the video as a playlist right now.

You just post a link to the playlist. Those are all the matches in order, I believe.
A little late with my shoutouts cuz I'm a lazy fuck.

@SonicFox5000 I'm no longer entirely sure you're human and not a robot skeleton sent from the future to win fighting game tournaments.

@dekillsage @ShadeMoneh @WarpedEcho @Datagram I didn't get to talk to you as much as I would have liked, but what was there was fun.

@dekillsage I actually seriously didn't mind getting bodied by you. It took a lot of the pressure off, since there's really no shame in losing to the guy that won Evo. I had fun regardless, and thanks to the unfortunate disconnect I can at least say I took a round from you. ;)

@Dolfinh You're a pretty cool guy. I hope to see you out in these parts again sometime. Good job on commentary along with Datagram

@Lethalmind Dinner with you was a blast, and I was a little surprised to find out someone outside MA had a clue who I am.

@DaydreamingSorc @Zidiane @Deer @theDMAGS @thedoctor2112 @Natezer Cool to see so much of the GU scene representing.

@mcpeanuts Props for running all this. Chris was glad to help so you could actually pay attention to your matches.

@Rizil Our matches were pretty fun, and I think I learned a thing or two about facing Big Band.

Whoever found my camera when I dropped it. Thanks for leaving it at the anime stage commentary station. I was pretty distracted for about an hour looking for it, and was worried it had been stolen. Unfortunatley this is why I didn't really get to talk to several people. Well, there's always next year.

That dude in the Beowulf cosplay that sort of vanished after his matches.

Anti-Shoutouts to

Shove For no-showing and causing my first match to be vs dekillsage.

Fuddruckers for absolute bullshit prices for a mediocre chicken sandwich and the most distinctly average shake I've ever had. It probably would have been cheaper to drive to the great diner in Whately MA, get food and an awesome shake there, and come back.

The Fates for the one-two punch of dekillsage then Zidiane.
Im actually an I R L fox
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so watching the SG playlist for Guts I saw the moment where I did A.HP Level 3 on @dekillsage
But then I saw @mcpeanuts face.
D Y I N G 6:12
Somebody please make this an emoticon
Alright guys the video is finished and should be uploaded on Youtube. If I haven't already I'll have a download link up soon so you can watch it in full quality if you choose to. Overall I'm pretty happy with how the video turned out, it was my first time doing something this long (aside from a video I did for a french class that was ~20 minutes) and the first time I've made any sort of edited Skullgirls video. I'm pretty used to editing TF2 fragmovies and tried to bring that sort of style over to SG, I hope it doesn't look to odd with the color correction and all. My original idea for the video was to showcase a lot more of the event, but with the top 8 footage I had available and with my camera unexepededly dying I had to make due. GUTS was a blast and hopefully everyone can make it out again next year. The video looks loads better in 720p. Enjoy.

Here's the DL link: https://mega.co.nz/#!sQNQXLCT!PdDbKQsIYmDNAkXuQJTdSBWOGwL9Gsk6IWvt2Mtcbqc
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man you ambush me with a camera, and then use that footage to make me look stupid? you're dead kid
man you ambush me with a camera, and then use that footage to make me look stupid? you're dead kid
I don't think it was the footage.
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Thanks for the highlights video Deer. I wish more of the clips were of me winning but I really only have myself to blame for that.

P.S. now that this video is up, make your proof of concept video public, I lost my shit when you showed me that
P.S. now that this video is up, make your proof of concept video public, I lost my shit when you showed me that

In retrospect I think I should have used Show Out by Juicy J somewhere in the final video...
Eeeyyyyy my real name got on there instead. Now I've been exposed. Like I care, it's all good.
Eeeyyyyy my real name got on there instead. Now I've been exposed. Like I care, it's all good.
Oh damn, sorry. All of the names I put in the end of the video were ripped straight from Challonge. Also sorry @Dolfinh since your name got mispelled.