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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Pokemon Trainer - Need an update. Red's getting old. While it's classic, let's take a chance and put in a gen 3 trainer with gen 3 pokemon: Mudkip, Grovyle, Blaziken. GEN 3 CONFIRMED

Gen 3 is best Gen. It also has best Pokemon, and all three of those are probably the best bet for a Gen 3 trainer.
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Ew, Gen 3. If we're gonna switch Gens, Gen 6 is the way to go. Next best would be 2 or just stay with 1.
Even after Gen 39 introduced 3 fire/fighting starters all at once?
It turned some vocaloids into pokemon. That's okay with me. *doesn't really care for pokegameplay*
so long as it's not gen 4 god I can't stand any of the gen 4 starters

If a Pokemon Trainer is going to be in though, it'll be Red. He's iconic, popular, and is relevant because of Pocketo Monstasu: Ze Originsu
or maybe Plusle and Minun will be revealed
Holy hell Skullheart is back, and I'm totally late to the party. Oh well. ANYWAY.

Damn you Sakurai for not announcing a damn thing for X/Y. *Shakes fist at this cruel world*
Watch tomorrow be like

"Pic of the day.[xxx] joins the battle! Many people thought I missed the Pokemon X and Y release yesterday. I was just joking around, teehee."

fucking sekurai, maaaan
And it will be an SMT character because lolsimilarities.
Thinking realistically, if they bring back pokemon trainer it'll probably be a gen II pokemon trainer cause HGSS. Remember, the only reason Pokemon Trainer was a thing was because FRLG.
I fully expect Sakurai to troll us with a Jigglypuff reveal in the next few days.
so yea mewtwo used his float outside of his first jump in that video.
Well now i really need to know how peach isn't just completely outclassed by mewtwo now.
I squeed so hard at the alternate costume for Mewtwo, you have no idea. :)

I am so hype over the next release, even Pokemon X/Y isn't distracting me from it.
How can you even compare Peach to Mewtwo because they have 1 thing KIND OF sorta in common? They don't play anything alike and have completely different attributes outside of that one thing.
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He means they only do picture updates during the weekday and take a break on the weekend.

Also I have a few matches I have saved of Project M is anyone is interested. If anything, at least the first video is worth a watch. (Btw my smash alias is iLink).

FOX: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Personally, this is my favorite Project: M fight I've ever seen (this is an outdated version of the game, so certain stuff would not work in the current version of the mod).

Pokemon Trainer - Need an update. Red's getting old. While it's classic, let's take a chance and put in a gen 3 trainer with gen 3 pokemon: Mudkip, Grovyle, Blaziken. GEN 3 CONFIRMED
Chikorita, Quilava, Feraligatr.
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Let's not talk favorite and least favorite Generations. Friendships were lost when I told my friend that Gen 5 is my favorite and Gen 4 is my least, where for him it was the other way around.

cause of this little shit here


It's more common than Zubat, has STUPID high defense and special defense and almost NO WEAKNESSES.
You can get past Roggenrola's Sturdy with Turboblaze/Mold Breaker/etc etc, but THIS GUY? NOTHING.
Chandelure kills this guy for free. Ghost Fire are best two things, with ground close behind but Bronzor has levitate.
Also we're getting kinda off-topic.
So, tomorrow's the last update for the week.
What'll it be? Character? picture?
stage? NOTHING!?

Someone on Smashboards thinks it could be a R.O.B. Reveal since it's the anniversary of the NES' American release...
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We thought we would have a Pokemon trainer because of x/y but we got nothing don't get your hopes up for ROB
Chandelure kills this guy for free. Ghost Fire are best two things, with ground close behind but Bronzor has levitate.

Chandelure ain't in Gen 4. I was talking about how he is one of the reasons I don't like Gen 4.


I'd be okay with ROB being back. He was a cool character with a different moveset, and I never saw him as a waste of space so much as Falco was. Yeah Falco is iconic, but he really is way too close to Fox. Wolf is alright because he's much less clone-y.
Chikorita, Quilava, Feraligatr.

Personally I'd do it Totodile, Bayleef, Typhlosion.
Most cause I don't like Feraligatr.

Gen 4 stuff

I feel your pain. Lucian's Bronzong was the most annoying little shit ever when I was first going through those games. Gen IV is also my least favorite gen, but the pokemon designs(or annoyance factor) were the least noticeable of the issues with Gen IV for me.
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Pic of the day. We have absolutely nothing to announce today regarding Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. Really!

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