Rikerwulf will always be the best skin ever.
mfw Night Phyre is offically Beowulf

I have no regerts.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I really enjoy(ed) killing characters in one touch, especially with special HCH combos and combos on characters my normal bnbs don't work on.
Eh. Simple pleasures, I guess.
Y'know, rather than lasers, I sorta expect the heads to just do some kind of melee attack.
He's the ultimate fan service character!
Do not doubt how deep the wrestling references go. There are some wrasslin' fans at Lab Zero ;)
FNR: "He could be called the heart of what makes Skullgirls hype"
FNR: so you could call him
FNR: .......................
FNR: the
FNR: Skull Heart
#1 WOLF WARRIOR: goddamit dude
FNR: im unstopable
#1 WOLF WARRIOR: you've been looking at too much fortune
#1 WOLF WARRIOR: her bad puns are rubbing off
FNR: *drawing too much
WTH why.
Oh man, those heads floating around remind me of Dizzy's QCB projectiles. Can't wait for her to hit the beta
A - Don't assume it has to do with solos, that's myopic. There are all kinds of other times at which Cerebella does damage. And at all of those times Kanchou did 1400, her second-highest damaging meterless hit, but unlike Titan Knuckle it is easily comboed into and out of.
I said "Wow, is Mike trying to remove my Solo ToDs" and you said "yeah". There was that, and also seeing you check with me and Dragonos recently about whether or not she could still ToD teams. Of course this is changing her in cases where she isn't solo, but there seemed to be a focus on that aspect more so than some other changes that have happened in the past. And if I don't focus on it, no one else is gonna.
I was responding to the "Kanchou isn't gonna hurt" thing. And I would notice, Mister Sir.I said "Wow, is Mike trying to remove my Solo ToDs" and you said "yeah". There was that, and also seeing you check with me and Dragonos recently about whether or not she could still ToD teams. Of course this is changing her in cases where she isn't solo, but there seemed to be a focus on that aspect more so than some other changes that have happened in the past. And if I don't focus on it, no one else is gonna.
That's the whole idea behind the Beta, yep.