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The canon info thread - what we know

Doesn't work for me... I've always scoffed at Peacock/Leduc shippers (jokes on me) I mean out of all the girls Peacock seems the most asexual and the least likely to get caught up in that sorta shit. But hey I'm not the writer.
Happy Valentine's Day, by the way!

I'm not a crazy shipper guy, but I just thought things were heading for a Painwheel/Leduc thing, after early concept art and Big Band's story mode. Plus who wouldn't want to see that socially-inept dork going for the prettiest boy in the cast?
Peacock either has no love interest or is a lesbian. Science.
Seriously though, we don't even see hem having any sort of friendy relationship or somethin, it really sounds out of nowhere. Pain makes sense because of Band's story mode, maybe Hive since her and leduc are often together? Iunno.
Love stories are always kind of sketchy, it's hard to pull out a good one, especially between teenage characters.
It's really more that Leduc is Peacock's romantic interest. At the age they'd be at by the time Alex was talking about the idea (young teens), it'd be more of a, "I really care about you <3," feel and not so much, "ooooooh, touch me Leduc-sama!"
I don't need to sixth.
We know it'll happen.
Peacock either has no love interest or is a lesbian. Science.
Seriously though, we don't even see hem having any sort of friendy relationship or somethin, it really sounds out of nowhere. Pain makes sense because of Band's story mode, maybe Hive since her and leduc are often together? Iunno.
Love stories are always kind of sketchy, it's hard to pull out a good one, especially between teenage characters.
oh I don't know about that. have you seen clannad?
@Night Phyre *scratches neck anxiously* so what did Alex tell you about the trinity?
I can't believe I forgot some of this stuff on stream! So, BIG LORE REVEAL:
  • The Skullheart is of alien origin, having crashed on the planet a long, LONG time ago. Alex implied that it may or may not have kickstarted evolution, but that part seemed like more of an idle musing on his part than a legitimate canon building block.
  • Theonite is roughly as rare a meteor rock (maybe just a bit more common) and has some connection to the Skullheart, but I'm not 100% clear on that. It's what Living Weapons are made of, whereas Parasites are directly derived from the Skullheart itself, in some way.
  • Eliza is thousands of years old, having been a top general below Lamia, queen of the ancient, highly advanced civilization that you can see the ruins of in Gehenna.
  • In said ancient civilization (very much modeled after Egyptian antiquity), parasites were much more common and totally accepted as power/status symbols among the elite ruling class.
  • Eliza launched a rebellion against the royal family, and Lamia's daughters Aeon and Venus were killed in this conflict (presumably by Eliza herself? Lamia seemed pretty pissed in Eliza's story). Whether Lamia herself survived that confrontation is not know to me, nor is how her daughters came to exist in their current incarnations.
  • The Mother is, apparently, not Lamia, or at the very least, not the same person in the way we'd normally comprehend it. The mother is an ancient God, but past that, I'm not sure. I'm a little fuzzy on the Mother, even after Alex talked about her. I believe that Lamia was something of an, "immortal," queen, with her power being derived from the Skullheart/The Mother in some fashion. You know what? Just take this bullet as more speculative, than anything, lol
  • The Trinity live on a separate plane of existence called The Abyss. This realm does not interact with the normal world except in extremely rare cases; so rare, in fact, that when I asked Alex if Aeon/Venus had ever meddled in mortal affairs, he said, "no, never." His comments about Squigly/Leviathan possibly ripping a hole in space via Abbadon's power (thus allowing Venus into their world) does make it clear that the realms can connect, though.
  • Double pretty much started the Church of the Trinity. It's evidently part of the, "long con," as they say, and based on how ubiquitous the church seems to be in at least the Canopy Kingdom, it gives a clue as to just how long Double has been active.
  • Neither Heaven nor Hell actually exist in the Skullverse, but to most people, the concept of heaven and hell are fairly accepted, possibly as part of the false religion of the Trinity.
I'll edit if I think of anything else. Remember: this is all from memory, and Alex made it clear that if it's not established lore in-game, it's always subject to change.
I can't believe I forgot some of this stuff on stream!
How do you just forget to mention this kinda info man?
This is a lot for me to process, I'll post my thoughts later.
I had an itching feeling that the ruins in Gehenna had some significance in the story. Thanks!
So, uh,
maybe not the best place for theorizing,
but the way I'm reading this it sounds like Lamia could've been the first Skullgirl.
Which would explain why she's so important and yet distant from the story.
Cerebella/Feng was dropped for Peacock/Leduc?
As much as I am a superfan of Leduc, I don't see him hooking up with Peacock. Never in a million years.
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As much as I am a superfan of Leduc, I don't see him hooking up with Peacock. Never in a million years.
Again, I don't think it's anything near that serious. They're just kids, it'd be more of a first love thing.
Again, I don't think it's anything near that serious. They're just kids, it'd be more of a first love thing.
I guess you're right, I've always found teenage love to be utter crap.
Probably why I have no girlfriend.
Something that someone pointed out over on tumblr,
how is it that all parasites purportedly come from the Skull Heart, which is in-some-kinda-way-alien, but Samson and Leviathan said they knew each other from before there was a Skull Heart?
Something that someone pointed out over on tumblr,
how is it that all parasites purportedly come from the Skull Heart, which is in-some-kinda-way-alien, but Samson and Leviathan said they knew each other from before there was a Skull Heart?
Maybe alex fucked up on the lore
Something that someone pointed out over on tumblr,
how is it that all parasites purportedly come from the Skull Heart, which is in-some-kinda-way-alien, but Samson and Leviathan said they knew each other from before there was a Skull Heart?
Maybe alex fucked up on the lore
Totally possible. OR maybe I didn't understand what he was saying when he told me about it. The one thing you should understand is that until it's in the canon story mode (if that ever happens) it's not final. Maybe that line won't be a part of the final story mode, once they check it against the lore bible or whatever (not saying there even is one, take it easy :P).

A simple way of understanding how this COULD work, though, is that the Parasites don't fully understand the Skullheart, either. Just because they're birthed from it doesn't mean they know anything about it, at the start. Some parasites might not be aware that today's Skullheart is whatever it was called thousands of years ago, which could have been totally different.
maybe someone can convince someone to do a Q&A
I don't think they'd kill him until after he got all his voice clips for Beowulf in even if they wanted to off him.
I don't think they'd kill him until after he got all his voice clips for Beowulf in even if they wanted to off him.
Well, I mean, elimination of his current identity, brain washing is relatively inexpensive and simp....uh....*smoke bomb, disappears*

On topic: Holy crap at the new revelations though; alien origin, no afterlife, mother is NOT Lamia???? Whoa....
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Man, do you think Lab Zero can AFFORD assassins?
All you need is to get a bunch of angry 4channers and redditers. Boom, instant internet army.
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All you need is to get a bunch of angry 4channers and redditers. Boom, instant internet army.
They'd probably do it anyway for the chance to "level up." /s
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They'd probably do it anyway for the chance to "level up." /s
This thread better not turn into people quoting that episode.
I forgot some stuff, so here we go! Special note, these are paraphrased based on explanations by Alex.

- Rule under King Renoir was much harsher than under Princess Parasoul. Political freedoms were restricted, and you could expect jack-booted government thugs to do unscrupulous, unethical things without question. Weapons R&D was extremely high priority. "Kinda Nazi-ish," was how I put it and Alex was all like, "yeah, kinda." This kind of thing has diminished after the King's disappearance/death, and although still highly nationalistic, the Canopy Kingdom is significantly more free under Parasoul.

- Painwheel is possibly one of the most, "powerful," of the cast, as is the case with the other ethically-challenged Lab creation (Peacock), but she is (as is evident in her/Valentine's story mode) kind of unskilled. She's a raw murder machine without much time to get herself together, but given time and practice with her enhancements, she could be nearly unstoppable. You may remember an EX-version of Painwheel discussed in the past, though I've no idea if that's along the same lines as this more-skilled version of Painwheel.

- Black Dahlia is NOT Elven. She is human. Alex said the idea that she was elven sprung from the misinterpretation of a piece of art where her ears were stylistically more pointed, but never meant to indicate she was anything but human.

Somebody needs to update the OP :)