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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

This isn't exactly unique to beta, but there's this thing with Peacock where her j.hk where the projectile will count as the next combo stage on ips if there's a gap between it hitting and the main part. Is that a design choice? If it isn't then is there a possible way to fix that? If it is, can it not be?

Yeah if you're trying to do something like j.HK ADC j.HK you just have to do it fast or it triggers IPS. It's sort of annoying but I don't like the idea of making any kind of exception for that move specifically just because putting in exceptions to your combo limiting systems is how you get into trouble.
Well if it's intentional then whatever. Either way the key to j.hk adc j.hk is to hit it towards the top of the jump anyways to get the most leniency.
Each time it's brought up, it gets mentioned that if projectiles didn't advance the combo stage then there would be a ton of infinites.
Hey @Mike_Z the new headless Fortune air dash feels WAY better. Thank you for doing that. It's a lot more intuitive to do now and simply feels better. Any jankiness there was before is gone.

I was wondering if any hit cancellable Fiber Upper with Headless Fortune is an experiment we can try? Currently, the move is really only used in for combos and moving the head around. Since Head On Fortune gets the invincible Fiber Upper that's reliable as a reversal/anti-air and is better for defense, I think it would be cool if Fiber Upper with Headless had better offensive potential (use in combos and resets) while being significantly worse for defense. This would diversify both head off and head on a bit more and give the move some interesting new properties since you lose it for defensive purposes when you headless. Headless Fortune will be able to utilize this when she gets hits to set up better combos and resets, but you'll still have to be careful about using it because if you get hit you're probably taking counterhit + 150% damage and that keeps it in check.

The changes to decap attack and the airdash height have made headless Fortune feel a lot more "right" than she has previously, and I think the strengths of head on and headless Fortune are now clearly defined than they have ever been. The character feels very nice without being absurd like she used too.
what happened at salty?

heard rfortune lost her airdash and double's car got better but idk anything else
She did lose airdashes actually, Mike did a second new update just before tourney

Now she has double jumps and double jump cancels
I was wondering if any hit cancellable Fiber Upper with Headless Fortune is an experiment we can try?
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.....I really don't want to.

Hey cool, that bug i brought up ages ago that has existed forever is now relevant because of robo-fortune.
And now she doesn't have airdash cancels anymore and you can only doublejump after it connects, so it isn't! :^P
Might as well mention here stuff that I noticed after playing Beta.


Bleh! She feels like a mess. Fireballs having recovery sucks, because once they miss or hit you want to use them again right away to keep controlling neutral. Shadows would help between the gaps but they're just too slow/have too much recovery. A lot of the problem with Fukua's fireballs in the past IMO was the fact that they caused preblock which made them not only good in neutral but REALLY good and dumb in pressure. But that doesn't exist anymore, and the potential meter gain is not worth the loss of its old utility.

Normals I would normally use to anti air are just not working anymore.(cr.hp and st.hp) I'm either getting hit or trading which is very frustrating. I believe this is the result of some of her moves getting hurtboxes, but if that's not the case then its just me being super bitter and bad whenever I play Fukua in beta now. I dunno

H Drill does not need the extra start up. People end up safe jumping her/ getting more time to throw her way more than I feel they should, considering some of her normals are much more risky to use as anti airs now, and the follow up super doesn't cause a sliding knockdown anymore and it doesn't have hitstop anymore.

Shadows are just too slow, and they have too much recovery. The only one that's like fine is LK shadow, but even that one is annoying to use now. I don't mind that they lost how + they were on block, but HK is slow to the point where you can almost never use it outside of having your opponent cornered and its only useful for that pressure if you use an assist to help not get pushblocked away. Conditioning someone to get hit with this move is not very reliable, because an opponent who is paying attention will react to it every time. Before it was slow enough so that you could react to it, but fast enough to catch your opponent off guard if he or she wasn't on point. And with Fukua receiving damage nerfs and losses in utility in pretty much everything she had, why do the shadows do less damage? Specifically HK shadow, which also pretty much lost its purpose in using it in combos.

MK shadow dragging an opponent in the air on block is the worst too. It gave her new mix ups, but those mix ups don't work because pushblocking exists, and it makes getting in with Fukua even harder on top of everything else that made her neutral harder. I don't know if other Fukua's feel the same, but this is a really bad and kinda random change for her from my experience.


I hit someone with level 3 and as I was punching them I got hit by Osis Spiral assist in the back. Don't know if that's how it supposed to work but it'd be nice if I wasn't able to get hit if I already landed my level 3 on my opponent.


The MGR change actually made a difference in some of my matches. As did the Devil Horns change. Oh noes! But yeah, being able to get hit by Val st.hk when I tried to mgr and not being able to dp -> dynamo big bands mashed super on incoming as easily was nice. (For them)

Game stuff:
lmao the alpha countering upon dying -> assist pops up to die still happens. No more rainbows though.

Thank you for reading my post
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Wow Mr.X
Sage having opinions and concerns over the game he enjoys playing is shocking to you? Hmph Hmph Hmph
Wow hostile much? It a tease. Posts from him this detailed are (sadly) rare.
Oh I don't have trouble following up, just stating what that would do.

Although the idea of it causing a hard knockdown is kind of interesting in giving you the choice of a damage ender or a hard knockdown ender.
Fireball critique

I feel the fireball cooldown nerf is justified because

  1. Upback love dart can be done safely from fullscreen without worry of retaliation by most of the cast (something Peacock doesn't have since she has to be grounded to throw out projectiles)
  2. The angle of jumping H love dart lets it hit fullscreen and makes it very difficult for some characters to dodge, especially Big Band. Its trajectory is a line that slopes downwards across the stage; depending on when in the jump you do it, several characters can't easily run under it, forward jump over it, or otherwise avoid it without jumping in place. Val's dead cross doesn't have this luxury, since it doesn't have that much reach. Parasoul's napalm tears can be jumped (with the exception of M Tear, which only works as an antiair), and she has to be on the ground to use these. Painwheel has to be on the ground and charge stinger to get this sort of coverage.
  3. Despite not sharing most of the downsides of other projectiles listed above, Love Dart's projectile has a larger vertical hitbox than both Dead Cross and H George which only exacerbates #2.

It's still a very effective zoning tool with a bunch of benefits, but now you're encouraged to do something other than upback love dart x100 in neutral against Big Band and I'd say that's a good thing

I wouldn't mind seeing M/H Shadow getting some changes though.
1) If you're at fullscreen, what does it matter if I can jump and do it or not? If I jump you can dash forward and just block the fireball and cover some distance. The peacock comparison is kinda meh too, considering she can hold SOID and jump around doing whatever she wants from anywhere on screen lol

2)You can still move forward and just block it. It's control, but even getting hit by it is not the end of the world. Not every character is big band :P Valentine throws projectiles at very reliable angles, can confirm off them, and she can double jump/air dash in addition to having this tool. Parasoul has napalm toss which she can put anywhere on screen and detonate whenever she wants on top of napalm shot. Both are better options.

3) I suppose? Like, plane tracks you dude so it doesn't really need the vertical hitbox, and peacock also covers the space plane wont with soid.

I don't see how it is a very effective zoning tool with a bunch of benefits when its constantly in recovery. Btw if I'm just upbacking and throwing fireballs why don't you just A train me? like seriously lol
Even if you start with a grab, you can still get a hard knockdown if you reset the opponent.
You can do anything with anyone after a reset, that's not the point. I'd just do another reset if I wanted to do a reset for the soul purpose of doing a hard knockdown.
this is probably really late, but i think vals preset assist should be throw also. if it is meant to showcase useful assists for beginners in particular, many of them might not even be aware you can use throw as an assist.

are there tutorials actually that cover different kinds of assists? might be something good to have if not.
I don't see how it is a very effective zoning tool with a bunch of benefits when its constantly in recovery. Btw if I'm just upbacking and throwing fireballs why don't you just A train me? like seriously lol


You're joking, right?

>3/4 screen

Maybe. If Big Band has a charge after desperately trying to close the distance so you aren't full screen again. Tell me, how often have you been walked into the corner?

>1/2 Screen

Who does jump fireball at this range? Other than people who already put you in a million years of block stun with a clone already and backed off.

Somebody teach me how this Big Band fellow works if A-Train is somehow a viable option vs air fireball with any type distance between the two characters.