I played a solo parasoul at one point and i've dealt with peacock with brass knuckles, i know what a bad mu is ty
Watch a hilda/ata fight and you'll see why i say that. Akataski can't do anything to her in neutral. His
only option
is qcf+c which loses to hilda's 22c/22b, hcf+c(air and ground), j.[c] or the only answer he has against her is yolo hcf+D
Once he's in he can pressure her but if he screws up on a read i can Gatling him back into neutral. So basically qcb+b, karate chop and even dive if they're done incorrectly he literally lost his chance. If he doesn't have chainshift...he has to commit.
The only way he can stop her in neutral is the player needs to be godly with his parry. which even then lynchpin is -3 and he doesn't have tools which Hilda needs to stuff with 623a. So i can literally do whatever i want, whenever i want and he just has to deal with it. Just go look up videos if you can find any. You'll see what i mean.