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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Minor gripe. In Peacock's alt voice pack, she doesn't have any line for when she is tagged in. Not sure if this is a slight oversight or if a line for it wasn't recorded. Maybe some other line of her's can be reused for this? It was just throwing me off slightly with there not being any audio for when she jumped in.
Minor gripe. In Peacock's alt voice pack, she doesn't have any line for when she is tagged in. Not sure if this is a slight oversight or if a line for it wasn't recorded. Maybe some other line of her's can be reused for this? It was just throwing me off slightly with there not being any audio for when she jumped in.
Oh thanks, that's a bug. Will fix.
OK, so i've gotten some more time in trying to do dps and i see where my problem is. When I'm trying to PBGC or go from block to DP, I sometimes get an extra back motion. Probably just my badness, though it could be an issue with the stick.

Unrelated, but Queen of the Hill is completely busted. If you try and do it, you just get booted from the lobby
I've been playing a lot of Vanilla But on BETA I like the CPU quick play thing although I easily and regularly do the same thing in training mode.

Anyways a great idea I know will never be implemented would be when choosing your opponents if you speed push through random it will give you random combinations of characters every re-match. This would help tremendously with match-up practice and really get a feel for all of the characters and their beautiful palettes. Also if every team had custom random assists! <3 A grown man can still dream can't he?
You might want to avoid using the term "Vanilla" as vanilla anything usually refers to the first version of something and Encore is way past vanilla.

Most people just call it "retail".

Is it too late to say anything about how Painwheel's 2LK at max range doesn't lead to 2MK? It wouldn't matter because buer would miss anyway but the difference between the two is mere some pixels (like 30 something or so) and makes it really hard to tell if I should just stop and fly cancel or not. Then again this isn't really a bug and more of a petty concern. Or if anyone who has magic eyes and knows how to deal with this and could tell me how that'd be cool too.
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Oh that's really good to know thanks, Mike.

I hope that doesn't seem sarcastic I really mean it.
Oh that's really good to know thanks, Mike.
I hope that doesn't seem sarcastic I really mean it.
You don't get L Buer from far though, only M, but at least you get a combo. It scales less and uses less undizzy, too.
By the way, has Cerebella getting pushed forward when she pushblocks been fixed yet or is it intentional?
By the way, has Cerebella getting pushed forward when she pushblocks been fixed yet or is it intentional?
Who says those are the only two options?
(It's intentional though. Hers is the only animation that does that, but it does that.)
Are replays still a thing being worked on for final release? Just encountered a bug where the random lasers from Argus messed up a specific replay situation and broke it, but it was never made clear if we were still getting replays or no.
Are replays still a thing being worked on for final release? Just encountered a bug where the random lasers from Argus messed up a specific replay situation and broke it, but it was never made clear if we were still getting replays or no.
Argus almost always breaks replays. I don't think I have any replays that don't end with two characters whiffing normals half screen away from each other.
Are replays still a thing being worked on for final release? Just encountered a bug where the random lasers from Argus messed up a specific replay situation and broke it, but it was never made clear if we were still getting replays or no.
I think I remember Mike answering this in a stream once to the effect of "it's out of the question for consoles at the moment" but that was a few weeks ago so I dunno if the situation has changed any.
RNG messes up replays?

Does Stream Roller?

Yeah steam roller messed up a much older replay of mine from a long while ago. I told mike about it then, to which I think he told me something like "remind him later when he's working on replays". Never noticed argus till now though.
Pretty sure anything random will mess up the replays since it's only recording inputs and not what kind of item drop you got etc. But I don't know if anyone has anything random other than Peacock. I guess there's the Bella LnL cat but I don't think that would affect replays.
Pretty sure anything random will mess up the replays since it's only recording inputs and not what kind of item drop you got etc. But I don't know if anyone has anything random other than Peacock. I guess there's the Bella LnL cat but I don't think that would affect replays.
Cat and voice line choices, unless the RNG used for either of them is the same as Argus/item drops.
I dunno if the situation has changed any.
Yeah, now they're out of the question on PC too! :^P

I tried to fix randomness breaking replays, I guess it wasn't a big help. Lemme try some other things! Ideally I'd like to put them into retail as a launch option, at least, with the same janky screen...but that means they have to work.
FWIW, I would be extremely happy to have the current replays in retail with a launch option.
They may still break -I actually don't really know, mine seem fine- but something is better than nothing,
and they are very useful to revisit strange occurrences in games.
(As well as seeing my opponent mash like a nutjob..)

Possible Bug: With Voicepacks turned *Off*, one still hears them if one is Spectating in a Lobby.
Not sure whether that is intended? Neither of the people playing is an "Opponent" obviously, but it still looks to me like this shouldn't be the case.
Possible Bug: With Voicepacks turned *Off*, one still hears them if one is Spectating in a Lobby.
Not sure whether that is intended? Neither of the people playing is an "Opponent" obviously, but it still looks to me like this shouldn't be the case.
Oh, yeah, that counts as a bug.
Speaking of replays, is improving replay UI and things you can do to replays still a thing you're looking to do? I'd really like for there to be things like slowing down replays, pausing without the pause menu being in the middle, rewinding the replay, being able to take that instance in the replay to practice mode (ie you take your current position as a savestate, you can select which side you want control of, and the opposing character/team inputs for say 60f become the dummy recording, so if someone was hitting you with a really hard to replicate scenario, you can go back to that exact time and figure out how you could have gotten out of that setup), and autoplaying replays in a row (so they don't end up going back to the menu after the end of every replay, would be great for people who can't play and record at the same time due to not that great PC's) to be options with the replay theater. I do understand that there is an extremely small minority that would make use of replays, since not a lot of people use them, so you might not have time to work on these options compared to the other, more important stuff, but it'd still be an option that at least I would really appreciate.
That's disappointing that replays don't seem to be working. I was really looking forward to that, as just streaming and commentating my own play is probably less interesting than actual skilled play.
Did everyone miss the post on this page where Mike said replays are not happening except possibly as a launch option if he can get them to work properly?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I didn't see a response in the general FAQ thread by flotilla so... Will Beta cease to exist after the final patch has been released to retail?
Just out of curiosity, I know you can't patch something to break it on consoles (which is why PT can still be played at all, I imagine), can you do that on Steam? I know you can take away the ability to download the Beta, but I'm not aware of you being able to remotely remove content. I guess if you can remove online support it doesn't matter.
They can probably make an update where when you boot it you just get a screen that says "The beta is over play the full version" if they're that worried about that.
Okay, was just curious. Wouldn't backing up a build subvert this though? I have the build where Parasoul detonated Robo without meter backed up for personal amusement, is there any way to stop that from being absued? (I own everything on PC, PS3 and PS4 now, this is just for curiosity's sake)
Okay, was just curious. Wouldn't backing up a build subvert this though? I have the build where Parasoul detonated Robo without meter backed up for personal amusement, is there any way to stop that from being absued? (I own everything on PC, PS3 and PS4 now, this is just for curiosity's sake)
I mean, we could pretty easily like VAC ban anyone playing it online or whatever after we know online is disabled.
I don't think we care that much, though. But there will certainly be things that you have in the full game that you don't have in the Beta, like Story Mode and things.
Will we atleast get the current replay feature as it is, ported to the retail PC version? The replay feature is one of my most used features and I try to only play games on beta because of that. It's an invaluable learning tool, otherwise I have to setup poverty cam which is terrible cause of lighting and viewing angles and obs is hard for someone with absolutely no computer background at all.