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The Legendary Bounty Hunter! Metroid/Samus Aran Thread

I hope that "Metroid Prime" just becomes nintendo go-to brand for sci-fi space FPS games, honestly
seems like a good enough use of the brand, imo
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If we're ungodly lucky, next year might look like this:

Also check out this kickstarter (Already funded, sorry) that bears a striking resemblance to Metroid
I mean
it's not like they're doing anything with the IP
might as well do something with it, you know
As long as I get to shoot space pirates and ignore blatant baby symbolism, I'm good.
Making pudding at 4AM?
That Reven guy should be Samus's boyfriend
I should be samus's boyfriend
they should make a game all about Samus being your girlfriend and you can do bf/gf stuff like talking about babies
that'll be a good game
u guys metroid already has a girlfriend princess metroid and they love each other very much
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Samus-chan cheating on me with a space pirate
how bold of the game designers to go in such a direction
I used to pretend to go into morph ball mode, with my own sound effects. And you'd better believe I stuck those cardboard cylinders on my arm
Also check out this kickstarter (Already funded, sorry) that bears a striking resemblance to Metroid
Whoa, that's cool! I never heard about that one before.

On a related note, I reeeaaally like how Ghost Song is coming along. It's like Metroid with less health, and super creepy. Even with the Major IPs on the bench, there are definitely still a lot of good games to look forward to.
You know really the only thing Nintendo has to do with Federation Force is announce that you can play through all the multiplayer levels as a stronger Samus only.

It solves two of the problems with it so far: the isolation aspect and the lack of the series's protagonist. Sure there's still the janky art style but hey.
Well, while i love the idea of expanding the metroid universe using spin offs (come on, samus character action game by platinum nintendo. come on)

The problem with this game is the time is being released, i mean, a lot of people didn't like other m (i still have to play any 3d metroid to give a honest opinion, but i think i'll like, remembers me a lot of fusion), so nintendo needs to release a main metroid title, because they haven't released one in years.
I honestly don't mind the art style.
Like, for the mood they're going for it works a little better than, say, the realistic Prime style where you gotta attack the open wounds.

It just, well, needs Samus. I don't need a retread of an older Metroid game, I just want the spin-off to include the main character. You know, like every other Nintendo spin-off, Hyrule Warriors, Epic Yarn, every fucking Mario spin-off, hell even Prime Pinball got that part right.
That and, to be honest, it looks kind of mediocre.

Like, it reminds me more of a subpar indie eshop game than a Metroid Prime game. From the graphical quality, artistic style, to what we've seen of the gameplay. It just doesn't stand out, and hasn't been nearly talked about enough for anything interesting to pop up.
Although I guess another reason why this game exploded with negativity was the Nintendo E3 conference was mediocre in and of itself, meaning that the worst title would aseemingly attract most of the frustrations from it and-

Holy shit this was literally one of the worst combinations for an announced game
Metroid Prime will be on Nintendo's NX, apparently.
Code name for their next console. I think they said that their going to start talking about it next year?
No, the producer of the series said that if they started a new Metroid Prime game right now, the dev time would be long enough that it would have to be on the NX.
Is that what was said? Guess I heard it wrong.
He also said that the Phazon plotline is completely finished, but he expressed into returning to the Hunters story also, especially Sylux pursuing Samus. Also said that they'd like to do more stuff with the Federation also, by intersecting the FedForces stuff with the Hunters storyline, possibly
Metroid Prime will be on Nintendo's NX, apparently.
source please so that I may rage, I'll be kinda rustled since I've been waiting to get a Wii U just to find out Im not going to need the Wii U

*ugh ya know what it doesn't even matter there's still plenty of games I need to play on it anyway
It's not like every Nintendo console had a Metroid game. You shouldn't be surprised.
it's not that I'm surprised its that I'm crushed at finding out now I have to wait even more years for a proper title
That is really weird because developers of the Federation Force game are claiming that the game will provide a backstory that apparently leads into another Metroid game planned. Now would not be the time to announce a 3DS game if the only time available for a game is for a 2017 one on a not revealed system.

And, you know, the 30th anniversary part, but whatever.
You know damn well we're not getting anything for the 30th anniversary.
Nintendo is really focusing on the handhelds, i will not be surprised if the next main metroid title is a 2d on super metroid style. But is really strange, due to the wii u small library, nintendo not releasing a main title on the console. Well, whatever, i have wonderful 101, this game only is worth the console, plus there is a lot of cool games for me to buy yet.
Man, I really hope when it comes out its not on 3DS, I wanna see it shine on the console
Also remember
this is the Metroid Prime team saying this. for all that we know, there's a still a 2D Metroid in the works
I'm hopeful, but until then if the federation game has online coop and you guys want to shoot aliens together I'm down.
At least one game this E3 was faithful to the Metroid franchise...

The strangest part is that I think this is the best looking costume for Yoshi, ironically. And I HAVE that Amiibo too...

Wish I could use it for a METROID GAME. (Not buying a New 3DS)

Really I'll only get the game if it's cheap. Because, I'm sorry, I almost universally hate games that require or only work in multiplayer.
I honestly thought for a second that you said "I almost universally hate games that require work"
Good thing I realized I know how to read
I honestly thought for a second that you said "I almost universally hate games that require work"
Good thing I realized I know how to read
Yeah, definitely a good thing.

I just, I have so much trouble when it comes to relying on others in games. I don't know if it's just a mentality or bad luck, but it never feels fun to me?

And heck, I saw the official Nintendo video of people sitting next to each other playing the game and THEY struggled to have a clear plan.