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The Legendary Bounty Hunter! Metroid/Samus Aran Thread

I'd love it for a Metroid game where they mess around with respawn points in a way. Though I guess another mechanic would be needed for it.

Anyway the idea is that Samus has two healthbars, one for the armor and one for her Zero Suit version. The Suit health is much higher and it has many more resistances, and the Zero Suit is Samus's regular health with only the arm cannon remaining. The Zero Suit is by design weak and dangerous to use above the armor, which is why it can only be used if the armor's blown off. Like a "You SHOULD have died, but here's a last last stand thing for funsies."

The fun that can come from the respawn points is that they're also armor respawn points. But straightforward respawn points are rarer than usual, where are all the other ones? Rooms filled with enemies may sometimes have secret rooms that bud out that can only be seen from the map (Only as an armor respawn point) and opened forcefully after a room is cleared. The rooms will give you your armor back, but will also probably be filled with lots of bonuses.

You know, high risk high reward gameplay. Also an excuse to get ZSS to play just like armored Samus.
I dunno.
Objectively, yeah, that's a fine concept, I don't see anything particularly wrong with it.

But my gut makes me averse to agreeing with it purely for the fact that Zero Suit Samus was only featured in a single stealth section in Zero Mission and somehow became some iconic apparel for Samus, to where half of Other M was spent in it as opposed to the Power Suit and half of the playable Metroid reps in Smash revolves around the Zero Suit and 2/3 of all fanart for this series have Samus in the goddamn Zero Suit.
I'm sick to death of the Zero Suit because it feels like it's constantly undermining the Power Suit. Suddenly the Power Suit isn't a tank with deep emotional, cultural, and genetic ties to Samus as a character, it's just a suit of armor that can be taken off as easily as any other article of clothing. Overload it with power and it falls apart, zap Samus in the back of the neck and it can't form, what was once iconic to the series and the character to the point where one game starts with the problem that they can't get the damn thing off (of course the context of that doesn't actually involve the workings of the Power Suit, but it works for the series thematically) has become almost optional end-game armor and I really don't want to drive that point home any more than it has been in recent years.
If there was some kinda stealth/horror thing involving the Zero Suit, I'd be kay with that. But that's about it, personally.
Zero Suit is hot tho

Yeah, but if I wanna oggle hot ladies I can just look up porn, hell there are sites with entire tags dedicated to the Zero Suit. I don't need the games to remind me that Samus has boobs all the time.
I get it.
Can we focus on something else instead? Like the action or the environment or the characterization of an orphan raised in the traditions of a superior species now extinct and forced to live up to expectations that she could never truly reach because of her genetics?
And not, like, boobs?
Yeah i feel like the Zero Suit is downright a nerf in her character as a whole, the power suit is not just an armor Samus can wear, it's pretty much part of Samus entire being, like her soul, like a Stand, she needs it and it needs her, they are made for each other.

Sure, she can take it off when she doesn't need to be fighting, but it's that armor what makes her unique in the ENTIRE METROID UNIVERSE, while i know the armor is not self-aware or have a mind of it's own, it does whatever Samus wants her to do, but won't do anything by itself, and the only thing so far to have been able to make a perfect copy of said awesome suit is the parasite X and not even that could perfectly copy it, because the way Samus thinks and the parasite thinks are different, thus the fighting styles ended up being different, which is how Samus outfought the SA-X in Fusion.

With one each other, both Suit and Samus will overcome anything, and thus, will never lose their way...

*Don't Lose Your Way plays loudly in the background*
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well i mean

samus does kind of

have a new suit now
can we just like
push the X-Fusion Suit for Summer Slam
Isn't the X-Fusion suit just the Power Suit's underarmor plus Metroid DNA tho?
While i'm sure Samus had missions in her bounty hunter career that would require her not using the power suit (i'm not saying zero suit, i am saying, not using the power suit), like some sort of bounty that she needed to infiltrate a place or anything like that, i don't think would fit in a game, but something like stealth sections would be cool, but yeah, for the main game, power suit only.

One thing that can be made, if the game is in 3rd person, or a sidescroller, is putting alternate costumes as endgame content, something like Justin bailey in the first metroid, and not the zero suit only, but just bailey itself, maybe variations of the power suit, if the game is after fusion and she is normally with the fusion suit, put the old classic power suit, or vice versa.

I mean, people would still complain about the fanservice of having an alternate costume of only zero suit samus, or something like that, but i mean, everything in this world has some form of fanservice, and metroid have it since the first game.
I think the Metroid DNA is directly into Samus, not just the suit.
I think the Metroid DNA is directly into Samus, not just the suit.
Yeah, you are right, but the suit is also part of samus, somehow, so the metroid dna kinda makes a difference
Could make it Justin Bailey Samus so the hair covers her butt.

...I don't know. But it doesn't have to be THE Zero Suit, mind you, it'd probably be just some variation of an under the armor suit. And it's not like you're supposed to be looking at it for long, the Metroid games have a long history of levels that would be noticeably dangerous for a non-protected human being.

I mean I don't even want different animations I was thinking point for point basically the same character only you take, like, 4 times the damage. Like that goofy ass run animation, keep it the same. But just make it not recommended. Extreme risk and noticeably weaker than the Power Suit.

People actively kill themselves in the Metroid games just so they can see Samus's armor fly off for a millisecond of under the suit action or some crap. Might as well force them to look at a non-sexualized Samus and wait to die or go through a dramatically difficult path to get the recommended armor on.
In hope if retro is making new metroid I hope that it isnt first person, A mix of the story like Other M and Fusion would be nice also
There is NO CHILL in this thread
I just want to scan stuff.
I want you to discover that Ridley had children and then get back at him by eating them
or eating one and raising the other
I want to shinespark fools.
I just want to shoot space pirates and explore.
nah that would be bad

guys what if. . .it is in 2D whaoao
the thought of what they could do with a metroid game using the wii u gamepad actually gets me excited about a console game for the 1st time in what feels like years.

using it to scan stuff or switch to different visors etc etc would be sweet. hold it up to the screen to use xray vision and stuff would be wicked. spinning around a 3d map. MPs maps were always the bees knees.
the thought of what they could do with a metroid game using the wii u gamepad actually gets me excited about a console game for the 1st time in what feels like years.

using it to scan stuff or switch to different visors etc etc would be sweet. hold it up to the screen to use xray vision and stuff would be wicked. spinning around a 3d map. MPs maps were always the bees knees.
While i have a wii u and love how the gamepad works, i don't want it used as navigation system, or anything like that, that thing is heavy, holding that up all the time would be painful, is hard enough for me the wonderful 101 sections where i have to use the gamepad to navigate.
But i think that a company like Retro Studios, or any first party for nintendo will put the gamepad to good use. Maybe the game is 3rd person on the tv, and first person on the gamepad, but you still control the aim with the right analog stick, i don't know.
at least use it for a map that you can draw on
so I can draw dicks pointing to places of interest (naturally there would be one always pointing to me)
I just want to shoot space pirates and explore.
Hey either way you gotta admit it's a little interesting that the first Metroid game had Samus in a non-armored variant and do nothing different than normal armor Samus. That was really the main reason why I came up with it. But like, not having to type in a code at the beginning and whatnot for funsies.

I don't know I just thought it'd be fun. I like games messing around and having fun. Video games doing the fun thing.

I REALLY hope they mess around and have fun with the new Metroid games, alright? They could introduce Justin Bailey as an unstable phazon mutagen goo based on people's emotions for all I care, just as long as they have fun with it.
Oh hey I actually never knew that Justin Bailey Samus took the same amount of damage as normal Samus.


That's actually interesting. I would've thought there would've been a balance for the massive spike in powerups, but hey, cheat codes are cheat codes after all.
I have a lot of opinions on the gamepad, and why I don't think it works as a map function (at least it never has for me), but,
yeah sure why not. Anything (respectable) for a new game.
ugh. metroid pinball. i tried to love that game, i really did.
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Man, too bad we didn't get a Metroid game at E3 this year, right guys?
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Man, too bad we didn't get a Metroid game at E3 this year, right guys?
I can tell you right now I'd be overjoyed for an F-Zero spinoff.
I can tell you right now I'd be overjoyed for an F-Zero spinoff.

If there was an F-Zero spin-off comparable to this game, you'd be a car mechanic and you probably wouldn't even get to fix any of the signature cars, just like, generic F-Zero machines.
But like, whether or not the game is good, we have to ask ourselves something.

Who does this appeal to?

Like, seriously, who exactly is this for?

Is it Metroid Prime players? Maybe from a gameplay perspective, but huh? The last Prime game came out 8 years ago, a spin off title so much later doesn't really add up.

Is it for multiplayer fans? Well, yes, but who plays Metriod and thinks of multiplayer? Why is Metroid being used for multiplayer? One of the biggest selling points of the games is its hauntingly isolated environments. The only game that really had a multiplayer aspect was Hunters, and even then it had a decent sized single player campaign.

Is it long standing Metroid fans? Why would it? Obviously multiplayer gameplay, offset chibi stylization, and minigames aside, Samus hasn't even been seen in the game!

It's not very polished graphically, the style doesn't fit the series (not even pinball!), the main protagonist is nowhere to be found, in fact no established characters, etc.

But look, the real problem here is that there's no main Metroid game released along side it. That's it. Since no one acknowledges Other M (rightfully so), it's basically been 8 years without a Metroid game.
Eh, looks like fun. I'm honestly looking forward to it.