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Guilty Gear Thread

It's pretty good fun. More of an oldschool kind of fighter movement wise, though it has some more modern mechanics in there. I like it.
About Battle Fantasia - never forget Ashley's one-button practical till-timeout infinite. If they fix that (at a SYSTEM level, not per character), the game's pretty decent. The arcade version was much worse than the home version, too.

What's going on, system wise, that causes this in Xrd? What changed from +R to Xrd that allows the OS?
They messed up the order of transitions in standing-preblock state, probably, putting specials above FD.
If it were SG engine it would be a one-line fix, but in any engine it's gotta be pretty easy to change that around. I don't expect that OS to stay unless someone at Arc decides they want it to.
So Mike, what you're saying is that I should pick up Ashley since there's no way Arc is gonna actually fix things for a PC version?
So Mike, what you're saying is that I should pick up Ashley since there's no way Arc is gonna actually fix things for a PC version?
I would honestly be surprised if that was NOT fixed. I have at least that much faith.
Bring back Axl's rensengeki FRC

But ONLY for Axl.
When's the high quality digital soundtrack on Amazon/iTunes?
So after getting salty from losing alot in destiny I play guilty gear AC +R to practice combos on my xbox. I turn it on and I get an update.

Did this happen to anyone else or did I delete something by accident and Im too stupid to remember? Because I have a hard time beliving they're still updating +R
No, Revelator. Bad ASW.

I mean, +R is on Steam anyway, so it doesn't matter that much to me beyond curiosity (though I have a PS4 anyway) but that's going to be pretty gross if they release Xrd down the road now that the update is already in production. I guess I'm assuming they're going to do the same thing they've been doing for Blazblue, but come on, you know I'm right.
I really hope they decide to smarten up with the PC ports. They can't keep releasing them after they're relevant.
I really hope they decide to smarten up their release methods as a whole.

But yeah, that needs to stop. Then again, it did give us +R on Steam, which I'm happy about.
wait. Isn't it Guilty Gear XRD: -Revelator-? Like the current one is Guilty Gear XRD: -Sign-? So they hopefully mean Revelator.
wait. Isn't it Guilty Gear XRD: -Revelator-? Like the current one is Guilty Gear XRD: -Sign-? So they hopefully mean Revelator.
They specified the latest Blazblue edition.
Is revelator gonna be a add on or it's own disk

Wait wait... you're telling me you can still buy games on DISCS? :O
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Is revelator gonna be a add on or it's own disk
One would hope they would suddenly become inconsistent and offer add-ons at a fair price, but I kind of doubt it.

I'd love to be wrong though.
One would hope they would suddenly become inconsistent and offer add-ons at a fair price, but I kind of doubt it.

I'd love to be wrong though.
You're not wrong.

This ARCSYS we're talking with their fucking overpriced DLC characters n shit.

Even SNK had cheaper DLC characters for KOFXIII and their HQ is just a series of boxes stacked on top of each other like that one Ed, Edd, Eddy episode.
I really hope they decide to smarten up with the PC ports. They can't keep releasing them after they're relevant.

I really doubt they'll do that soon considering EU is still getting the games over a year late on consoles.
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I really doubt they'll do that soon cosidering EU is still getting the games over a year late on consoles.
Did you hear about how the EU is just now getting the character balance patch for Xrd?

That's crazy
Christ those subtitles aren't very legible.
[Implication that] an option select that makes everything 100% safe by turning any failure into faultless defense and will likely reshape the entire game to efficiently utilize might not negatively effect gameplay in a game series that has always been renowned for speed
I might just be a dumb scrub but I think my eyes just rolled out of my head. I haven't liked many choices made with Xrd's design but this is just kind of insane.
Real talk we need a Queen thread.
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin world go rooouuuund!
I agree with this but Jack-o's ass is more tight and small than fat.

Real talk we need a Queen thread.
But it will just be a circle jerk over Freddie Mercury's mustache.
I agree with this but Jack-o's ass is more tight and small than fat.
I'm not sure if you didn't get the reference or are just messing with me. I'm assuming the latter.

Well it's fat in the picture...
compared to the rest of her frame, Jack-O got a fat ass.
So....are we really just getting Johnny and Jack-O? I mean...seriously? I get that it takes time to make these, but the BBEX rereleases often have just as much if not more new characters. I don't know if I'm willing to pay full price for Revelator even if it has the next anime part, which I can just get on YT anyways. Anyone hear anything about anything else coming to it?
So....are we really just getting Johnny and Jack-O? I mean...seriously? I get that it takes time to make these, but the BBEX rereleases often have just as much if not more new characters. I don't know if I'm willing to pay full price for Revelator even if it has the next anime part, which I can just get on YT anyways. Anyone hear anything about anything else coming to it?
I feel you. I bought two blazeblue games, calamity trigger and chronophantasma. I waited for that release due to the constant updates......I still feel gypped.
i know the creator of gg said he wasnt dropping anyone but only two characters for that update isnt good
Anything additional will probably be DLC, just to surprise people into getting the next game.
It'll probably get one extra character with the console release and a couple of DLC characters. That's how ASW rolls.
It'll probably get one extra character with the console release and a couple of DLC characters
This seems like the safest bet.
My theory of Zappa coming with consoles and Testament and Dizzy being DLC still stands.
I don't know about that, Zappa coming back this soon seems really implausible. Never know though. Dizzy makes sense under the same logic Johnny came back, Testament is an obvious pair to Dizzy but it might just end up being someone more story appropriate. I remember an interview way back with Daisuke about how Dizzy wasn't in the game because there was no way to work her into the story, which makes no sense since she is in the story.