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Guilty Gear Thread

You guys thinking Justice will be in because of the J, but do you know who else has a J in their name?

Call me when A.B.A TODS her way into relevator.

Until then I'm giving free hugs out with May.
You guys thinking Justice will be in because of the J, but do you know who else has a J in their name?


Could be, I mean I hopefully want to get every other character back into the game at some point.

Only other characters with J in their name I can think of would be Judgment and then June and July from the Jellyfish Pirates.
Hello, Elphelt Redesign.

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Surprised to see her announced this early. Kind of mixed on her character design. That thigh makes me cringe. Her gameplay does fill a niche in the game though so that is good to see. This is still not the console release so there should at least be a few more.
Hello, Elphelt Redesign.


Elphelt got a redesign, huh.

I like it a bit more than her regular outfit.
Just bought Xrd.

Anything I should know?
Wasn't the redesign posted before?
Anyways, my opinion is no different then it was when I first saw it. I think it looks silly.
I mean, her original design wasn't anything fantastic, but this just looks silly. This is like dressing up a puppy in a biker outfit; you're trying to make something non-threatening into something threatening, or evil. In the end, it just doesn't fit and just looks odd. Her face is supposed to look cute, and it still looks that way, so when you have her dressed like this it doesn't look correct.
The oversized dog collar looks generic and silly, the cleavage still looks out of place, and she looks like a teenager going through her "edgy" phase.
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have you consider that perhaps
the jarring contrast between the costume and the character is perhaps
the joke, perhaps
have you consider that perhaps
the jarring contrast between the costume and the character is perhaps
the joke, perhaps
While it can be argued that this is a joke, I don't really feel like that was what they were going for. If they wanted to do this solely for humor, they should have gone all the way with it. They're trying too hard to still keep her cute clothing-wise.

Even if this is the case, that doesn't remove the fact that the rest of the design does not look good, though.
Something can be designed as a joke and still look nice.
jam's new design is shitty
nice to see that they've kept that consistent, at least
The only thing they changed was giving her a hair clip. Everything else is pretty much the same. :\
The only thing they changed was giving her a hair clip. Everything else is pretty much the same. :\
My statement still stands :Y
You know, people kept saying Jam would be second to last before A.B.A if ever.

Can I have A.B.A now? Let's get that keygrab in 3D.
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Yeah, I still don't like Elphelt's new design. Would have liked it if she didn't have such soulless eyes. I'm kind of mix on the collar/choker/whatever the hell that is because GG is known to have exaggerated accessories, well at least this game (see: Johnny's belt).

Good to see Jam is back though.
has nobody played the xrd story mode?

I've played the story mode. I get the redesign makes sense, but I'm still not feeling it.
Glad to see jam back, however her atrocious anatomy of her new artwork is not at all welcome.

homegirl looking like she has two different iterations of her own damn legs

like arcsys couldnt decide on what artwork to use for this game and they just were like "throw em together we'll make it work"

and damn am i tired of boobpockets, so very very tired of them
she's gotta keep them arus fresh for Ky.
cuz he's technically back on the market and Jam is thirsty.
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.... I guess I'm one of the few not bugged by the artwork ^^;
cuz he's technically back on the market and Jam is thirsty.
Dizzy got unfrozen off-screen in Xrd.
Glad to see jam back, however her atrocious anatomy of her new artwork is not at all welcome.

homegirl looking like she has two different iterations of her own damn legs

like arcsys couldnt decide on what artwork to use for this game and they just were like "throw em together we'll make it work"

and damn am i tired of boobpockets, so very very tired of them

Official artworks for this game usually look kinda off.

She looks better in motion


  • Jam2.PNG
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yeah, the in-game is more important.

can't wait to see Daisuke's ass love shine through Jam in 3D.
I was hoping for Baiken, but Jam I'm happy about. I am hoping at least one more character is added, but maybe I am too optimistic?
I was hoping for Baiken, but Jam I'm happy about. I am hoping at least one more character is added, but maybe I am too optimistic?
Your not being optimistic. The console release will likely add more characters on top of it [either in the disc or through dlc] like Blazblue, Persona, and vanilla Xrd did. This is still arcade promotion.
So Jam's back?

So I have to deal with 6H and command dash again?


God dammit, if I cant have HOS, then at least give me ABA
Jam was probably about the last character I wanted in.

There goes the Dizzy/Zappa theory and pretty much everything else anyone was speculating other than Jam fans.
Jam was probably about the last character I wanted in.

There goes the Dizzy/Zappa theory and pretty much everything else anyone was speculating other than Jam fans.

Judging from Sign, we have at least 3 more characters getting added (one with consoles and 2 DLC). There's atill a chance, it's just a little slimmer now. Who was opposite Jam in the Accent Core character select?
Who was opposite Jam in the Accent Core character select?
Uh... Oh, wow, really?
It's fucking Bridget
i love stereotypical depictions of the chinese
go japan go
yes. the chinese with their big eyes and long light brown hair.
yes. the chinese with their big eyes and long light brown hair.
bruh everything about what Jam does is a pure chinese stereotype from a japanese perspective.
The way she speaks is basically the japanese equivalent of "YOU PAY FAI DOLLA FO EGG RORR" or some similar stereotypical phrasing that I can't be arsed to think of right now.
the fact that the chinese girl speaks in a super chinese way, uses chinese martial arts, and has a chinese restaurant (chinese people are usually depicted as martial artists or chefs, and frequently both) makes me think that Jam's character is a just a little too tied to her nationality
and her boy lust
what a well rounded character
i love ass and legs
that enough to make up for things
(chinese people are usually depicted as martial artists or chefs, and frequently both)