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Moveset breakdowns of Naoto and Hibiki + Ragna's arcade mode up the the second-to-last battle

So if she's in the arcade version, I wonder who we'll be getting for consoles.
Honest question, is there any other prominent character capable of fighting that could be added and isn't Jubei (or from Remix Hearts)?
I can only think of Tora, and she isn't prominent.
I could see Trinity getting in as her own character. Don't forget about Izanami or Alpha either.
When's wedding dress Azrael.
Lets see... Torakaka, Mai, Kajun, Shiori and Chachakaka... idk much about Bloodedge experiencee, but we might see more of Saya Terumi too.

Yeah, a Saya Terumi exists.

I'm starting to get lost in this series' plot
This is normal. Unless you read EVERYTHING, confusion is inevitable. And even then we are still scratching our heads.
So some guy on a Japanese forum claims to have gotten Famitsu early and posted the details it listed on Nine's moveset. He apparently had posted pictures that have since been taken down. I'm taking it with a grain of salt myself, but I figured I'd post it anyway.

This is what I've read on a Japanese forum claiming to have got early access to the magazine. The poster did post a photo of the magazine, but it was only up for 10 minutes so I missed it.
So what I'm trying to say is, take it with a pinch of salt. I hoped other sites would report about it, but they ignored BBCF completely.

Nine doesn't have a drive, instead she is using sorcery. She activates her magic with the D button.
Her Stock consists of two symbols, the left one is "Stock slot" and the right one are "Active slot".
When an attack hit or is being blocked, the active slot will change into the element of that attack.
A: Water
B: Wind
C: Fire
After that, by doing a certain command the element from the active slot will be put into the stock slot.
The stock slot can contain up to three elements, and depending on what elements that are in the stock slot the magic will change(for example Fire. Or Fire Fire Fire. Or Water Wind Fire).


Translating the rest. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

The stock can hold maximum 3 type of magic. The combination of the stock will change what magic would appear when pressing D.
1 fire -> Coral of Wrath
3 fire -> Rubellite of Rage (appears like powered up version of Coral of Wrath)
1 water + 1 wind + 1 fire -> Nephrite of Demise
The magic can reach up to 20 combinations.
That fact made it seems like it would be most important to memorize the combination. Being aware of the icons during battle is also essential.
Other than magic, there's also the special moves and DD.
Some of them will change according to the slot.

Special Moves
Flack (Black?) Snatcher: get a buff according to the active slot.
Crimson Raider: rush/charge attack

Exceed Accel
Scarlet Vein: the arm of Hi no Kagutsuchi crushes the opponent.

Distortion Drive
Azurite Inferno: crucifix the opponent and shoots magic orbs at them. The damage will change according to the stock.

Last, she turns into a phantom when dashing.


If true, she seems pretty interesting.
I hope this is true. It seems like a very interesting idea (not sure how it would be in practice, though). It sounds like it would be a pain to memorize every magic combination. I'm excited to play her anyways.
Some casual weekly european tournaments on Steam are being organized for Continuum Shift Extend. At some point there will be coupons offered for the winner and at the end of "league" person with most points will get a free copy of Chrono Phantasma Extend on PC (when it comes out).

If you're european, have good internet connection, and have time on saturday 7:00 PM (GMT) to around 10:00 PM then you are welcome to join. Organizer is still figuring how it all should go but last week it was pretty fun.

We have mashers, we have intermediates and we have that one scary Tager with lvl100 account and a 99% win record, so all skill levels are welcome. The event will be streamed, but for now quality isn't top notch, until organizer upgrades his PC (should be soon).

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Well there's the whole fire motif, for one.

Two, It's Mori.
Every member of the Six Heroes is playable
Except Jubei.

Give us the furry.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I honestly want Kaijun and Mai more than Jubei at this point.

And before I get hit with the broom,, I just want to point out that the author of the Remix Heart manga was a hentai artist that favored Jin/Ragna and did not accurately portray certain characters correctly, like Tsubaki, and not even Mori liked how Remix Heart was handled.

If Mori takes over like he did with Remix Heart Gaiden, Im sure everything will turn out fine.
She looks fantastic. I can't wait to use her. I'm really happy that turned out to be her mechanic, it sounds great.
I'm not sure what I'm going to end up doing about my current mains, though. I might drop Lambda for Nine, but I want to use Hibiki as well...

Also, a few pieces of info and pictures from the arcade modes are coming in.

Something very very odd is going on here.

Apparently this is all taking place in the Embryo world, where everyone's emories have been erased.

Ragna lost his memories (AGAIN?!)

Jin lost all of his creepiness and is more "serious business mode" like Hakumen, even calling Ragna the Dark One. EDIT: They dont even clash in their intros anymore D:

Noel/Mu has gone evil psycho

We can see a glimpse of human Tager

Its official, we went full fanfic up in this piece
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I literally cannot believe how attracted I am to Nine.
This isn't fair.

Also, Evil Mu might be a flashback or maybe something AU-y?
I mean I'm assuming Terumi is from an AU since he got killed so hard
I literally cannot believe how attracted I am to Nine.
This isn't fair.
well she is literally designed as a sexy witch, so.....
jerry shrug.jpg

I used spoilers for a reason }:I

At any rate, as I said before, this world seems to take place inside the Embryo Izanami summoned a while back, so I cant tale if these are the real characters or AU clones

So...apparently Relius is "One" As in, He's one of the 10 Great Stages, the same group Nine is from.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuu-
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Also, a few pieces of info and pictures from the arcade modes are coming in.
I'm a bit curious about what this actually is and how it is relevant, as I've never played the arcade mode, really. Are the arcade modes story relevant? I was under the impression the arcade modes were all their own things that weren't canon.
It sounds interesting, anyways. Noel being crazy and Jin finally losing that one character trait constantly hammered into your head? Yes, please. I'd have loved if Jin got a redesign to the outfit from the first screenshot, as well.
arcade modes are generally akin to "story lite"
not the whole thing, but parts are there
so the stuff going on in the arcade modes will likely be going on in the regular story mode as well
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CF Arcade's mode is a lot more plot heavy than usual though , which got me curious.

CP's arcade modes are TECHNICALLY Canon; its just that Izanami just reloops everything anyway :L.