Amateur Proctologist
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- zarking_photon

We're... not talking to the thousands of stream viewers? Can they not hear us? This is news to me. Well, in that case, we shouldn't bother considering their effect on our game's growth or long-term strength.
This is a far more viable option, having Broken Loose and one of either Peanuts or Dolfin. This essentially aligns with what I've been talking about this whole time, two commentators with opposite and complementary styles.
I always thought you were talking directly to me...
I agree that both dolfin and peanuts are very knowledgeable, and among the best commentators we have. I do not agree that two soft-spoken, technically-focused commentators is the right call for a grand finals, or any match, really. Every commentary pair will be talking to more than just the people here. We have to put on a show for all the viewers.
Pairing POS and myself was absolutely a bad decision, one that I'm not going to repeat again to either extreme. I have watched commentary from everyone currently being discussed. I have also read youtube comments, twitch chat, reddit comments, and forum posts talking about said commentary, when available. I am basing this on all of those things, and not just what I want, or what the 25 people talking in this thread want.Last year's top 8 commentary was 2 players who were not technically focused and did not say much other than yell about what was happening on the screen. It gives a bad impression to other communities when our commentators don't understand the game at a high level. Dolfin and peanuts may not be as loud in terms of decibels as you and POS but they're no less enthusiastic, "soft-spoken" is certainly not how i would describe their commentary, and they provide a very good insight into the game that anyone can appreciate.
First off: you really think it's easier to fix a lifetime's worth of vocal habits, than to learn a video game? Flip the switch then, Jarred.
Even as I typed it, I knew.
So what your saying is... yes, all those events (save for only this year's NEC) had local commentators. So that's only natural for those events, but for CB, come on Kai you're being unreasonable. Ok.This year's NEC was not local players. CEO was local players because literally 8 people went to that event. CEOtaku was Broken Loose + Peanuts because they're an amazing commentary duo. NWM was going to be me + hilary (and it was also me + goose for most of pools) but then I ended up making top 8 and goose volunteered to step in for me. Commentary isn't about who's local or who's running the scene.
You're taking this a lot more personally than anything that I've ever said to you has been about. So far all I've done is give you honest feedback about frosty commentary which included you notSecond of all, I feel like we need to play each other or something, because I'm pretty much done having you tell me I don't know shit. All I have is praise for you, with an added caveat about what kind of co-commentators might work best, and all you've got for me is shade? You think I'm just lucky? That I have no idea what I'm doing? Does he not know shit?
I also outplaced players such as Lethalmind, WarpedEcho, Negus_Eyoel, TempleNut, ShadeMoneh, and Beamsprouts at NEC15. All six of those players were better than me at the time. I also placed 5th at EVO above Biz Casual, Negus, Beamsprouts, and Fosh even though they were all stronger players than me at the time. It's about the players you go through that determine a strong performance imo. I would argue that none of my tournament results have ever meant anything because the strongest player I've ever beaten in tournament is Biz Casual. I would argue tournament results have almost nothing to do with game knowledge. I'm going off the fact Peanuts game knowledge shows in his commentary, and yours does not. Maybe you were doing this because you wanted dhoppler to handle the analytical stuff and then just provide support to it, which is fine. But then it's a problem where Dhoppler doesn't want to speak up by the time he's ready to talk about what just happened something else happens that you want to jump into (which happens a lot in sg in general because this game is WILD). Playing wouldn't help prove anybody's point but i'll play regardless because it's SG.
Ok, fine. How was I supposed to take you saying I had little to no game knowledge?
As a thing about your commentary and not you as a person? You can criticize someone's work/project/whatever you want to call it and have it be personal. I love trihex to death as a person but I think he's horrible at speedrunning.
Don't do that. Don't punch out preemptively. You should body me 7-0 because I don't know the game, I'm just loud.
The fact that you're responding like this and making assumptions about what I think about you despite them not being things that I've ever said (or thought for that matter) makes me think that you are taking this really personally. I get that it's just a result of being passionate about this but I genuinely hope that none of this is a personal attack on you.
I mean if you really want to play then sure I guess. Steam is Dolfinh, display name atm should just be "Eli"
holy shit, dude, grow up
I was supposed to last year, but SOMEBODY didn't give over... :^P
Not that I am involved in this discussion at ALL, but there is a HUGE difference between knowing how to play and knowing how to talk about play. Commentary is just as much of a skill as playing. Mentioning that someone went for something they missed instead of just getting counterhit, knowing that an accidental move was a mis-input some-other-move-that-would-have-worked, that kind of thing.
And I will hold to my promise to rectify that this year.
Read the commentary thread and you'll see that's what we're working towards. Hell, read this thread.
Read and you'll find out.
I need to learn what discord is first. Is it like when you get your friends on the party line before going out on the town?
I haven't specifically commentated with Datagram before but I think we've had enough casual conversations that we could figure it out pretty quickly. And ofc Dolfy is the person I've commentated with the most out of anyone.
Works for me. Might be worth having some backup plans in case the commentators for top 16 or top 8 make it that far in the tournament, though.
This is a good idea!Also, it might be fun/useful to schedule some online sets that each new pair can commentate. Maybe give them something to warm up with, so that they could come back and give each other notes ("feel free to jump in anytime," or, "try not to talk over me so much,"), as well as take feedback from the rest of us.
Actually, I think we should probably move with a sense of urgency, on this. I see no reason why we can do one, like... tonight. And tomorrow. Or, I guess, yeah, people might be busy. But what I mean is, there's no time like the present. Once or twice a month won't even get use through all the available pairings.Re: Helping new pairs commentate for synergy and feedback ideas
Put a pair on maybe once or twice a month on PC Skullbats? It happens often enough that people would get multiple chances at commentating together before Combo Breaker so they can figure out what they need to work on. [While also giving them more commentary experience to get them more comfortable with what to do wrt commentating]