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The Overwatch Thread

The more I see stuff about this game, the more I wanna pick it up and play. Obviously I can't at the moment, but definitely picking it up in a heart beat if I get the chance.

I love the character designs so much and the gameplay looks so fun ;W;
This Winston knocked me right where I wanted him to.

Plus as I begin to ult, look at Mercy on the right as this is happening.

She lines up perfectly behind enraged Winston.
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So this shit happened... the whole game....
Symmetra, mercy, reinhart, bastion, dwarf, and i don't remember the 6th guy(EDIT: widowmaker). Anubis map, defense. They never broke through the first gate and my teleporter was never used.
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If a bastion dies and no one is around to here it, does it make a sound?
If a bastion dies and no one is around to here it, does it make a sound?
Irrelevant it still has to make that run back.
Irrelevant it still has to make that run back.
I never did the difference between shield and armor. This helps a bit tho.
I read a short guide on characters on the Reddit, which is basically all I needed, though I feel Genji definitely does feel like you need a more advanced guide for him at times lol.
The only tip I remember is that you wanna melee often with him.
Like, what, does his Melee do extra damage?
I read a short guide on characters on the Reddit, which is basically all I needed, though I feel Genji definitely does feel like you need a more advanced guide for him at times lol.
The only tip I remember is that you wanna melee often with him.
Like, what, does his Melee do extra damage?
I think its mainly because he's so squishy. You want to get in and out as quickly as possible so those melee attacks help. Also since his dash resets on kill you wanna get em as close to the kill range as possible. It's probably a factor too. And shuriken throw > dash > melee is legit combo.

"The Zenyatta Spiritual Triangle"

How it works- Place a Tank at the point of your triangle this can be Reinhardt, D.Va, or Winston if you want. In the center of the Triangle you place Zenyatta. This is a perfect position for him to cover the tank with heals as damage is blocked, he can also fire long range orb shots/ discord covering to help clear a path. On both sides of Zen should be a good hero that has medium range and are willing to protect Zen at all costs, so let's say... Soldier 76. The side heroes cover Zen from flanks as well as getting good clean up shots on any enemy that neither Zen or the Tank took down. Since 3 people are close to Zen in this formation when his Ult is activated he can heal half of the team for a great push on a point or cart. The other two remaining heroes can be roaming around disrupting the back lines of the enemy, so either a Tracer or a Reaper will do in those positions.

and there you go, a really go way to maximize your use of a Zenyatta while being aggressive.
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Hey... I somehow missed all of your overwatch art... :S

I like the derpy blushing reaper.

ps: I think you might have a thing for Junkrat... and pretty much all of the other heroes too..
you have captured the worried dad-ness of foxy grandpa.
Played a game where all of us were D.Va, with the exception of one Lucio. Won the first round so good the second round they did practically the same thing, but still they lost.
We did a team of Rienharts (didn't win). And then a team of Winstons. Crashed the game after we all threw down our barriers on the point.

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I got a Lootbox with a Heroric Intro, a Legendary, gold, and a regular skin for Symmetra.
Naturally, the Legendary is for Widowmaker, and I was fine with just using Noire Widowmaker.
But oh well, it was the not-Swan Lake skin.
dude, I've been doing a ton of all troll teams with my best friend and his group.

All Diva was fucking awesome, and we did an all Bastion team with a Reinhardt and a Tobjorn.
on the russian level.
on the little room in front of the first point.
it was just a beautiful mess until a junkrat decided no fun was allowed.
well, we were yucking it up, so the fun was had regardless.
and after we got blown up, some of us switched off Bastion, except for me.
and it was still disgusting what we did.
but it was a good disgusting.
I'm just one of those guys who can't hate Bastion because I don't play him lame either.

I also forgot we had 2 Reinhardts so that way when one lost their shield another would be right back up.

like, when I say it was disgusting, I mean DISGUSTING
battle.net is Lexeous#1357 i've got someone in each category. Roadhog is ma boi tho. zenyatta not far behind. Feel free to send friend request. I don't have a mic so i'll listen but can't respond as quick.

....anyone else a little annoyed being forced to have numbers in their name?
Oh yeah, my battle.net is DDBofStars#1541.

I do D.Va, Genji, and Mercy things mostly.
Small price to pay to just be able to call myself whatever the hell I want.
I concede. That is very very true. Especially with a blizzard game. every name would betaken.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, we can make a massive group, right? Maybe have Team SkullHeart on there.
So Apparently Genji can reflect Tracer's Pulse Bomb, Mei's Blizzard Creator (before it starts storming), and even Zarya's Magnetic Zone thingy. God he can even reflect Roadhog. Not Roadhog's damage, but the knockback from his ult. HE CAN EVEN REFLECT WINSTON'S RAGE PUNCHES! WTF (He still takes the damage and knockback as well, but so does Winston, which is weird)

Genji just looks more and more stupid the more I see from him. It almost makes me laugh.
Luckily most Genjis just waste their reflects and die almost immediately.
every character has a counter to them. genji is squishy. well like most offense.

Mcree decimates Genji. technically he can deflect the flash, but who ever said the flash had to hit him? Mcree would simply throw it on the ground or wall and still get the stun. Personally i believe road hog is another great counter. chain and point blank shot is an insta kill on Genji and really all the offence characters. (some you gotta melee after the shot tho.)

tl;dr no character is god tier. think of it as a fighting game and learn the match ups.
No character is god tier.

... 'Cept McCree.
Mercy is quite literally god tier though because she's an angel

speaking of which look at this cool little comic i found on the subreddit that I can relate to

also hai @chickenwithtie you're on there too what a coincidence
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i...i never thought id feel bad for tracer. tho i have 100% been in Mercy's situation.