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Spotlight The Skullgirls Universe Expands Onto Mobile Devices


Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Unknown

Later this year, Hidden Variable Studios will be releasing a Skullgirls game on Android and iOs supported devices. While the game will not be a Fighting game like the Skullgirls you know and love, it will instead feature RPG elements in its progression system and contain elements of teambuilding and deckbuilding. One might not expect the game to be able to match the speed and intensity that one would find in Skullgirls, however Hidden Variable has gone to great lengths to make sure that the game will be lively enough to keep the attention of fighting game fans as well as those that enjoy the Skullgirls universe and want an accessible mobile game. Lab Zero CEO Peter Bartholow has stated that he is looking forward to fans of Skullgirls checking the game out.

While Lab Zero is working with Hidden Variable to make this game, it is not being made by Lab Zero so don't expect it to share any similarities to Indivisible. One last interesting bit of information is that on release the game will be set as a prequel to the events of Skullgirls, however it will continue to explore other parts of the setting in the future as the game expands.

In addition, if you're interested in the game, Hidden Variable will be accepting fans into a Closed Beta starting today so people can get a chance to play and offer feedback.
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How does one send an application for the closed beta?
I'll totally be hype for a spinoff as long as you can promise me it's not one of those games. If it's like, a real game that isn't trying to milk as many microtransactions as it can out of me, cool. Just please please please tell me there's no bullshit here.
AW YEAH TIME TO COLLECT THOSE WAIFUS ON MY PHONE *Aggressively uninstalls Fate/Grand Order*
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Interesting that there's an 'I was an IGG backer' option. Wonder if that might fast track you.

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Boy, I sure wish I had an android phone right about now...
Fuck WinPhones
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well, looks like I'm gonna have to break my "no games on my phone, that's what my 3DS is for" rule.
I have the exact same rule. lol

My phone is for utility, not gaming, but I would totally get this spinoff on my phone if I could.
The real question on everyone's mind:

Will there be a deadly airport in the game?
I have a few games on my phone. I play some of them for a couple of days before dropping. This is probably one of the first games I will be happy to see on the mobile devices. I really to love see the Skullgirls universe expand. More little surprises unraveled...I can't help but smile.
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They ask what other characters you would like to see in the mobile game...
Annie of the Stars.
Give Minette
Or Roxie
Or Time's Up team of Isaac and Aeon

From the ashes of the waifu wars raise kindlings of new online forms that threaten to send the SGC into a second dark age of namecalling and angsty memes.

It has been so cold without the flames of war
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So excited!! I hope Ileum is playable <3
Are Beowulf, Robo and Fukua not finished or something
I can't seem to find them anywhere on the trailer
Autumn Games I guess.

Don't think Lab Zero doesn't have their fingers on it, mang.

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well yeah I know. They have the right to have Autumn games ask them first if they want to work on the game. Lab Zero obviously said yes. and like they have teased us about wanting to make a mobile game thanks to the April Fools so... i mean... it's not 100% blind side but it's also... mmmmh i really didn't expect them to have this happen right now. Especially when Lab Zero is working on Indivisible. and all this talk of possible new characters or new animations... I have to ask... Can Lab Zero really afford to do that at this current moment? I guess the answer would be yes? but like... ehhhhhhhhhhh I just hope this doesn't mess with Indivisible's production. that's all.
Peter seemed pretty enthused about it talking about it interviews. So maybe it's not Autumn Games trying to shove something out the door?

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Peter seemed pretty enthused about it talking about it interviews. So maybe it's not Autumn Games trying to shove something out the door?

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Idk... Let's just hope we can find some more info.
Will there be a deadly airport stage?
Never owned a mobile game before but I'm about to ^,^

Game looks cool. I'm curious to see the new story content and what new animations they'll be doing. I'm looking forward to trying this out, hehe
Wait, does this mean we're ACTUALLY gonna get the actual legit story of Skullgirls this time?!
how much does an android go for
Wait, does this mean we're ACTUALLY gonna get the actual legit story of Skullgirls this time?!
how much does an android go for
there are android emulators. My experience with them wasn't stellar, but it's something.
What the fuck
This is kind of out of left field to me. I'm interested as to why the brand is branching out to mobile.

From the ashes of the waifu wars raise kindlings of new online forms that threaten to send the SGC into a second dark age of namecalling and angsty memes.
Since Eliza won the Minette camp should have a pretty easy battle this time around. Personally I'll be looking to see if a certain 12 foot tall character gets an appearance.
If this is anything like that tekken online card game I may like this. Plus the lore is a big selling point.
Wouldn't it be wise to give the game another title like "Skullgirls Z", "Skullgirls Mobile" or "Skullgirls: Other M"?
Just to avoid the nightmare scenario where uninformed buyers expect the full game (like KOF) on a phone, leading to refunds and poor reviews.

By the way, Minette best girl. Also SG2: Lively Harbor, make it happen.
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anything for more of big bando husbando
I'm glad that they're expanding to mobile but I still wish I could get this on 3DS as well because my phone is so full of notes and TV episodes that i don't think it can fit something like Skullgirls, even if it's just a spinoff.

Bleh, I'm still getting it anyways. Mostly because now there's a actual chance of ADDITIONAL CHARACTER STORY! TEAM SCYTHANA IS BACK IN BUSINESS!