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Skullgirls Beta Aug 5th Patch Discussion


I've seen M Gun cause wall bounce like this way too often in the beta. Did this used to happen in retail as well, or is this a thing that's supposed to happen now?

Also when you set the pushblock to be random but at a set hit (eg pushblock 2nd hit) it'll randomly pushblock at the 1st hit too. Can it be made so it always pushblocks at the specified hit randomly instead of randomly pushblocking at any hit, or, ideally, can it be made to toggle between these two behaviours?
It's a side effect of the extra knock back but it could also happen in retail as well.
After playing around some more the nerfs made L-Beat balanced and fair, if it shipped out like this i'd be ok with it. However, I think the nerfs killed M-beat as an assist.
After Brass nerf, these two combos no longer kill.

The corner combo will kill if you use Copter instead of Excellebella both times, but if you use copter you don't build the full bar for the combo (you build like... 95% of the bar, so it doesn't matter that much).
Why would it be a problem? I'm just pointing out a thing I noticed the nerf effects. No one really mentioned hard effects of the damage nerf, so I mentioned this. This is a thing that's no longer possible.

If anything I thought maybe people would feel better about the nerf knowing it prevents this.
why is l beat extend getting nerfed after all this time? it was no secret how powerful it was but i thought it was just a thing that was accepted
why is l beat extend getting nerfed after all this time? it was no secret how powerful it was but i thought it was just a thing that was accepted
it was actually never accepted, people have always complained about it
After playing around some more the nerfs made L-Beat balanced and fair, if it shipped out like this i'd be ok with it. However, I think the nerfs killed M-beat as an assist.
Not seeing that at all.
All multi hitting air attacks stuff L beat extend for free, even when blocking said air attack on point.
Most noticeable with val j.mp, double j.hp, fillia j.mp, peacock j.lk, squiggly j.mk/j.hk, big band j.lk.
It used to only be that you could stuff BE like this from the front of big band. Now you can do it directly over big band. Meaning that my only is it not worth much as a reversal, it doesn't function as an anti air all that well against opponents with multi hitting jump ins.

Can't interrupt block strings with the assist nearly as easily, which I'm pretty sure is the point of nerf and that's fine. But it really vexes me that the assist doesn't even anti air opponents directly over head anymore in cases that updo and pillar are still effective.

I feel like it only hits whiffed air attacks and blocked single hit air attacks without getting beat out.

Dropping assists 12 frames earlier is completely overblown. Especially with how easy it is to stuff now.

No comment on mp BE.

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Not seeing that at all.

I do agree that that happens more often now, but BE still the largest dp in the game and still controls a large portion of the screen. So it being a little weaker in some areas could be a good trade off in that way.

But it's still kinda stupid that this can happen.

Edit: Turns out the attached pictures are M-Beat. oops.


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I'm liking these patches. A lot!

Would still prefer IDJs to be gone (via Doublejump lockout) and some minor random other touchups*, but overall I really enjoy the recent direction.

* like making Bella j2MP or jHP mid (the latter just while rising) because it appears strange to me that "the grappler" has such strong overheads that it barely wants/needs to throw, or something for Peacock (Lenny Argus?)
Minimum height for double jumps would be good. We already have it for air dashes.

So would a universal minimum height on rising overheads. I find it strange that peacock and Eliza lost their instant overhead instead of it all happening at once. What's good fillia, fukua, fortune, squigly, beowulf, bella?

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Liza jLK isn't an IOH because it hits way too many people crouching - maybe everyone? Too lazy to test, but at least it's several low crouchers (eg Filia).
Peacock jLP I'm unsure, might be related to "She is a zoner and doesn't need an extremely fast overhead", or to "She has a comparably easy time setting up fuzzies with item drop", or something.

For other characters this doesn't really apply - Fortune jLK eg is just an IOH on tall crouchers (if we ignore IDJ..), so you need to at least set up fuzzies with it to be useful against the majority of the cast (and gives some extra weakness to eg Eliza as she can get instant overheaded by things that other ppl can't*).

* Imagine you removed all rising overheads, that would be kind of a big buff to Big Band innit
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Minimum height for double jumps would be good. We already have it for air dashes.

So would a universal minimum height on rising overheads. I find it strange that peacock and Eliza lost their instant overhead instead of it all happening at once. What's good fillia, fukua, fortune, squigly, beowulf, bella?

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Please look.
This is eliza's hitbox



Isa already said for reasons why eliza is a no no.

so add on to things, double can be fuzzied, so can eliza and band.

I would rather not remove rising overheads. Its something that tall characters had to deal with in other games, why change it now?
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instant overheads that hit standing chars only are fine, weird instant overheads that hit crouchers that aren't big band, why.
instant overheads that hit standing chars only are fine, weird instant overheads that hit crouchers that aren't big band, why.
My exact feelings for the most part. I don't mind bella doing them with j2MP and jHP too much because they feel like IAD speed overheads. (could be wrong and they might actually be faster idk off the top of my head)
My exact feelings for the most part. I don't mind bella doing them with j2MP and jHP too much because they feel like IAD speed overheads. (could be wrong and they might actually be faster idk off the top of my head)
Bella's j.HP is 19f and j.2MP was 15f (that was the fastest possible version) but Mike slowed it down a bit in one of the beta patches by 2f so it is 17f, the same as Filia's IAD j.LK.
Peacock jLP I'm unsure, might be related to "She is a zoner and doesn't need an extremely fast overhead", or to "She has a comparably easy time setting up fuzzies with item drop", or something.
Her rising j.lp only hits Eliza, Bella and Beowulf (Beo is weird, hits at certain ranges and whiffs at others). and of course BB. I believe the main reason the overhead properties were removed was because of the double jump cancel thing giving her an option for a very fast IOH.
This would probably take alot of work to code but a possible suggestion for SG2 but it'd be nice to have a SFV like feature to be able to look for matches while your messing around in Training or verses AI quick matches.
I'm pretty sure Mike said something about that; he considered it at one point but the PS3 doesn't have enough RAM to implement a fight request-like feature. I'd imagine the 360 is in a similar situation.
There appears to be an issue with the trigger for Beo's referee pin:

Although you need to end your combo with an EX Canis Major to get the penguin itself, it seems that you can still receive the damage increase from the referee pin even if you end the combo with a regular Canis Major (which usually deals only 275 damage when fully scaled). All of the other necessary circumstances to get the pin still need to be in place (game-winning combo, 3 hype, opponent's last character), but being able to spend 3 hype, all of your meter, and then dishing out 1550 unscaled damage to top it off is just egregious.
Her rising j.lp only hits Eliza, Bella and Beowulf (Beo is weird, hits at certain ranges and whiffs at others). and of course BB. I believe the main reason the overhead properties were removed was because of the double jump cancel thing giving her an option for a very fast IOH.

No, it was to help BB in the match-up.

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No, it was to help BB in the match-up.
Umm BB vs Peacock is a decently even matchup, especially considering BB is one of the many characters that has gotten more anti-zoning tools since retail. I'm would imagine preventing Peacock having a fast, universal overhead is a more valid reason for the nerf. That being said, if the double jump cancel thing ends up getting removed in the future, I'd like to opt for her j.lp to regain the overhead properties.
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When you are in training mode and set Beowulf to perform a chairless sweep to play on reversal, every time he recovers after the sweep he will perform the sweep again, only to recover once more and do another sweep, since he is doing a "reversal." Any way to fix this?
Well looking back at it, it was because j.lp got sped up and a lower hit box. I just remember hearing about the BB match up at the same time. My mistake.

New bikes are cool, she gets conversions out of pillar, combos are more consistent and there's some new fullscreen stuff, she could really use this buff.

What I don't like is that it makes pillar bikes safe vs some characters if they block it from far away (up close they can just pbgc jab, even midscreen).
I like the buff because now FHP>Pillar>bikes is universal or mostly universal (haven't checked everyone but the characters it was dropping on due to otg weren't dropping which is great. It's more safe which means I have to focus on punishing it. DHC options

One thing I would like is if was slightly less safe than right now (but safer than it was I don't have frame data on me rn) but all the bikes came out if you DHC'd out of it. Right now, only having one bike come out makes some stuff randomly drop that wouldn't otherwise (especially now that there are 8) and it would open up combo>DHC routes etc. Not only that it would be able to give your team member a safer entrance depending on what you are trying to do. Also, the reason I would have it be a little less safe is because right now from the games I played. It feels super non-commital unless you are Point-Blank.
Haven't tested it yet but the bike things reminded me...

Blockbuster sequeling out of bikes and into BFF is wonky. If you do it too early, BFF doesn't end. You can't wait til the end because the blockbuster sequel window has ended. So you have to time it based on distance of BBS and timing of last bike coming on screen.

To fix this, I think either BFF needs to change to wear if first hit hits opponent, then they stop getting hit in the freeze grab before 2nd hit... Or make the BBS timing for bikes extended to when last bike hits opponent?

Or just leave it since it's not that big of a problem.

I'll go test it to see if new bikes helped this very specific situation.
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Haven't tested it yet but the bike things reminded me...
This... this happens with a ton of supers just to kind of go along with what I was saying with one or two bikes coming out making DHC timings ad stuff super inconsistent.
I really like these new bikes. They address issues I had with them a while back. If there is a way to keep the combo ability of these new bikes but keep the old bikes relative safety it should be a win win.

can s.B+hk go from this____________________ to this?

The goal being making the B+hk loops easier and let the opponent be able to be bounced higher. The height increase might technically make this a better anti air but its still a terrible anti air.
Wondering if Beo can have his perfect if the only damage he took was chairless chip from a normal.
In your heart, it's still a perfect.

Does headless fortune get a perfect if head is poked?
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Is it too much to ask for making Bella's Titan Knuckle not whiff on beowulf after DDrop for some obnoxious reason?
Hello everyone and Mike,

I have a video showing the bug I found, and that PME mentioned, with Robo's Magnet into Double's Lvl. 3 against Cerebella. I don't know what's causing it but it's there non-the-less. The first two attempts are with slightly different timing. The 3rd attempt is using a very late timing I found that is consistent. 4th attempt is using a very early buffered input that sometimes works found by PME.

Edit: I neglected to mention that this only happens with Cerebella.

Sorry if my video quality isn't all that good.

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I think that's just how magnet works. Magnet->Argus Agony DHC usually whiffs too.