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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017 Thread

Wait why are they saying Black Desert Online is a XOX console launch exclusive
I like how the framerate in Anime Souls is fucked and it says "Xbox One X enhanced" on the screen.
"XBox One and Windows 10 exclusive"

Rest in peace, Sea of Thieves.
Cuphead Sept 29th.

I already hate Crackdown 3.
Is this Orc going to shut the fuck up today? Jesus Christ.

And why do you need an army when you could massacre thousands of orcs while sleeping on the controller?

Anyone else find it interesting you can't say "fuck" on screen but decapitation with blood spilling everywhere is fine?

That confrence wasn't as bad as it could be, and it DID have some Hype moments (Dragon Ball Fighters and Terry Crews), but not enough.
Also Xbox One X is just a more expensive PS4 Pro, can't get hype for it.
At least it has some actual good looking games though.
Lucky's Tale is already better than Yooka Laylee :^)
DBZ Fighters looks FUCKN AMAZING
holy crap a new Ori game
The Last Night looked fucking beautiful
lastly I can't wait to see more Anthem
Is this Orc going to shut the fuck up today? Jesus Christ.
I like talky orcs. And he sounded pretty ORKY to me.

Anyway, the MS conference was decent. Nothing bad or terrible happened, but there weren't any exclusives that were able capture the hype.

Also the $500 price tag is a bit too steep for my liking.
Looks like the orks are going to keep their personality when they join you this time. I don't mind some talky ones as long as there's a good variety.
I fucking loved Bruz the Chopper, holy shit.
I got way more hyped for Shadow of War from him.
I hope the "Friendly" Archetype of Mordor returns
Come to think of it, Bruz seemed like the Friendly Archetype
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Was just sent this. For as hard as Micrsoft took that whole "no women presenters" thing they apparently aren't particularly vetting what they put on stage.
good job microsoft.jpg
It's not a phone it's a tablet god
Welp I caught up, other than being way too long for not much, it wasn't terrible other than some funny stuff at the beginning. But not really anything really, most things weren't all that exclusive and those that were weren't very great or fleshed out. Time for Beth and the last conference I'll be able to see live, ah well.
Well, Bethesda opening is already pathetic.

Oh god it got even worse, how?
So everyone who told me EA was the most embarrassing shit, did that hold against a couple minute reel of "I love my dad. he wurk so hard on game!", Bethesdaland, "I can't imagine the bar tab that paid for that applause", and then legitimately pushing the Bethesdaland thing?

And then the bear thing, what the fuck? Are these Youtube reactions? How does it keep getting worse?
Are they showing... a trailer... of YouTube reactions to a trailer.
Did they just announce paid mods again? I legitimately could not tell.
Yeah I couldn't tell either, also seeing an amiibo being used on elder scrolls was just fucking weird (albeit cool, that game has been played to death)
Is this shit supposed to be funny? Intense? I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling right now, just that I'm not.
I know old Wolfenstein. I don't mean that in an elitist way, I mean I literally don't know new Wolfenstein, no.
Well, that was pretty alright.
The opening/limping to the new content was kinda bad though.
But man, Evil Within 2 and WOLFENSTEIN 2
I am all for games where you kill Nazis.
Especially this year.
Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein 2 giving me all my nazi killin' needs
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I'm super interested in the LSD thing in wolfenstein, like that look super well done and want to see were that goes. Other than that Beth didn't do much for me other than Wolf, but that's as much I need from Beth is at least one good game, though the presentation was lackluster. And Evil Within looks good, just not my thing.
So tomorrow is Sony right? Better prepare to cry myself to sleep when armored core 6 isn't announced
So tomorrow is Sony right? Better prepare to cry myself to sleep when armored core 6 isn't announced
I mean, Miyazaki said he wanted to bring back old stuff, and he is president now. Then again, if I recall, his wording more implied Tenchu type shit. Either way, you think they'd put Armored Core on main stage? That strikes me as either side show or TGS.

Nothing against Armored Core, just saying it's not the most popular thing on Earth.
I'm super interested in the LSD thing in wolfenstein, like that look super well done and want to see were that goes. Other than that Beth didn't do much for me other than Wolf, but that's as much I need from Beth is at least one good game, though the presentation was lackluster. And Evil Within looks good, just not my thing.
I am all for fictional drug trips in video games.
Plus the fact the hallucinatory lizard was hand drawn and animated and was interacting with 3D models was.
Pretty trippy, fuckin' love it.
Gonna finally get to playing Wolfenstein and Old Blood to get ready to kill some goddamn nazis this October
I'm already happy with sony's presentation, just because I already got Bubsy and Kingdom Hearts all I need now is either Twisted Metal or PSAS2
So, skimming the Devolver conference, Suda showed up for... a joke? I think it's supposed to imply he's working on a game with Devolver but they're just being ironic about it. And the presenter is fucking awful.