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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017 Thread


Also, while I'm not complaining we're getting a new Metroid, the fact the presenters are talking about how "gorgeous" it is is a little distracting, given how it actually looks. As long as it plays well, I don't really care. These new gameplay features though... We'll see, I guess.
Aden is our new Negative Nancy
Someone has to take the mantle after DDB left.
I'm pretty sure Retro is developing MP4, I don't think they'd tweet pictures of prime rib otherwise if it wasn't them
dunno what you're rambling about ive just seen you whining the entire time
Oh I'm sorry I wasn't praising Mercury Steam's newest title, I forgot what a masterpiece their last Metroidvanais were. Which was your favorite? Lord of Shadow 1/2 or Mirror of Fate? I also said I wanted to play it, so not sure where that's a whine.

I can't believe I dared to have a grounded opinion on Metroid Prime 4 instead of losing my mind over a title card and saying I would like more information. I'm excited for Metroid to come back, but I'm also not going to get hype over nothing.

Kirby looked great, had nothing else to say, was excited for Odyssey from the trailers but the demonstration wasn't enticing to me. Don't know what you want.

Someone has to take the mantle after DDB left.
When's Venus?

Did the drought of Annie cause him to turn to stone?
She is in Indivisible, you know.
What did DDB actually leave?
Did the drought of Annie cause him to turn to stone?
I unno, I just know that the peeps at squid country said he was long gone
talking about everything else before your Samus Returns post, as for you not getting hype "over nothing" the return of Metroid Prime is definitely "something"
talking about everything else before your Samus Returns post
Let me skim real quick. Forgive me if I miss something, I'm sure you can tell me what it was.

Seems more balanced than not if you're taking a point by point, other than questioning the particularly stupid offenses like the Xbox shirt and name. I was particularly bitchy about Shadow of Mordor or whatever I will admit, and Evil Within 2. In my defense I explained my issues with Evil Within and even said despite how much I dislike the game I was going to go play it again just for the sake of trying to like it this time.

the return of Metroid Prime is definitely "something"
Yes it is, hence my first post on the matter. But the realizing that no info means fuck all, if I got hype for Mirror of Fate because it was the return of 2D Castlevania that would have been rather silly. And immediately, I was even proven correct about it, so I'm not sure what you want there. I said I wanted something to actually go by beyond a title card, IE gameplay.

good thing I didn't say I knew it was definitely them
I didn't say you did, I was giving info now that we had it. I'm not criticizing you, Christ.
-"I was particularly bitchy about Shadow of Mordor or whatever I will admit, and Evil Within 2"

that's what I was talking about

-" I said I wanted something to actually go by beyond a titlecard, IE gameplay."

sounds like a personal problem :^)

-"I'm not criticizing you, Christ."

you coughed at me
sounds like a personal problem :^)
Man, I want Metroid Prime 4 to be great, I really do, we're on the same side here so I don't see why you need to go full shitpost on me.

you coughed at me
I brought up Nintendo refused to even say who was developing it on the little title card, you said you believed it to be Retro, I posted the new information that it is not and put "cough" there. If that offended you so much, I'm sorry, it was just a thing, I did not say "FUCK YOU RETARD I WAS RIGHT HAHA YOU WERE WRONG", nor did I imply anything like that.

I'm not here to shit on anyone, if i have a particular problem with someone I find the ignore button helpful (grand total of 1 person thus far). I don't know why you feel the need to pick a fight with me, I have no issues with you.
no shitposting here I was serious, just because you can't get hype for Metroid Prime just existing doesn't mean I can't. Also yeah I mistook the cough for you being smug or something. I didn't pick no fights I'm a changed person
just because you can't get hype for Metroid Prime just existing doesn't mean I can't
Where did I ever say you or anyone can't? I said I was excited at first then thought about it and decided to wait to get excited by something more tangible, that's it, I never said you can't.

The worst I did was imply you're "losing your mind over a title card", which is an accurate statement. They showed a title card that said Metroid Prime 4 with no other information. If you're getting hype for that, you're getting hype over at title card, I didn't say anyone was stupid or whatever for that, I just said I wasn't doing it. I am me, you are you.

I didn't pick no fights I'm a changed person
Then you might be in the wrong place, I think this forum is pretty much for picking fights and getting updates on whats happening with the fights from the people who make the fights work and where to go to fight everyone else.

Bad jokes aside I think we've derailed the thread long enough, not that this doesn't appear to be wrapping up.
Retro's working on a new IP
or probably a new IP

You guys ready for THE MUSTARD OF YOUR DOOM?!
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no seriously @BeatNinja where's the baby Metroid amiibo
I could play Superstar Saga again. That game is great.
Oh wait, negative. Uhh... Grrr, rereleases are only okay when Sony does it?
Well, that big cinematic trailer for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 did not inspire confidence in me. Locations looked great! Giant monsters looked pretty cool. Anything involving actual people (or that girl who may or may not be a person) looked awful.

New Metroid games, definitely worth keeping an eye on. Honestly I want them to make a good story. Indie devs can make good metroidvanias, they just don't have the Metroid universe. But hey, if they've got good gameplay I'll probably play Samus Returns, and maybe Prime 4. I don't like Prime's gameplay quite as much.
Can't believe Metroid is back oh my god.
Prime 4 is great, and the Metroid 2 remake too...

Does that mean it is yet ANOTHER Metroid 2 Remake then? :^)

And yeah Superstar Saga remake! A new Kirby! Xenoblade Chronicles 2! FE Warriors! Very good stuff to me
or you could just be a considerate human being you little trashfuck

I was busy goddammit

stop bullying me
Oh I missed the announcement of "a core Pokemon RPG for the Switch" when they were just talking. Not much to go on, but still interested.

Also I did go back and see a Nopon in that Xenoblade trailer. He looked like a badass too. :P
Meh Nintendo didn't really do it for me this year either. They did hold my attention and I'd say they were my favorite presentation, but still I was kinda expecting a little bit more. Don't get me wrong Mario Odyssey looks amazing and I'm looking forward to it. Kirby looks a bit samey, but the return of Super Star partners, ability combining, and water makes me super happy. Main Poke game for switch announcement is fine and all, but I'll be skeptical until I get to playthrough it. Mario & Luigi is awesome, but I'll wait to see the price point before judging. And until I see more characters out of FE:Heroes, you know besides from Awakening and Fates, I'm gonna hold off.

Aaaaaand, Metroid did nothing for me. I tried to play Prime a couple of times but it's the only game that as ever gotten me motion sick, sans 60 locked FOV PC games. I don't know what's with Prime and me but 10 minutes in and I always get headaches. Plus Metroid never held much interest for me, like I tried playing trough the original and Super, but they didn't hold my attention. Fusion was the only one that held my attention until the end and even then I still couldn't tell you what the big deal is this series that people like, story wise that is.
Fusion was the only one that held my attention until the end and even then I still couldn't tell you what the big deal is this series that people like, story wise that is.
Um. The story wasn't that good. And that was fine for decades. They pioneered a genre. Then they took on a new type of gameplay.

Now it should have a good story. Guacamelee put a completely different spin on metroidvanias, while Axiom Verge is extremely reminiscent of Metroid with one trick of its own and enough story hook to get me to at least try to hunt for more notes. Sakamoto talked about adding more lore of the Chozo in Another Metroid 2 Remake Samus Returns.

Alternatively they could figure out a way to make the genre their own again.

I don't care if you don't like Metroidvanias, but this is really important for a lot of people.
I don't care if you don't like Metroidvanias, but this is really important for a lot of people.
Don't get me wrong I like Metroidvanias myself, and I'm not insinuating that other people shouldn't. I guess I personally couldn't get into the Metroid part of Metroidvanias, despite my interest in sci-fi space stuff, but to each their own and I'm happy that the fans of Metroid are getting games that they want.
Hmm... Another Metroid 2 Remake was really the game that got me to like Metroidvanias. Never played a Castlevania game. I'm too young for the golden era of metroidvania. Tried playing Super Metroid on an emulator before, kinda liked it but didn't really work up the motivation. Actually, I played an unfinished version of AM2R at one point and got the same feeling.

Then I went back and played the whole thing and got really into the exploration and shit (didn't like one thing, 97% completion with no item markers or unwalled areas left on the entire map *knuckles turn white*). I still have AM2R on my recently-replaced PC, should probably upload it somewhere and re-download it... or get a flash drive, or something.


In other news, I got to the point of the Nintendo Spotlight where they're showing XC2! World looks beautiful, and they're talking about "titans" like there'll be a lot of them and a lot of worlds, so I'm interested in seeing how that turns out. But these are like, bottom-tier designs for the characters (at least they have pretty good color schemes, not a mess). Does not inspire confidence in what the writing's going to be like.
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Hey, it actually looks like an Ace Combat game, unlike whatever the fuck that last one was.
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Now that everything's said and done

Things I'm most looking forward to:
Metroid: Samus Returns
M&L Superstar Saga remake
Dragonball FighterZ

Things I'm disappointed by:
Insomniac Spidey
Fire Emblem Warriors