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Project Annie...In Motion!

Sounds good! I might have to try my hand at animating one of her attacks. I tried to animate Black Dahlia a while back but I ran out of gas before I even finished laying the groundwork for it.^^; Glad to see you went all the way through with this!

Awesome :)

Heh yeah, it's really easy to start a project like this only to stop before really getting anywhere with it. These damn things take up so much time ;_;
I'd imagine it does, considering just cleaning up that character shot I did took like 10 hours, in total.
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@Skullmageddon, that last idle stance was really great. Still not what I would've done, but that's not the important part. You included some really nice details, like Sagan scurrying and they eye moving around. It seemed a lot more like something that could be in the game.

You've done a great job creating content that the community has gotten excited about :)
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@Skullmageddon, that last idle stance was really great. Still not what I would've done, but that's not the important part. You included some really nice details, like Sagan scurrying and they eye moving around. It seemed a lot more like something that could be in the game.

You've done a great job creating content that the community has gotten excited about :)

Thanks! It's actually not even so much something I would have done either, so much as it is my attempt to take in so many varying opinions and create something that I thought might appease more to everyone. There's a little bit of me in there as well of course. I just have to remember that while it's good to take criticism, taking criticism from a large group of random people can be tricky. In the end, I have to make my own design decisions (not to mention they aren't really even my decisions to make since it's not my own character).

But I digress. I really appreciate the kind words. Now to take a break from animating so much and actually play the damn game...
I'm going to keep stalking and then post my opinion in a bit.

But some nice work over a short time.
Just to kinda grasp the situation at hand, if some random unknown guy person decided to make animations for like 12 people from this universe, movelists included free of charge, what exactly would lab zero do about that?this is entirely hypothetical and was asked out of complete curiosity : l
Just to kinda grasp the situation at hand, if some random unknown guy person decided to make animations for like 12 people from this universe, movelists included free of charge, what exactly would lab zero do about that?this is entirely hypothetical and was asked out of complete curiosity : l

They would probably say something along the lines of "that's nice, good job"

Any fan made projects won't (and in my opinion, SHOULDN'T) be added into the game for the following reason:

No one outside of Lab Zero has any rights to the characters, narrative, or any other aspect of the game for that matter. While the members of Lab Zero often make a point to involve themselves with the fans, they and they alone own the rights to the game and all its relevant content.

This is important because it means that in the end, they have the right to make whatever decisions they want regarding the game. It's their creation; not mine, yours, or that of anyone else. If I were to animate Annie if full on my own, move list and all, it would be on my own accord, meaning that I would have to make my own design decisions. It's simply not my place to make those decisions, and you better believe that my decisions would differ greatly from their own. Perhaps there's a slight chance they might accept something provided by a fan, but it would have to directly reflect their own intent and design (which would be unlikely).

There are two ways that something like a fan-made production could translate into full character development:

a) The fan-made production gathers enough interest that Lab Zero chooses to develop the character themselves

b) Lab Zero chooses to contract the outside animator to produce a character in direct accordance with their standards and expectations

The one thing that both of these require is funding. Under no circumstance should an artist work for no pay, nor should an artist ever expect a fan made production to be accepted into the game without any direct contact and interaction with the developers.

Anyways, hope that answers your question :)
Any fan made projects won't (and in my opinion, SHOULDN'T) be added into the game for the following reason:
The tl;dr version:

Carry on.
That's not to say they can't be inspired by fan projects, though.

And hopefully they are inspired by fan projects! I'm not even saying that having a fan-made project added to the game is impossible, it's just extremely unlikely (and for good reason).

That's why we have to show our support and interest as fans! Because, well, that's all we can really do. That and throw money at them.
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Thanks God Lab Zero doesn't block those fan projects. (Annie of the Stars game, even this.)
Do you remember what happened to Mane6?
If I'm not mistaken, Autumn actually owns the rights to Skullgirls. They've been really generous to Lab Zero, but they could pull the Vaudeville Hook on this whole thing whenever they wanted.

Like Mike Z always says, "Never sell your IP."
The tl;dr version:

Carry on.

Haha oh boy...and to think I'd forgotten about good ol' Juju...

And that's just the character design. There was no animation or design work beyond the initial idea and sketches (besides all the previous in-game content, but we won't go there). I'm sure that must have been a fun ordeal for the artist and Lab Zero/Reverge
And that's just the character design.
It wasn't even that. Alex just felt like humoring someone who blurted "Chinese sniper named Juju lol" on Facebook.
To play Devil's Advocate, the good folks at Lab Zero were partially at fault too. The unironic and unwarranted use of "lol" was kind of a red flag. In the immortal words of Hawkeye Gough - One's demise is always one's own making.

We have a bit more thought process going on.
For fairness's sake, that's like saying we have better bone structure than a mollusk. :3
I just think the experience must have left them very weary on accepting fan ideas for character design/development. I'd like to think that door hasn't been wholly shut by now but I can't blame them if they did.
Luckily, we're not like him.

We have a bit more thought process going on.
Herp derp Pirate.

Anyways, some nicely done animations, like I said earlier. Though, I don't know, I'd sort of see Sagan with his mouth almost entirely closed, but just enough to catch a glimpse of the eye.
I'm super curious as to what happened as I'm fairly new... but I won't ask.

ANYWAY... I wonder what Parasoul's win quote will be if she beats Annie. Like that'll ever happen.
Herp derp Pirate.

Anyways, some nicely done animations, like I said earlier. Though, I don't know, I'd sort of see Sagan with his mouth almost entirely closed, but just enough to catch a glimpse of the eye.

Yeah i have no idea what Sagan's personality and characteristics are. I just based everything off of the indiegogo description and image.
Yeah i have no idea what Sagan's personality and characteristics are. I just based everything off of the indiegogo description and image.
That's a fairly good point. For all we know Eliza's parasite could be a jazz loving blood sucker. Honestly.
But Sekhmet's already been confirmed to be almost identical to Eliza, personality-wise. They've been together for so long, they're essentially the same person.
But Sekhmet's already been confirmed to be almost identical to Eliza, personality-wise. They've been together for so long, they're essentially the same person.
You mean to tell me that Balder ISN'T exactly like Eliza?
This is completely nuts......All of you are completely awesome. If this all falls through, the skullgirls game would only grow not only in characters but the fanbase would grow even more. I have never seen anything like this, I am rooting for you guys to make this happen. Hell, I was actually planning on making my own little skullgirls project, but won't say since I won't touch it for awhile (school, bleh), but everyone here keep up! I love to play and see how Annie plays like.
You mean to tell me that Balder ISN'T exactly like Eliza?
I did run a pretty successful blood drive. Yes, the very essence of charity dwells deep in both our hearts. Our benevolence unfaltering, our kindness unmatched. *sparkle sparkle*

So DDB, I keep meaning to ask you...

Why do you love Annie so much? Just wonderin' :)

I personally like her character design a lot, and I think her backstory is really interesting. I think she would make a better addition to the cast over most because her history and story could give a whole other perspective on the game's universe and story that we haven't really seen yet. I like the universe and story, but since the story is entirely character driven it effects the validity of whether or not certain characters would be worth adding into the game. Annie would be one worth adding, along with a few of the other interesting secondary/tertiary characters.
I'm super curious as to what happened as I'm fairly new... but I won't ask.

Short version: dude creates some concept stuff for the sniper off of Parasouls Sniper Shot. Lab Zero wants to use it, but the other guy went all deviant art with "original, do not steal'. Sniper is now nameless.
It's mostly because of what you just said, Skullmageddon. I've loved Annie's design since I saw it on Alex's dA back in 2008. Plus, she carries with her a richer story than most of what we have now do.
DDB just likes that DFC
Also I like her eyepatch.
It's mostly because of what you just said, Skullmageddon. I've loved Annie's design since I saw it on Alex's dA back in 2008. Plus, she carries with her a richer story than most of what we have now do.

In a perfect world, I would've liked her, Eliza, and Isaac in game #2 (and Minette (and Scythana already in game #1(along with Marie))). Ancient History expansion pack. :P
So DDB, I keep meaning to ask you...

Why do you love Annie so much? Just wonderin' :)

I personally like her character design a lot, and I think her backstory is really interesting. I think she would make a better addition to the cast over most because her history and story could give a whole other perspective on the game's universe and story that we haven't really seen yet. I like the universe and story, but since the story is entirely character driven it effects the validity of whether or not certain characters would be worth adding into the game. Annie would be one worth adding, along with a few of the other interesting secondary/tertiary characters.

I concur with you however my fascination with Annie was amplified by DDB's unwillingness to sleep until Annie is in the game.