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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Wow that is a LOT of CGI, I didn't expect that.
Man that scene was awesome, but I still think that it was cooler when Gurren Lagann did the same sort of thing, except instead of a space rubble it was a giant rocket powered knife.

I'll definitely consider Wings of Goodbye, if only because that captain is a badass. Music could have been better though.
yeah, but considering that its a giant battleship and the captain is SURFING the mech itself, THEN p[ilots the thing with a classic wheel, just brings a tear to my eye. even Kamina would be proud. and space debris is the closest thing they'd get considering Macross is grounded closer to reality than Gurren. also watch Macross Frontier and the first movie before Wings of Goodbye, a lot of stuff wont make sense otherwise. :3 I would know, I saw it at a con and was so confused on a lot of plot. (also I've just grown accustomed to CGI. regular digital animation probably would'nt be an easy measure to do)

also, prepare for a lot of J-pop because Macross' major theme is music. but they at least make the music plot done well.
and cute giant women. I approve of Macross 7. :PUN: Zentradi are aweome.
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there's also Macross Plus which has a Yoko Kanno OST and if that doesn't get your dick hard than i don't know what will
Unless it's Attack on Titan I don't care for giant people, but I'll consider Macross 7 as well.

Though I'm kind of turned off by the J-Pop of Wings of Goodbye.
yeah but Frontier is so good and dem missiles. look at all dem missiles! look at all dat shit on screen! also it does pay homage to some Macross series of before, like the YF-19 from plus!

Unless it's Attack on Titan I don't care for giant people, but I'll consider Macross 7 as well.
I think 7 will appeal to you though. :PUN:
still Frontier is good, and the JPop doesnt feel out of place one bit. in fact, theres one song that REALLY just feels like it just fits so well with Frontier's themes of music and peace.

Nyan Nyan Final Attack. yes that's its name and shut up its a beautiful song.
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Macross 7 has spawned THE single most greatest gif in existence

That robot is pretty cool...

Does anyone have mecha anime that they think I would enjoy? If you need to know what my tastes are then all you need to know is that Gurren Lagann is my favorite thing ever.
I'm not super into mecha stuff, but two series I know are good are:
GunxSword: It's got a kinda Trigun feel about it, and the main villain is interesting. And the main character is technically the bad guy if I remember right.

Godannar: It's pretty hype if you don't mind Gainaxing all over the place. It's been a while since I've seen it though.
I looked up GunxSword and the main character looks like a badass so I'll consider it.
I had no idea what "Gainaxing" meant until you made me look it up, I was not disappointed.
you might like stuff by Bones too. they made an anime called Rahxephon, and I heard its pretty good. Bones also made both FMAs, and Star Driver.

and they've also made this weird anime about some "dandy" guy in space. :PUN: you probably never heard of it.
Well I finished Gurren Lagan...

I can honestly say, I'm glad I watched it. Gurren Lagan pierced the heavens...Kill La Kill now will cut the threads of fate.

I hope more shows like Gurren Lagan and Kill La Kill will happen in the future.
it'd be nice but I also hope we can have mecha and other anime that also does things differently as well. one of the things anime (as well as other shows from Japan) is this sense of anything could be made into a show or movie.

more suspense thrillers like Monster, more sports animes like Slam Dunk and Hajime no Ippo, more Kamen Riders with outrageous themes (Kamen Rider might as well be an anime considering how live action anime it pretty much is), more series that bridge the gap of generations by having all the characters from the past and present team up (look at pretty cure) I want MORE anime that can take something other shows wouldn't normally do and make them feel great.
Sano... I've been meaning to bring this up for a while. Your avatar.
it looks just like Kazu from Air Gear...
I do like Kazu and his taste in comfortable oversized beanies, but my icon was never designed with him in mind. its just my general avatar.
oversized beanies are pretty comfortable...I'll let this one go...you fraud
that icon was made before I even read OR watched air gear for the first time. I had no idea who Kazu was.
no, I didn't play persona 3 before I thought up my avatar either (and my icon actually wasn't made by me, but it was made FOR me)
Well I finished Gurren Lagan...

I can honestly say, I'm glad I watched it. Gurren Lagan pierced the heavens...Kill La Kill now will cut the threads of fate.
I am happy to have joined you on this journey.

I'm waiting for Kill la Kill to finish before i start it, problem is that I've already spoiled so much of it for myself.
Zen I feel you would love a LOT of Kamen Rider if you gave it a chance.
OK fine I'll give it a chance. Give me 3 episodes that you think will hook me and I'll watch them.
OK fine I'll give it a chance. Give me 3 episodes that you think will hook me and I'll watch them.
Kamen Rider W. Just W, if the first case doesn't get you to come back I don't know what will. also, Kamen Rider has like 50 years of series to work with. I have no idea if you'd want more comedy or darker. but W is a good mix of all of it.

heres a playlist of the TV-Nihon Sub.
I said episode, unless that's a movie. If it is then I'll just watch that.
W is a series. Kamen Riders have their seasons seperated as their own series.
W is a series. Kamen Riders have their seasons seperated as their own series.
Well then I'll watch the first 3 episodes of Kamen Rider W, then I'll decide if I want to continue.
Well then I'll watch the first 3 episodes of Kamen Rider W, then I'll decide if I want to continue.
might want to make that either 2 or 4. W like many other series follows a 2 episode formula.
For now let's say no.

The last anime I watched was Part 2 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure so...

I still say I am Kouta.

just look at that war face.

and again, its because I can't remember the last anime I watched.
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I wish I owned one of those skintight bodysuits I always see mecha pilots wearing.
I would rock one of those so hard, and of course I would wear a cape with it.
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