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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Number 13

Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Brentwood, Ca
Time to bring back this thread for the fellow anime/manga fans.

What I watched recently was...

- Monogatari Season 2: Just as witty with the wordplay and beautifully animated as the other seasons with the supernatural backdrop setting. More Shinobu is always a good thing as well.


laughed my ass off seeing her reaction of 'Shota Araragi'.
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Gatchaman Crowds is my current season fave, followed by Uchoten Kazoku. Fall season is pretty stacked.
I've got one more episode of Nichijou to go, I'm going to be really sad to see it end.

WataMote has been pretty great so far, I now understand what people mean by "Cringe Humor".

Currently waiting for the second season of Attack on Titan to end, I don't like cliffhangers.

Lastly I have vowed to start Jojo's Bizarre adventure soon. It seems to be one of those new anime that is a must watch like AoT.

Plus it just looks fucking fabulous.
paranoia agent is a really good thriller

its basically about how japs are liable to quell their disorders rather than seek professional help + mass hysteria

here you go a shit quality intro ok bye

Paranoia Agent is an acquired taste, at first it's really weird, but once it pulls you in you get a really great and memorable story.
I'd highly recommend it to anyone
Paranoia Agent is an acquired taste, at first it's really weird, but once it pulls you in you get a really great and memorable story.
I'd highly recommend it to anyone

yeah i recall watching it on tv years ago when i was a dumb kid

back then it seemed really incomprehensible to me, especially episodes 8-10 but now i can see theres array behind this discordant story

im really fond of this show
Yeah it's really really weird at times. But I think that might be the point, Lil' Slugger only attacks people who are at the end of their rope and on the brink of insanity, if I call right. Having the environment and things go batshit crazy for the viewer is probably to reflect what the protagonists of the episodes are going through.
Yeah it's really really weird at times. But I think that might be the point, Lil' Slugger only attacks people who are at the end of their rope and on the brink of insanity, if I call right. Having the environment and things go batshit crazy for the viewer is probably to reflect what the protagonists of the episodes are going through.

yea lil slugger is basically the embodiment of peoples exasperation and helplessness

you know the woman, hikaris wife, her monologue with lil slugger is basically her prevailing against her fears

the characters enviroment exerted inconceivable pressure over them and as they became more insane they became the more disconcerting the show was, and i think thats the point; to show the torturous mentality of human beings
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So I've been reading something called Oyasumi Punpun. I have to say, it's downright amazing from both an artistic standpoint and a storytelling one. Definitely worth a read if you're looking for something more psychological and depressing than the norm.

Also, Prison School is continuing to exceed every expectation I have of it spectacularly. Undoubtedly the best comedic work I've seen from Japan for a long time.
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I've lately been watching two animes that are a blast from the past and one that was released in America last summer: Digimon Tamers, Dirty Pair Flash, and Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.
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I'm also planning to watch Dangan Ronpa, but I'm unsure since I'm planning to get a Vita just to play that fucking game

It's better to get the game before watching the anime unless you've read any of the playthroughs lurking out there.

A lot of stuff is changed in the anime (mostly to cut on time/video game things -- why would you want to watch them walk through 3 rooms at a time that's crazy) from what I've watched of it thus far but it's still a pretty good watch if you know the game beforehand. You wouldn't have to but if you're gonna get the game anyways, I thought it was better watching even if knowing all the spoiler-y things.
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I love Dangan Ronpa. I finished the LP and I'm watching the anime. I put the opening in a spoiler tag because I don't know if you've seen it
I heard it's really good, which is why I'm interested.
Hoping the game will sell well in the US to warrant a release of the second one
I thought the second game was coming over to the US too? I read it somewhere but I forgot where, just don't quote me on this.
No word on that, but we're getting off topic.
So anime games are considered off-topic? Good to know.
Well, it was a video game first.
Then a anime.
So yes, kinda off-topic.

Anyway, yeah, Shiki's a vampire thriller that looks neat, I really wanna see it. Been needing a horror fix since Higurashi
So I guess there should be a separate thread for japanese video games with anime styles then. Is there a name for that genre?

I've never watched horror anime, probably because I never watch horror by choice. Horror is a genre best represented in books and video games, at least in my opinion. I love Dead Space.
I don't know, I just didn't want to take this off topic.

Well, there's a lot of good suspensful animes too, at least.
Corpse Party's got an OVA but that's another game turned anime.
I heard Future Diary is pretty spooky too though
Corpse Party? I love that too; and I've seen Shiki (the one where everyone slowly gets turned into vampires, right?).
You don't need to say sorry, it's alright.
Corpse party is something I'm actually interested in. I saw a commercial for the OVA somewhere and I saw a couple episodes of a play through of the game. It looks legitimately scary.
You don't need to say sorry, it's alright.
Corpse party is something I'm actually interested in. I saw a commercial for the OVA somewhere and I saw a couple episodes of a play through of the game. It looks legitimately scary.
I've seen so much/read the manga/watched the first OVA/whatever that I no longer find it scary. But I won't lie... I wouldn't check that stuff out at night.
I've only seen gifs of Corpse Party, and from what I seen...
It is fucked. Up.
I have never seen such a violent ass anime.
There's eye stabbing, intestines being pulled out, buckets filled with guts, hanging...
Fucking gross.
I've seen a few of the bad endings (okay... all of them). Fucked up is an understatement.
I can handle anything as long as it's not torture or rape. I HAVE played every Dead Space game you know among other things.
I think what's shocking is just how well drawn and great the gore and viscera is, really.
I never in my wildest dreams expected to see lower intestines drawn so damn well in an anime.
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There's no rape... torture? Lots of that. And there is a hint of cannibalism.
Well as long as people aren't having their fingers snipped off one by one or literally skinned alive I'm OK with it. I watched Deadman Wonderland and I wasn't phased by that.
Like hardcore torture bugs me, also how it's presented matters also.
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Also a bit unrelated, but if you wanna play the vidya games, both are available for the PSP (And PS Vita!) for about $20 each. PSN store only.

The weird thing is that there is a sequel, but how it's handled is...
I'd say creatively weird.
One of the endings is basically a time loop, and some of the protagonists have memories of the game, but can't stop the event from what caused it from happening.
So basically, the whole thing happens again, but because of their memories from the last game, apparently some stuff is prevented or changed.
I'm a bit fuzzy on the matter.

All I know for a fact is that Corpse Party never ends well.
Well as long as people aren't having their fingers snipped off one by one or literally skinned alive I'm OK with it. I watched Deadman Wonderland and wasn't phased by that.
Like hardcore torture bugs me, also how it's presented matters also.
Umm... I don't remember the second game well but...
Nana (one of the side characters who becomes a borderline main character) get's her legs cut off then she got her stomach stepped on by the principal and thus gastric acid and blood spewed out until she died in one of the bad endings. And one of the characters from the first game does get skinned
I wouldn't read this unless you want major spoilers. And I don't wanna get banned so I threw spoiler tags in it (read at your own risk).
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Still un-phased :cool:. But enough about that, I have a question for anyone reading.

What is the manliest anime ever made?
No idea, I don't watch anime that much... I'm super cereal right now. Seriously I don't watch anime that much.