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Project Annie...In Motion!

Personasama just critiqued my Annie walk Annie-mation on the lab zero stream:) I'll post the link when it gets archived.

Heheh yeah I was watching. You should take his advice. Use my idle as a base for what her default pose and positioning are, but try animating the key frames by blocking in the positions. I like to animate key frames in red, with secondary movement animated in blue.
It was so magical watching Persona do Annie stuff~~~
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I... really like the red frame's posture for some reason. The free hand's placement reminds me of Takane Hibiki.

Annie is the prettiest of all. This is fact.
Hey all,

So I have a minor update for my recent Idle attempt. I've already updated the previous posts, but I'll go ahead and post it here again to make things easy for you :P

I cleaned up the animation in places and changed some things. The changes might not be obvious, but that's besides the point. Before viewing the gif, please take note of the following:

I updated the gif to playback at a faster frame-rate, but it will not be the same for every individual viewer! The rate at which a gif plays back is dependent on the file size, the number of frames, the web browser you use, and the processing capabilities of your computer. I am personally viewing it in Firefox on a Mid 2012 Retina MacBook Pro, therefore that is the closest thing to a standard that I can provide. Just keep this in mind.

Now THAT (on my laptop) looks like something I can see in-game. NEEDS COLORS -makes grabby hands-
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Im sad Im not good in animating, even drawing.
Staying on the color bit:

@Karlaaldana, once you get the coloring done for Annie, is there any way you could coordinate with @Zazz in making a color map? I've suddenly developed an interest in palette making :P
Staying on the color bit:

@Karlaaldana, once you get the coloring done for Annie, is there any way you could coordinate with @Zazz in making a color map? I've suddenly developed an interest in palette making :P

Well.. since I'm basing my coloring process on the game's, I first need to do the shadows and light maps (I don't know how it's called) and then apply the color layers to it.

Making palettes should require to animate indivual frame areas, so It could take a little bit more.

For the moment I'm waiting to get the editable gif file so I can start coloring and mapping.
Well.. since I'm basing my coloring process on the game's, I first need to do the shadows and light maps (I don't know how it's called) and then apply the color layers to it.

Making palettes should require to animate indivual frame areas, so It could take a little bit more.

For the moment I'm waiting to get the editable gif file so I can start coloring and mapping.
At the very least, I'd just want to make palettes as reference. I just wanna materialize some ideas I have :)
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At the very least, I'd just want to make palettes as reference. I just wanna materialize some ideas I have :)

I would like to see a potential palette map for her.. What do people think should be the areas of effect so creating a palette map would please everyone.
(For example Parasoul's palettes have various areas in her legs and arms, also.. her glasses.)
I have a decent list in mind.
  • Body
    • Face, hands, legs, etc
    • Nails
    • Eye
      • Iris
      • Pupil
      • "Whites"
    • Hair
  • Eyepatch
    • Main section
    • Star
  • Clothing
    • Top
      • Star
      • Cuffs
    • Bottom
      • Skirt
      • Boots
        • Soles
  • Sword
    • Hilt
      • Guard
      • Star
      • Grip
      • Pommel
    • Sharpened edge
    • Flat end
  • Sagan
    • Mouth
    • Teeth
    • Eye
    • Body
That should do it.
Yup.. I was thinking of that, I just wanted to make sure nobody would like to have a version of Annie with glasses.. or something like that.
Haha who would make an Annie with glasses

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I always figured Annie to be a contact lens type. Then again, she's an ageless being; the hell does she need corrective lenses for!?
I always figured Annie to be a contact lens type. Then again, she's an ageless being; the hell does she need corrective lenses for!?

I dunno.. her other palettes probably would be references to young anime characters, expanding on the possibilities would be nice..no names come to my mind.

Edit: and a lot of large wielding swords characters.
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I can think of a few palettes for her off the bat that don't really need glasses, tbh.

  • Sol/Order-Sol (Guilty Gear)
  • Anais (duh)
  • Takane Hibiki (Last Blade 2/Capcom vs SNK 2)
  • Hayato Kanzaki (Star Gladiator)
  • Shigure Kosaka (Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple)
  • Ragna (Blazblue)
  • Siegfried/Nightmare (Soul Calibur)
  • Trunks (Dragonball Z)
  • Cloud (FFVII)
Ok then.. no extra things, but what about her sword?!! (just kidding).
@Karlaaldana I'll send you the working file sometime today. Feel free to do whatever you like with it. Providing the palette for each frame would be a lot of work at this point, so I would simply pick one frame to color at first. That way people can share their ideas for different palettes without too much work on your part :P
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@Karlaaldana I'll send you the working file sometime today. Feel free to do whatever you like with it. Providing the palette for each frame would be a lot of work at this point, so I would simply pick one frame to color at first. That way people can share their ideas for different palettes without too much work on your part :P

Thank you Skull!
I will start right away, I calculate that I will take 2 weeks to finish coloring and making the shadow map.
As for the palette I think is a good idea to just keep a single frame and part from there, I would be a lot of extra work to make it.
Annies theme goes with everything..

(still dying to know how it sounds)
I think if we got the idea of her straight up walking to her opponent for her walking animations, a nice touch to add is have her drag the sword behind her and leave sparks. not dragging to much to where it looks too heavy, but dragging it enough to justify that theres sparks coming out.
It acually goes with everything!!
I would say leave the sparks flying for special moves, tbh
I can't imagine Annie dragging her sword for any particular reason, really
aside from maybe some kind of upward crescent cut
All this community collaboration has affected me. I was going to hold onto this as long as possible, but in the spirit of the Stars, I want your feedback.
1st version, sung from Sagan's perspective:
2nd version, sung from Parasoul's perspective (w/fully developed lyrics):
These are scratch tracks, so the vocals are... eh. I got caught up in some other things, musically, and have yet to revisit these.
All this community collaboration has affected me. I was going to hold onto this as long as possible, but in the spirit of the Stars, I want your feedback.

These are scratch tracks, so the vocals are... eh. I got caught up in some other things, musically, and have yet to revisit these.


This is awesome dude! I definitely approve of this. The simple thematic guitar riff, that heavy syncopated drum line, the pacing and nature of the vocals, all of this goes a long way towards reflecting that part of Annie's character that I believe to be her strongest aspect.

Here's what I have to say as far as feedback goes; I feel like the song could benefit from a strong change in tempo and/or break, perhaps somewhere around the 1:15 mark or so. I'm thinking something along the lines of either slowing the song down and emphasizing the drums/guitar/vocals or perhaps even dropping everything and going into an almost free-form vocal line with some complementary drumming. Afterwards it would build back into what is currently there.

Let me know what you think. I'm not the best with words when it comes to providing feedback on music, so let me know if I sound ignorant :P In any case this is really amazing and I'm glad you shared it!
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Here's what I have to say as far as feedback goes; I feel like the song could benefit from a strong change in tempo and/or break, I'm thinking somewhere around the 1:15 mark or so. I'm think something along the lines of either slowing the song down and emphasizing the drums/guitar/vocals or perhaps even dropping everything and going into an almost free-form vocal line with some complementary drumming. Afterwards it would build back into what is currently there.

I assume you're talking about right after the first chorus, and yeah, there is currently a change part there, but it's too subtle, and needs to be stronger to break the song up a little. I'll look into that.

Big thing, though, which vocalist do you prefer? That's one of the big things we're stuck on.
Yeah, I was talking about right after the first chorus. Either right at 1:05 where the tempo changes or perhaps even a little later before it picks back up. Whatever you end up doing I trust in your decision making.

I personally prefer the male vocals. Both sound great and are appropriate, but I think the male vocals are a better fit for this song given the nature of the instrumentation and overall quality of the song.
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