• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Recent content by FuLLBLeeD

  1. FuLLBLeeD

    Tips for good framerates on Linux/Steam?

    @exspira what distro are you using, out of curiosity?
  2. FuLLBLeeD

    Feature Suggestion's

    They already can, P2 just has to actually select the voice pack
  3. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    I understand that the game is not being actively developed now besides QoL and bug fixes, but I thought I would throw out a few features that I think could be realistically added to the game that would greatly enhance the player experience. 1) Allow mapping of RIGHT STICK UP and RIGHT STICK...
  4. FuLLBLeeD

    MAXOUT - Kansas City Regional Featuring Skullgirls

    https://www.start.gg/tournament/maxout-8-31-24-kansas-city-regionals/details Skullgirls has a 250 dollar pot bonus! If we get 15 pre-reg, ill put in another 50. 25 pre reg means ill put in another hundred :)
  5. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    You've been told no twice now; probably best to let it go for the time being. It isn't as trivial as modifying a single sprite in mspaint.
  6. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    I understand that balance changes for other characters are more or less finalized, but the Dahlia teleport nerf to make sure run away/zoning playstyles are not too good makes me think there needs to be one final change to Robo. I really feel she got off easy compared to the other characters on...
  7. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    Any chance we could have jitter display next to the ping number when "-showping" is enabled?
  8. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    As a friendly reminder, please don't shitpost in the beta thread.
  9. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    My understanding is that this is the the last balance patch for the foreseeable future. Please keep that in mind when posting. Also we're locked into retail for combo breaker, so asking to not play that version isn't gonna do anyone any good. I think it's fine to speculate about the future of...
  10. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    For the record I agree with you; I just think Robo should lose hers, and if Fiber + assist has to be a casualty of that than it's kind of whatever. Robo j.hk + assist exists in the same grey area where you call the assist while grounded or in jump frames, and then instantly launch yourself into...
  11. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    This is a really good point; Robo Fortune should probably not have this if Marie lost it, it basically enables assist calls at heights they probably shouldn't be allowed. And if you want to look at that and go "but Fortune Fiber + assist!!!!" then sure, that can probably go too. Calling assists...
  12. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    To be fair, a frame trap off a negative on block move into an invincible super is something other characters can do, and is just kind of a thing in fighting games in general. I don't think it's particularly egregious with sehkmet. If you block axe, you can continue blocking. If they do Axe again...
  13. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    SF6 balance patch is dropping a mere 2 days before Combobreaker. More reason to just release the SG balance patch, in my opinion.
  14. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    If you are hearing him, he is saying that the core design functionality is not going to change; that means it is not going to change to what specifically you want. The answer isn't going to change, so continuing to ask for reworks is fruitless. Going forward, I would ask posters to keep their...
  15. FuLLBLeeD

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    Posting here because it's relevant, as this is probably the most active thread on the entire site. A recent site upgrade caused some moderator statuses (like mine) to no longer work and therefore not give mod privileges. This has since been corrected. Unfortunately, during this time, the...