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  1. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    I'm pretty sure it is, actually; to my knowledge Janina Kowalska is a generic sort of name in the same vein as Jane Doe or the like, which can be used for unidentified medical patients. Like, for example, someone who was trying to pretend that they were dead.
  2. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    Well, there was this. That post is counting down btw, if you check the general Overwatch forums on the site it says that this post was 19 hours ago, it said 22 hours ago when it was first posted. Also, the binary in the title translates to 23. That ended up leading to another ASCII skull, but...
  3. FastLikeLightning

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    We are currently in the lull of post-WWE: NXT: Takeover Brooklyn II: The Revenge sponsored by Jolly Rancher, and pre Viper-Ville-Slam. Last nights card was: Pretty amazing night, I honestly don't think that there was a bad match on the entire card. Summer Slam has a lot to live up to, because...
  4. FastLikeLightning


    the real alolan exxeggcuter was the friends we made along the way fucking kill me
  5. FastLikeLightning

    The Wrasslin' Thread

    And now, I must summon, the users in this thread, by playing, this lovely violin, that I was personally given, by my dear friend, Antonio, Stradivari.
  6. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    Presumably because people were complaining that they didn't 'feel' like they were making real progress, so they just bumped the numbers up for the people who just like to see numbers go up.
  7. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    Except that it doesn't matter because you get 10x Comp points from every source?
  8. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    If you want me to be honest with you, I don't give a shit who bough more units. I care about who knows more about the game. I care about who is better at it, who can play it at the highest level for the highest stakes. Those are the people who should be taken seriously when they make comments on...
  9. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    Not every hero has to be good in every situation. As it stands, Bastion is good for blindsiding the enemy team with high damage burst, then moving to a different area to do it again. Bastion is at his best when nobody knows where he'll come from. But as people become more aware of good perches...
  10. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    Wow, teabagging players who dare, dare, to pick a hero in a game. That really makes me respect your opinions on balance.
  11. FastLikeLightning


    dude, you should tag that. people might not want to get spoiled on the next alola form.
  12. FastLikeLightning


  13. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    LucioBall is legit yo. Real good fun.
  14. FastLikeLightning


    I personally see no reason to to shit on other peoples character preferences for close to three years running, but sometimes you just gotta learn to roll with the punches. Tides change, and if you're shit at dealing with it, then maybe you shouldn't have been swimming in the first place.
  15. FastLikeLightning


  16. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    I was actually not aware of this (Was this in Meet your Match or Tough Break? Because I swear that last time I played I couldn't put out allies), this makes it better in way more situations. I still think that I'd go for the Bazaar or the Default, but it's way less clear now. Good job Volvo...
  17. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    The difference is that Medics healing people and other classes shooting people have different purposes, where as the Sydney Sleeper was just another way of killing someone, except that instead of dealing with all or close to all their health in a single head-shot, you deal a comparatively small...
  18. FastLikeLightning

    The Overwatch Thread

    Sydney Sleeper was a sniper rifle that did mediocre damage and couldn't headshot, but increased the damage taken by anyone hit by it for a little while. It was generally considered pretty garbage.
  19. FastLikeLightning

    Anime/Manga General Discussion

    What does he know that's useful? That the cultists will attack on the road, that they kill everyone, that there's a cold room and a giant head-decapitation lady. How does any of that help him fight off the cultists, exactly? Look, if you can justify him ranting about how important he is after...