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There is a pokemon that is just a Pokeball that evolves into a, wait for it, upside down pokeball. They've reused the general feel of Pikachu, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Beedrill, and Venomoth nearly every Generation. Geodude is, yeah, a rock. Onix is a *gasp* series of rocks connected to eachother. Diglet is nothing, design wise, and Dugtrio is three nothings. Ditto is a blob. Exeggcute is five eggs. Magneton is just 3 Magnemite.

That's all without getting into all the Pokemon who look like other things throughout the other gens (Pineco, the Pine cone, and sudowoodo, the tree, or pseudo wood pokemon). A Sandcastle Pokemon is literally fine. Get over it.
I feel like everyone who's upset over garbage or ice cream or sandcastle or keys hasn't been paying attention to Pokemon from the beginning. There have literally been imitation pokemon forever, usually at least two or three each gen. Voltorb, Exeggcute, Pineco, Sudowoodo, Unkown (literally just the alphabet), Nosepass, Cherubi (it's just a cherry with a face), Driftloon, Chimecho, Brozong. All those before people started complaining about garbage and ice cream and now I guess sandcastles.
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A sandcastle is a much more complex man-made object. Not really comparable to a natural rock.
Here's the thing though
It's only
to be a sandcastle
so that it can brutally murder anything that comes near it
Here's the thing though
It's only
to be a sandcastle
so that it can brutally murder anything that comes near it
Ruin is actually right. according to one of our translators from TV tropes, it lures in pokemon and then makes the sand sink beneath them. Oonce trapped, it collapses all around them and smothers the pokemon until it dies. The dead pokemon's soul is then reincarnated as the first stage of its evolutionary line.

It's a freaking Quicksand ghost that makes more of itself from the prey it chokes to death.
Ruin is actually right. according to one of our translators from TV tropes, it lures in pokemon and then makes the sand sink beneath them. Oonce trapped, it collapses all around them and smothers the pokemon until it dies. The dead pokemon's soul is then reincarnated as the first stage of its evolutionary line.

It's a freaking Quicksand ghost that makes more of itself from the prey it chokes to death.

What the fuck kind of fetish bullshit is this because I like it
I mean you can really say anything looks like just a copy of X in Pokemon. I think people complaining about designs of Pokemon Gamefreak is giving you need to pull their own Art/Creativity Degree out their ass and come up with something better that Doesn't resemble absolutely anything else on the planet or universe.
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guys i'm worried that there might be too many pokemon that look like animals from the real world
I don't want game freak to be so uncreative that they feel the need to make pokemon based on bears and butterflies :(
I dont have anything against any pokemon. The Sandcastle is a good camouflage to a Ghost Sand Beach pokemon. My only concern is about the people who always seem the object form pokemons as a poor design.

Funny, but if the Sandcastle became a top tier opponent in the competitive scenario, most of this "i dont like" people will forget about the design and use then..........
There is a pokemon that is just a Pokeball that evolves into a, wait for it, upside down pokeball. They've reused the general feel of Pikachu, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Beedrill, and Venomoth nearly every Generation. Geodude is, yeah, a rock. Onix is a *gasp* series of rocks connected to eachother. Diglet is nothing, design wise, and Dugtrio is three nothings. Ditto is a blob. Exeggcute is five eggs. Magneton is just 3 Magnemite.

That's all without getting into all the Pokemon who look like other things throughout the other gens (Pineco, the Pine cone, and sudowoodo, the tree, or pseudo wood pokemon). A Sandcastle Pokemon is literally fine. Get over it.
You forgot pile of toxic sludge with a face. And it's evolution, a bigger pile of toxic sludge with a face.
Guys. What if there were five magnets.
What if there was a Pokemon that was just a penis coming out of the ground?
Diglet is nothing, design wise, and Dugtrio is three nothings. Ditto is a blob.
I mean in Digletts defense it was based on the olde Whack a mole games. And ditto is supposedly just a pile of messed up mew DNA that was given the misfortune of life. So there's that.
I mean in Digletts defense it was based on the olde Whack a mole games. And ditto is supposedly just a pile of messed up mew DNA that was given the misfortune of life. So there's that.
I wasn't arguing that they are bad. I like Diglett. I'm arguing that if those pokemon are fine for whatever reason (which they are), then sandcastle ghost is fine.
i always thought the one cracked open was just the dumb one
like if there were five of us and then we let Beat tag along for whatever reason
Haha you're so funny dad :^) such a jokester

Looks like another new mon was hiding within the pages of the magazine.


No info is given about it. Looks like a pre-evo to Bewear's pre-evo revealed in the same issue.
No info is given about it. Looks like a pre-evo to Bewear's pre-evo revealed in the same issue.
No info given except the little bugger punches the shit out of you with its insides that it pukes at you.

Serebii - "This Pokémon is called Namakobushi and is said to be able to send its insides out from its mouth and use as a fist."

Also I think it looks more like some sort or marine creature or fish.
No info given except the little bugger punches the shit out of you with its insides that it pukes at you.

This gen sure is metal.
This is like the Chuck Noris of Pokemon really.

Apparently real sea cucumbers use their guts as a toxic defense-mechanism. Out of their butt.

Isn't nature beautiful.

Maybe this guy is part Poison-type.
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Apparently real sea cucumbers use their guts as a toxic defense-mechanism. Out of their butt.

Isn't nature beautiful.

Maybe this guy is part Poison-type.

Not only as toxic defense...

some species of sea cucumbers expels all his digestive organs to give to predator something to eat then they run (like some species of gecko do with his tails). Sea Cucumbers has a fast regen to remake they internals again.
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man who cares


uhhhh... Hmm

You know, I really like the idea of Alola forms but... Do we really have to ruin it by only having gen 1 pokemon allowed to have them??? It's starting to get repetitive (Ignore this if more of that leak came out and I'm wrong haha)
only gen 1 confirmed so far, both officially and in leaks
the leaks haven't totaled the amount of Alola forms though, so it's still possible* that there's more and they're just focusing on Gen 1 for early reveals
They are either going to go with only Kanto Alolan forms to show it off or this is just the first set of Pokemon to get Alolan forms where the other gens might get some later down the release line. Remember we still have 3 months left to go for reveals. And we STILL haven't been revealed on the starters secondary evos. Or any confirmanation of Megas.