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[Animation] Minette might be up to something

Man, imagine if there was food on that plate.

It'd be such a waste.
Man, imagine if there was food on that plate.

It'd be such a waste.

Ooh, that'd be good for a projectile attack.
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Could be like platinum all the food is randomized and maybe does varying damage.
Could be like platinum all the food is randomized and maybe does varying damage.

You could have a special like Val's needles, where you stack the plate with food and using a punch attack sends it out as a projectile.
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Man, imagine if there was food on that plate.

It'd be such a waste.
I kinda imagined that there would be food on her tray, it would go flying during that animation the and she'd catch them coming down at the end. That part is not actually there yet.

The food could be a visual counter for the tip system that was speculated in her IGG profile, maybe. Or it could be like Val's vial load, with a special where Yu Wan tosses her a next meal order and she can then use the food 'charge' to do cool things.

EDIT: Didn't notice TheMightyBox already said the same thing.
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Wow, I didn't quite think that one through. Minette's left hand currently has magnetic powers.

Looking amazing. Great work.
Nice stuff! Looks much smoother than your first animation posts, so you're definitely improving.

2 points:

1) - Giving her extended arm a wrist flick after she finishes the swing would make that "tray suddenly flies backwards" part look a little more natural.

2) Adding a frame or two where her catching arm rises towards the tray a little before it makes contact with it, then lowers back down into place would make that look a lot better methinks.
To try this out, throw a ball or something from one hand to the other. Usually if the object is heavy or moving fast, you'll automatically reach towards the object as it approaches, catch it, and then pull your arm back to absorb the momentum from the object smoothly.
Cellsai to the rescue again :D
Good points as always. I also think having a slower movement of the tray through the air would help a lot.
Hooray for iterative updates (and sorry if it looks like there's barely anything new--these things take time!). This is probably the pretty-much-finalized movement animation although little things still need to be drawn in, like the scales on her arms.

And this is probably my favorite frame, which you can only barely get a glimpse of in the actual animation.

Anyway nothing new will be posted for a while due to real life (ugh).
Hooray for iterative updates (and sorry if it looks like there's barely anything new--these things take time!). This is probably the pretty-much-finalized movement animation although little things still need to be drawn in, like the scales on her arms.

Anyway nothing new will be posted for a while due to real life (ugh).
Much better!
And I totally know the pain of drawing those scales.
Here's a more refined "Seafood Supreme".

By the way, I don't mind if you rip into it with criticism (ala @Cellsai)--in fact that would be highly appreciated. My biggest regret when drawing the idle animation was that I didn't have a strongly specific end product in mind, and instead simply started drawing frame-by-frame aimlessly. Don't do that, its stupid and leads to a lot of wasted time and an inferior end product.

So, what I'm saying is that criticism would work a lot better now than after I have drawn in all the scales and shit.
Hi! Can I take your order?


Love it! But it isn't really skullgirls styl.
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Love it! But it isn't really skullgirls styl.
You're right about that, this is essentially a slightly different kind of fanart with zero chance of actually going anywhere (or so I thought--Mike Z's recent posts in the Anniemation thread gives a slight hope that community-made animation might actually do something), so I didn't follow Alex Ahad's style particularly closely.
First up: Dayum boy, you're one productive guy. I love the sketchy recent ones - that combat roll looks especially nice and smooth.

Second: critique time!

I had a positively gigantic critique of your Minette stuff being written over the last couple of days but I have since decided to delete all of it since I kept contradicting myself.

Here's a short version while I properly sort out my thoughts again.
You have two or three issues with your general animations that really stand out to me: You only ever have the characters doing one thing at a time, the characters tend to snap into specific positions and you make everything move too fast.

All 3 of these points sort of overlap (which is one of the reasons I scrapped my whole giga-critique) so I'll try and tackle them all at once. In the Minette loop above, Minette has 6 very clear actions and she stops between all of them.
  1. Reaches back for food.
  2. Presents food.
  3. Opens food and is shocked.
  4. Closes food
  5. Puts food away
  6. Return to idle
You could blend some of these actions to make it less clunky, namely 2+3 and 4+5. This would also shorten the time it takes to do all the actions, which would mean you wouldn't have to make it run as fast as you do now. It really looks like a regular animation played on serious fast forward.
  1. Reaches back for food.
  2. Presents food and opens it in one motion.
  3. As it opens the squid immediately bursts out with no pause.
  4. Slams dish closed and puts it away again in one motion
  5. Return to idle
I know it sounds almost the same, but the key difference being the steps have overlap instead of just jarring into stops.

The fact that the animation also just reverses when she puts the dish away also detracts from it a bit. If she was really desperate to put the squid away like this she'd put far more effort into closing it than she did to open it, probably hunching over and putting her shoulder into putting the lid down.

To address the snapping between key poses thing, Minette's tail would actually serve as a good way to do this. Since it naturally follows her motions as opposed to reacting at the exact same time it could serve as a nice bridging motion. Check out Hsien-Ko's excellent use of follow through with her bouncy robes and spirit charm.


</nitpicky critique>

If this is the short version just imagine what the long one was like.

Finally - Robo Parasoul looks pretty awesome!
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Wow, i wasn't expecting an essay there. Thanks Cellsai, you bring up some good points. I'll see if I can make it better.
WIP or not I'm loving every little concept there..that's actually very much similar to how I hope she'd be in actual game oashkoash ^^ 10/10 in my opinion X3
WIP or not I'm loving every little concept there..that's actually very much similar to how I hope she'd be in actual game oashkoash ^^ 10/10 in my opinion X3

I loved the idea of Minette being a cute and girly fighter, whose moves all have themes of the little quirks we're all very familiar with growing up. So that theoretical :LK: was one of my favorites right off the bat.

I'd assume most of her specials would have to do with customers zooming by or dropping out of the sky, or even just appearing to harass Minette's foes. But there's no actual idea of Blockbusters, so the table-flip was just thought up. We've all got our quirks, I suppose.
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Heh I couldn't agree more honestly in past threads and such discussing Minette's movement and such I always saw her idle similar to platinum the trinity's and somewhat a similar forward and backwards walking with a food tray heh thought it would add a bit to her cute charms. ^^
These are pretty good, but she would not ever EVER have a divekick.


That divekick was a bit of a stretch, to be honest. I remember seeing some fanart with Minette performing one tray in hand, so I figured why not. I'm still playing around with ideas for the other normals as well as teaching myself how to stick to the source material.
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Hehe you all heard it here folks Minette dont do dive kicks ^^;
can we keep the butt attack at least?
can we keep the butt attack at least?

Like Peach's side smash, I loved that idea. But like I said, I'm still playing with it. The move, not Minette's butt.
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I'm playing with that.

ew gross minette ugh.
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