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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Hey, you are welcome. I am glad that you liked it.

Who are you hating, right now? Put it in the spoiler tags.

I don't know how far you have read into it but from what i have seen there seem to be a few usual characters that most people hate, also I am fully caught up by this point, and those would in the spoiler below.

Ueno, sure given the circumstances you can explain her behaviour towards Shouko but it no way justifies anything it does, I swear I have seen so much arguing about this character trying to rationalise her behaviour.

Kawai due to never taking fault for anything she does and probably being super narcissistic and maybe a control freak.

I was originally going to put Shouko's mother but after seeing a bit of her backstory her relatives are worse and Shouko's mother has been a lot more of a reasonable character.

There is also the frigging teacher for allowing all the bullying to happen and for agreeing with the students that Shouko is a nuisance and for doing nothing to stop it. I think if he did abetter job of handling things they might not have gone so poorly.

That was a bit of rant but this author is really good at making characters that are designed to be hated.
The armor-sequences are 3D-animated? *Sigh*... pass.
the actual show has a ton of CG stuff though. so it's not really surprising. plus, they look really good.

trust me Q. focus on a series full of badasses and tight as fuck monster designs.


and with TFC behind it, them visuals will look real good.
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Anime sugestion:


While title means “everyday life,” the contents are anything but everyday. It follows the insane and completely insane “everyday life” of a group of high school students.


Light hearted, funny. Made to people go "?" "WTF" and ":D".

Good to see when you heart is heavy and the brain is firing.

Characters include a robot, a really young scientist, trolls and others.

Curiosity: No fan-service.
Nichijou is right near the top of my to-watch list, behind 1 or 2 other series. I'll probably end up starting that in a week or so.
organized chaos!"
Friend of me said about it that it's "Chaplinism". I. e. something absolutely absurd going on on the screen with maximum seriousness or commonness about it.

The armor-sequences are 3D-animated? *Sigh*... pass.
When I saw Kingdom first time, my first reaction was "What the **** do I watching? That 3D is so **** and cheap!". But it's ended as one of my favorite animes, and it even got 8.5/10 on MAL.
Just watched Tokyo Godfathers. Wasn't expecting much but it was quite good and made me laugh more than I expect too. I loved the story and especially the facial expressions.


When I saw Kingdom first time, my first reaction was "What the **** do I watching? That 3D is so **** and cheap!". But it's ended as one of my favorite animes, and it even got 8.5/10 on MAL.
lemme just say this guys:

TFC, knows how to do godamn amazing shit with CG animation. combine that with Mappa and you got probably what will be stylized as FUCK and have badassery out the whazoo.

I hope. I'm really putting a lot of hope into this and I don't even know if Keita Amamiya is on this Garo project or not...
Just watched Tokyo Godfathers. Wasn't expecting much but it was quite good and made me laugh more than I expect too. I loved the story and especially the facial expressions.


Tokyo Godfathers is the second greatest Christmas movie in existence

the first being Die Hard, of course
Any good martial arts or samurai anime,with decent to good fighting scenes?
Here is a sample Gintama fight scene.
Arcs like this only happens every 30-50 episodes though lol. Whenever fighting happens I would rate it above the average Shonen Jump fighting sequence.
Any good martial arts or samurai anime, with decent to good fighting scenes?
Sword of the Stranger is a movie with some of the best swordplay animation I've ever seen.
Here is a sample Gintama fight scene.
Arcs like this only happens every 25-40 episodes though lol. Whenever fighting happens though I would rate it above the average Shonen Jump fighting sequence.

Oh! Yea Gintama.I know of it I just never took the leap to watch it,but after seeing that fight scene.....I might watch it.Also what the fuck do they eat they're so strong lol

Sword of the Stranger is a movie with some of the best swordplay animation I've ever seen.

Seen it before and love it! the scene where he finally decides to unleash his sword and the music is playing in background was just beautiful.
I've heard of Michiko to Hatchin, but never got around to seeing it. Is it any good?
Michiko & Hatchin is one of the best shows I've ever watched, and I haven't even finished it yet.

I feel like the best Anime are the ones that you don't feel embarrassed talking to your friends and family about.
Not that that I ever feel embarrassed about anything. What I mean is, if you're sitting on your laptop and someone you know comes in and asks you what you're watching, what would you feel more comfortable showing them?
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or Ghost in the Shell? K-On! or Hellsing?
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Michiko & Hatchin is one of the best shows I've ever watched, and I haven't even finished it yet.

I feel like the best Anime are the ones that you don't feel embarrassed talking to your friends and family about.
Not that that I ever feel embarrassed about anything. What I mean is, if you're sitting on your laptop and someone you know comes in and asks you what you're watching, what would you feel more comfortable showing them?
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or Ghost in the Shell?
None of them, I got straight to Fate Kalied Liner Prisma Illya.
I looked it up, that show looks like it's for weebs man.
Honestly, and I really mean this no joke, it's honestly my favorite Type Moon related thing, including Fate Zero. Granted it's mostly because of the manga's 3rd part.
What is a Type Moon.
They do the Fate series and Tsukihime as well as other games. It's filled with a lot of impenetrible magi-babble and other things, but it's usually some pretty okay stuff.
Michiko & Hatchin is one of the best shows I've ever watched, and I haven't even finished it yet.

I feel like the best Anime are the ones that you don't feel embarrassed talking to your friends and family about.
Not that that I ever feel embarrassed about anything. What I mean is, if you're sitting on your laptop and someone you know comes in and asks you what you're watching, what would you feel more comfortable showing them?
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or Ghost in the Shell? K-On! or Hellsing?
both. :p because I'm not insecure and will not care what people say about what I like. If they don't like me watching magical girls and shit that's their problem, not mine. Hell, I fucking love monster musume and its ecchi as hell but I love talking about it to people.
Good for you, but they still suck ass.
good to know. And that's your problem. I still like it, and I'm okay with the fact that you don't. Just like there's people who like attack on titan, and people who don't like it. People can have different tastes and that's A-okay.

I love mechs and my best friend doesn't. Do I care? No. I understand why he doesn't like them and I'm okay with it.
Everybody I know likes to make me feel embarassed about anything be me watching The Expendables or Tantei Opera Milky Holmes so it's okay I guess
Almost everyone is still like 'geez you still watching cartoons at your age?' so whatever
My dad calls me a faggot when I watch Toonami and I respond by calling him a super faggot. Then we have a deep father and son bonding moment because we understand that it's not what you're into that makes you a fucking nerd, it's who you are on the inside.
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Faggot the father, faggot the son. What an adorable duo. You have my blessing

Talking of faggotry, any of you is watching "Free!" aka the swimming anime? I watched the first episodes but then
left it because gangbangs and swimming are not my interest.
Watched it or not who do you think might be the gayiest? My money goes to the guy with grey hair.
and you're a fucking nerd on the inside too
No Ruin, we are both the cool people. It's very clear to see who the real nerds are.
Talking of faggotry, any of you is watching "Free!" aka the swimming anime? I watched the first episodes but then left it because gangbangs and swimming are not my interest.
I've actually been thinking about giving gay swimming anime a shot.
I'm probably gonna have the same experience as you but at least I can say I gave it a shot.
and you're a fucking nerd on the inside too
everyone is a fucking nerd on the inside. don't deny, embrace your inner fucking nerd. even if they deny it that just means they're a super nerd.

Faggot the father, faggot the son. What an adorable duo. You have my blessing

Talking of faggotry, any of you is watching "Free!" aka the swimming anime? I watched the first episodes but then
left it because gangbangs and swimming are not my interest.
Watched it or not who do you think might be the gayiest? My money goes to the guy with grey hair.
I want to watch Free!, but only if my best friend watches it with me. I dunno. I just want someone else with me so I can vouch "no it's totally not gay" in case someone asks.