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Anime/Manga General Discussion

just read Gintama!
they make fun of time skip shit in one episode!
it's the anime/manga your soul doesn't even know it wants!
why I am still reading this


Love you, hun.
alright fucking time for Boruto Soap Opera starring Not Boruto
fuckin' Bloodborne motherfucker is a piece of shit throwing his kid at shit like a shield fucking same name kid like he's fucking George Foreman
fuckin' sasuke as fuck motherfucker still being sasuke all "no i'm sorry plz 4giv me 4 years of neglect and absence"
fuckin' naruto with his thumb up his ass not busting out the real shit Nine-Tails calling him on this shit
fuckin' Sakura partially redeemed fuckin' clotheslined fuckin' Bloodborne motherfucker and shattered his fucking liver
fuckin' Bloodborne motherfucker being all "plz eviscerate my son for organs plz" and sakura ain't having that shit

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but what if he's an immortal fairy, WITH a stand?
I mean, Dio is a vampire and he has a stand.
One didn't cause the other
Dio got Stands because of Jonathan's body, as Stands are a mutation of the Ripple
Him also being a vampire was just Dio being Dio/a massive dick
One didn't cause the other
Dio got Stands because of Jonathan's body, as Stands are a mutation of the Ripple
Him also being a vampire was just Dio being Dio/a massive dick
Iggy then.
plus, there are plenty of stand users who don't have ripple or ripple training.
dear god that kekkai ep, bros hanging out for lunch and holy crap that ending
Zed being The Actual Best and shitting all over Zapp
BBB is at its best when Zapp is getting shit all over
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I also watched Nozaki-kun.
Sakura is a cute little shit.
especially with that tandem bike.
"hey hey!"
I'm currently reading XXX~holic and Higurashi
Currently watching The Devil Is A part Timer finally XD
So, I just went through a long marathon for Hokuto no Ken, Captain Harlock, and Saint Seiya. Expect my reviews for them in the future.
if you like Captain Harlock check out Galaxy Railways 999.
it's kinda set in the same universe.
if you like Captain Harlock check out Galaxy Railways 999.
it's kinda set in the same universe.

I have the series already on my shelf.
I've only watched the first 2 episodes tbh, but it's really a nice mix of sad and whimsical.
kekkai and owari no seraph are about to end for me, all I'll have to watch is Jojo (which is also about to end) so that leaves me with just Sidonia S2 :'c
anime is officially ded, all my new shows have ended
hey, Monster Musume is coming out in like, 2-3 weeks, so you can look forward to that. >uo
actually I'm not really interested in much this summer season
I'm gonna check out Gangsta. and a couple other things but other than that naaaaaaaaahhh
it's a show for sinners that want to fornicate with the foul miscreations of satan
it also was a best seller in the New York Times.
not even kidding when I say this.
I'm dead fucking serious.

without Jojo or mechs I can't survive
ecchi is a good life support.
and you could also be watching the wonderful anime that is Gintama.
at least until it ends again then starts again after the fans demand it and Sunrise is like "yeah, that's fine" and then we get another 2-3 years of Gintama aiming to please.
only for it to end again and then start again.
and maybe have an arc where everyone gets stands because I would not be surprised.
it also was a best seller in the New York Times.
not even kidding when I say this.
I'm dead fucking serious.
a lot of shitty books wind up as a best seller in the New York Times
there's a little series about vampires that come to mind

fun fact: Vampires? Also for sinners.
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it also was a best seller in the New York Times.
not even kidding when I say this.
I'm dead fucking serious.
You say that like we have any respect for the NYT
Yeah that's also true
no one from new york actually takes the Times seriously
getting shilled by the Times is like having a sign outside your shitty breakfast place that says "Best Coffee in the City!"
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just sayin', not everyday you can associate ecchi with the word "best-seller"
I know it's mindless ecchi but there's something about it that makes it enjoyable. I can never put my finger on it...
fun fact: Vampires? Also for sinners.
they ARE monsters that don't belong in this world.
Hasnt Gintama been going for like 40+ years now like all other shonen animes?

And yes NYT has always been shills.

We just dont know how little they sold out for.
and it is still going.
also because Sorachi is an extremely lovable gorilla guy who just wishes he was a cheesecake.

but seriously though, the anime is great after you can get past the first 20 episodes which is all just getting the characters introduced and interacting with each other.