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Anime/Manga General Discussion

btw, Funi uploaded the opening on their youtube, so I feel like sharing.
put in in a spoiler because chillen' shouldn't be watchin' this.
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i watch it
no. good little children shouldn't watch Shimoneta.
also Akibaranger.
children should also not watch some episodes of Gintama.
there are even episodes that say 'children shouldn't watch this' in the title.
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I'm likin God Eater too so far, getting hype!
Does that show actually have the act of eating a God or that the name is like that because reasons?
so, the newest Musume episode was pretty good.
I love how we got the MON girls as the opening instead of the ending.
they kept Zombina's introduction still fucked up.
Tio is great as expected.

and it was still nice that the accuracy of the Rachnee part was kept in tact.
even with the very obvious censoring.
and with that part of the episode, the harem is complete.

now, we get the monster girls facing their biggest challenge yet...
so when is protagonist-kun gonna fist the horse girl
for medical reasons

Just wait for the episode with her Mother's flashback and you will be pleased.
How would Rachnera's mom or the other moms act like anyway?
knowing Rachnera, she's probably distant.
Mero's mom is a spoiler.
and Suu probably doesn't have a mom so much as she probably just broke off of another slime.
How would Rachnera's mom or the other moms act like anyway?

Miia's Mom


Papi's Mom


Centorea's Mom


Mero's mom was just revealed not too long ago. And as for Suu and Rachnera, we won't be seeing theirs for a good while.
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dang it's almost like the needless and repeated sexualization of young kids and teenagers is like
a bad thing or something
in all honesty, the sexualization is mostly in the dialogue of Shimoneta.
only fanservice is in the endings and it's for actually a reference to dirty DVDs.
which was also the plot of an episode of Akibaranger.
completly forgot about kekkai sensen, like wow jesus christ apparently the last ep comes out in December...
so, I finally watched Prison School and Gangsta.

I only watched the first episode of Gangsta, and I gotta say it was a bit overhyped. not bad, just, nothing really special aside from just introducing the 3 main characters. I'll probably watch more but I'm not in much of a hurry to do so.

now Prison School, I had to catch up after watching the first episode. this anime is balls to the walls insanity, the characters are all crazy, and the faces.
aw lawdy the faces.
I find the manga of prison school better than the show, personally.

The anime shuffles things around and mostly just skips to the gags (and overplays the abuse a little too much for my tastes)
it all just comes across a lot better in the manga format, imo at least
I'm caught up to Prison School.

and I'm also gonna start watching JoJo's again. got past the porn reading orangutan and I'm gonna start getting to more.

I'm also watching Gintama again and also started watching Haiyore Nyaruko-san.
there's too much too watch that's not JoJos!
and I only watched the first 3 episodes so i could get a taste of the entirety of part 3 when it was done.
which I can now do.
no weekly wait.
I just, what's the point if it doesn't have the gainax style (unless they recreate it somehow).
It's like Bo Bo-Bo, except the creators were drunk while listening to guitar solos instead of high while watching hair tonic infomercials

It's also got robots and some awesome fight scenes and yeh
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I just, what's the point if it doesn't have the gainax style (unless they recreate it somehow).
if only there were a company made of people FROM Gainax..

Can someone tell me why they like FLCL? I am planning to watch it soon.
I would say what the story is about but that kinda ruins the theme.
it's really short though, so if you watch it and still don't know what it's about then we can probably tell you then.
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You're right, too bad Production I.G. isn't studio Trigger ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
funny how Production IG co-produced the anime in the first place. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)