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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Is it really what ANIMATION, with all it's advantages over movie, made for?
I believe the benefit is that they look super duper kawaii moe moe desu.
Although this doesn't apply to all of them. Nichijou is still the best. Uses the fact that it's an anime to the full extent that it can.
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Although this doesn't apply to all of them. Nichijou is still the best. Uses the fact that it's an anime to the full extent that it can.
Actually, I agree about Nichijou, it's one of not many comedies of this genre that I liked.
thought this was the wulfpack for a second...this is getting scary.
after watching Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is super super good, I now want a Fire Emblem anime....
after watching Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is super super good.
I've seen that.

Isn't it another one of those cases where the source material (novels, right?) is still running and as such it ends in the middle of everything getting super exciting and crazy?
I've seen that.

Isn't it another one of those cases where the source material (novels, right?) is still running and as such it ends in the middle of everything getting super exciting and crazy?
well, I know the main source material for the series has ended, but I have no idea how far the anime goes and frankly I don't want to spoil anything for myself
after watching Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is super super good, I now want a Fire Emblem anime....

I want them to retry the original Fire Emblem OVAs, and not go as generic and cliche as they did. Oh the horrible things they did to Sheeda...

But dear gott please don't let them make an Awakening anime, please Fire Emblem, don't go down that route any further :< no waifus and fanservice plz
well, I know the main source material for the series has ended, but I have no idea how far the anime goes and frankly I don't want to spoil anything for myself
oh i wasn't aware. all i know its one of those adaptations that doesn't look like it has a good chance at a second season.
oh i wasn't aware. all i know its one of those adaptations that doesn't look like it has a good chance at a second season.
there's way too many good original animes that dont get a second season even if they deserve it!
Jellyfish Princess

just fuckin' cancel One Piece and every other show that doesnt seem like it will ever end and bring in shows that deserve it!

there's way too many good original animes that dont get a second season even if they deserve it!
Don't forget the Durarara

Speaking of which, a while back, the Dengeki Fightin' Game thread got me thinking to look into the other series involved in it.

Then I heard someone, in a non-spoiler sense, then tell me that Shana has a heck of an ending. So I started running through that some time ago. It seemed like a pretty standard monster-of-the-week/everyday-life action-comedy sort of thing with some surprisingly interesting enemy designs and a slow moving romance sub-plot.

Then I got to season 3 and THINGS GOT WAY TOO REAL.
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I just started Space Runaway Ideon even if it meant neglecting every other long series I had already started. RIP me and wish me luck.
I never got the point of Nth anniversary remakes. Doesn't that mean that another 10 years from now you'll be making yet another one if it's as good as the original? Or it's not as good, any you've just wasted a big production budget?
So last week I marathoned Neon Genesis Evangelion, complete with End of Evangelion.

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So last week I marathoned Neon Genesis Evangelion, complete with End of Evangelion.

bah, take 2 Mushi-Shi and call me in the morning.
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Wow, these two animation Kickstarters just came to my attention today. It's about time these got official releases overseas, especially Wakfu! Those artbooks sound mighty tempting too.

Mai Mai Miracle


Well, I guess this might end up being another soup & salad month for me!
Yeah, Wakfu is pretty good, antagonist from first season of Wakfu is my etalon of how the "main villain" should look. Not like an average evil genius, doing things just because they're evil or want more power to conquer the world and yada.

I wonder, what is "new exclusive episode"... How much "exclusive" it can be? Do they really will draw new one?
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From what I read on the Wakfu Kickstarter, it looks like they might even be planning a Season 3, so I'd assume their studio is at least amped up to do a couple new episodes. I've only watched through Season 1 myself, so I've got a lot to catch up on anyway.
Watched Junk Boy this week. This and Sparrow's Hotel are so far the worst animes I have ever seen (I'm still new. I only completed like 19 titles if you check my profile at myanimelist). I enjoy comedies with sexual humour and Junk Boy still had a couple of funny scenes, but it was awful. I wanted to castrate the main character. Speaking of which, I think I really need to rewatch Golden Boy, which is superior to this.
I just watched The Legend of Koizumi. People need to get on this.
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I just watched The Legend of Koizumi. People need to get on this.
Damn right they do. "World leaders play Mahjong to determine the fate of the world" might just be the single best premise for a satire I've ever seen. The manga is 5x better (read: more hilariously ludicrous).
For example, in a battle on the moon, Hitler goes Super Aryan Level 3 and HIS HAIR SPLITS INTO A SWASTIKA. Must be seen to be believed.
I've started reading through the manga, but I'm still in the bits that were covered by the anime so it's not that funny... yet.
Akame ga Kiru! is getting an anime adaption and I've got to say this manga was one of the more sadistic ones to read. It's not just sadistic because of plain violence, but with how it first seems to have a lighthearted atmosphere one moment to gruesome tragedy the next. It will probably be censored quite a bit.

Don't get attached to any character because just as you start to like them (protagonists or antagonists) they can be effortlessly killed off (or worse) in really gruesome ways. Running joke of the manga is when people guess how many "death flags" were raised for any given situation because of how expendable the characters seem to be.

For those curious, this "Special Chapter" is perfect to see the overall atmosphere of the manga without it even being about the central plot/characters.
Incest-themed TV anime sparks decency investigation

Not sure what to think of this. On the one hand the whole complaint is pretty stupid, but I can't deny that I like the idea of making production companies think twice before producing more of that stuff.
so I just watched a video of all the gorey scenes in Blood C.....
Blood C... just when I thought it was over.
Blood C... just when I thought it was over.
I feel every shred of sanity I had has now been lost to that gore compilation....

the blender man.... nothing prepares you for the blender....
so I just watched a video of all the gorey scenes in Blood C.....
generic gorefest anime #3925
i've seen better and I've seen worse
lemme tell you though those giant monster bunnies munching people was hilarious
I want my class trials back.
i mean really
if you want senseless disgusting hyperviolence
you watch Genocyber
in fact go eat something right now, then watch genocyber
No, I'll pass, it sounds like it'll be like throwing some people in a blender then turnin' dat mess on max.
So I just looked at pictures of Genocyber... thanks, Ruin.
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you're welcome
just doing my job and helping weakass nerds to become men by exposing them to 80s hyperviolence
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I... don't know if I'll watch it, the pictures were more than enough for me.
yeah don't watch genocyber
it's not good at all
if you want some entertainingly bad 80s hyperviolent stuff
watch MD Geist or Baoh
they're both fun
I'm just going to pass on all of those you guys mentioned if its alright with you. I'm more squeemish than most people so yeah....