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Project Annie...In Motion!

he probably did that specifically to spite you
"he's gone time for annie"
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All this community collaboration has affected me. I was going to hold onto this as long as possible, but in the spirit of the Stars, I want your feedback.
I'm not qualified to provide musical criticism so I'll just say that I prefer the female vocalist.

I can't wait to hear the finished product.
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Anniebody else getting sick of all these puns?
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annough, guys
That doesn't even look like an Annie pun, it looks like a weird German word.

We may be taking this too far.
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Annie way, lets get get back to the topic ...oh wait its still Annie :p
you know
I have this massive enjoyment of the idea of annie REALLY liking raspberry rum
since they found that giant supercloud of what is basically raspberry rum in space
it just seems like a fun idea
you know
I have this massive enjoyment of the idea of annie REALLY liking raspberry rum
since they found that giant supercloud of what is basically raspberry rum in space
it just seems like a fun idea
It smells of rum and tastes of raspberries, actually.

Maybe she hates raspberries forever because of the wasted time that misunderstanding caused... she wanted rum, and all she got was stupid raspberry.
maybe she likes rum smell and raspberry taste okay you aren't the anniethority this is a group effort
2) Stop animating stuff. Sketch out your ideas and discuss them before they're implemented, even in rough animations. It's a waste of time doing all the in betweens if it's just going to be shot down because it doesn't meet consensus.

Also, for anyone that's wondering, Cellsai's second suggestion is more or less how I break down my animation process. I do quick sketches to help me break down the basic movement and idea. Then I Illustrate the key frames to get down the timing and important movements. From there I simply do the in-betweens and clean up the remaining frames when done.

I was just doing it for fun as well, but this is why I went with Saturn Slash or one of the moves already done by Mr. Ahad, since all the brainstorming and keyframes had already been done. All I needed to do was the in-betweens.

If things get as serious as they sound like they are, I agree that we should get more organized with some kind of design document. Everyone brainstorms and submits their ideas, which get picked and/or adjusted by Skullmageddon and added to the design document, who then either draws or designates someone to draw the keyframes like in Mr. Ahad's concept sketches, and we get volunteers to animate the tweens, and cleanup artists to do the clean-up portions.

Whether this makes things more fun or not (Procedure will be much more strict), we won't know until we try it, but it will definitely prevent possible future arguments over Annie's design rather than if we all get equal power to add or veto things.

We want to be friends here, not Anniemies.^^

Im sad Im not good in animating, even drawing.

Now is a good time to start practicing.^^ The sooner the better!
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Everyone go home, Pawper did the best one.
Get organized and make fan-annie (fannie! :D) before EVO.

I'm sure that, if you manage that, Mike would put her in for casuals in the evo build ;)

I think I started something that won't go away.....lets see whats another word that sounds like annie...how bout
Pannie shot.
yeah lets go with that
yeah i know they are bloomers
Alright ladies and Gigans, PKStoopkid here with a long winded apology

It may have seemed that I disappeared off the face of this thread but in truth some rather serious matters unexpectedly came up.
Without too much detail I had to move from my old home unexpectedly and currently have no Internet (I write this from my phone). On top of that my tablet is packed away somewhere and I have been unable to shade since then. I come to you guys hoping for forgiveness and acceptance back into the community and back on the Annie team I'll work as hard as I need to to atone my absence
whatever man it's no big deal
don't stress when creating or our art will suffer
and annie art can only be the best of the your abilities
maybe you need some rum-scented raspberries then
If things get as serious as they sound like they are, I agree that we should get more organized with some kind of design document. Everyone brainstorms and submits their ideas, which get picked and/or adjusted by Skullmageddon and added to the design document, who then either draws or designates someone to draw the keyframes like in Mr. Ahad's concept sketches, and we get volunteers to animate the tweens, and cleanup artists to do the clean-up portions.

Whether this makes things more fun or not (Procedure will be much more strict), we won't know until we try it, but it will definitely prevent possible future arguments over Annie's design rather than if we all get equal power to add or veto things.
@Skullmageddon, there you go, man. Time for you to found The Open Source Annie Group.

The DIY-Annie Foundation?

The Let's-Make-Annie Cooperative?

Or maybe just Open Source Annie?

Whatever. You decide.
It think DDB should decide the name.

Watch out though, you'll probably get something like The Annie of the Stars Mega Star Cruiser Giga Thread.
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So... This thread disappeared off of my feed for some reason.
You will.

FIRST: Annie's sword is wide, and she is inspired by Knightmare...so! I was thinking a special move where she does a spinning counter into an attack. Like a mini-version of Sieg's (I think it's) Knight Stance, the one where he hides behind the shield. From that, if she is hit, she turns with the attack and goes for a counter, like a sweep or overhead, or a knockback

SECOND: Super Idea-- Annie throw's her sword spinning into mid-air, and basically does Daikaiten Tek Lancer by shooting her spinning sword with a beam from Sagan(er...Annie's) eye. If you want it to REALLY be like Daikaiten Tek Lancer, it should do more damage on opponents in a hard knockdown state(which is a lot harder to set up than you think).

THIRD: SUPER IDEA-- Does Pyron's COSMO DISRUPTION, which is, going into a stance, and a constellation-like pattern appears in front of it, the longer the stance is held, the more "Stars" added onto the constellation. When released, all of those "stars" detonate in order, creating both an offensive attack and a powerful deterrent, as it allows you to move freely while the explosions go off.

FOURTH: SEASON TWO THING-- During season two, give her the ability to "Shift" in the down-forward direction(also like Pyron) by pressing forward with her air normal. This allows you to keep up pressure and goof about with her jump arc to confuse people, without taking the cop-out method of having her just gain a double jump or something.


'kay I'm done.
I'll have to put my best wordplay into action to ever think of a group title worthy of Annie, though.
SECOND: Super Idea-- Annie throw's her sword spinning into mid-air, and basically does Daikaiten Tek Lancer by shooting her spinning sword with a beam from Sagan(er...Annie's) eye. If you want it to REALLY be like Daikaiten Tek Lancer, it should do more damage on opponents in a hard knockdown state(which is a lot harder to set up than you think).

Oooooh I really like this idea for a super.