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Beowulf Thread: Retiring from Retirement

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Those concepts look so awesome!

Just some warrior/viking references and I'm set.
Why would there be viking stuff?
because the poem Beowulf takes place in the Viking world.
I have a theory about how the throne thing and the ladder thing could work for beowulf while keeping aspects of beos character that seem to be important to us, its a bit of a read so I spoilered it.

seeing the throne and the ladder properly, I can see the hurting being a fancy piece of machinery instead of a parasite or a living weapon. This makes sense to me because of how big band is literally made out of musical instruments as cybernetic implants, if this wackiness is the bar that has been set I cant see any problem with The Hurting being the chair equivalent of a swiss army knife

This also gives a bunch of benefits aside from the obvious creative freedom to invent more nutty moves like the ladder transformation:

1. I believe it would be a great way to put the minds at ease of the people who were worried Beowulf would lose his average man flavour if the chair was something more, with this, it could give context to why the chairs unbreakable as well as be the single outlet for all the different tools the average man could use to even the playing field against all these mythical hair monsters and crying umbrellas in a very "Batman" style. Because its machinery, it could do all these things while still being realistic and more in the realms of man, because its a machine as opposed to a sentient being.

2. It boosts the idea of the female to male reversal they got going on, the females are the ones with the more "interesting" and dynamic concepts thanks to Parasites and living weapons as is appropriate for main characters and characters that are the focus of the story, in the spotlight and taking up the majority of the roster. Whereas we have Big band and Beowulf who would simply be male background characters and this would show because of how "real life" and average they are (with Big Band being the upper limit of the unique and wacky scale obviously) and by skullgirls standards they could arguably be the more "down to earth" ones relying on stuff powered by machinery, which could be seen more real world than the mythical and mysterious parasites, even if it is musical instruments and a transforming chair. These things would fit in the bar that the skullgirls universe sets for itself in what is more down to earth and what isn't.

I'm really sorry for the above, I just wanted to make sense and I was trying to avoid sounding sexist in the way I presented my theory. I hope this all makes sense and its not too much of a read lol

to alliterate point 2 as I'm desperate for it to make sense, compare Akuma to Sakura in Street Fighter and how Akuma has this godly power and Sakura is a school girl with mini hadoukens in comparison. With Skullgirls, we see this reversed, like if you compare Marie to Big Band or Beowulf, Marie has the Satsui no Hado of the Skullgirls universe in the skullheart, Big Band is just brass, beos just a wrestler.

Please let me know what you think, the debate potential is strong here I feel, I'm sure some people have better ideas than I do as to what we all want to see for Beowulf which make a lot more sense. :)
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I have a theory about how the throne thing and the ladder thing could work for beowulf while keeping aspects of beos character that seem to be important to us, its a bit of a read so I spoilered it.

seeing the throne and the ladder properly, I can see the hurting being a fancy piece of machinery instead of a parasite or a living weapon. This makes sense to me because of how big band is literally made out of musical instruments as cybernetic implants, if this wackiness is the bar that has been set I cant see any problem with The Hurting being the chair equivalent of a swiss army knife

This also gives a bunch of benefits aside from the obvious creative freedom to invent more nutty moves like the ladder transformation:

1. I believe it would be a great way to put the minds at ease of the people who were worried Beowulf would lose his average man flavour if the chair was something more, with this, it could give context to why the chairs unbreakable as well as be the single outlet for all the different tools the average man could use to even the playing field against all these mythical hair monsters and crying umbrellas in a very "Batman" style. Because its machinery, it could do all these things while still being realistic and more in the realms of man, because its a machine as opposed to a sentient being.

2. It boosts the idea of the female to male reversal they got going on, the females are the ones with the more "interesting" and dynamic concepts thanks to Parasites and living weapons as is appropriate for main characters and characters that are the focus of the story, in the spotlight and taking up the majority of the roster. Whereas we have Big band and Beowulf who would simply be male background characters and this would show because of how "real life" and average they are (with Big Band being the upper limit of the unique and wacky scale obviously) and by skullgirls standards they could arguably be the more "down to earth" ones relying on stuff powered by machinery, which could be seen more real world than the mythical and mysterious parasites, even if it is musical instruments and a transforming chair. These things would fit in the bar that the skullgirls universe sets for itself in what is more down to earth and what isn't.

I'm really sorry for the above, I just wanted to make sense and I was trying to avoid sounding sexist in the way I presented my theory. I hope this all makes sense and its not too much of a read lol

to alliterate point 2 as I'm desperate for it to make sense, compare Akuma to Sakura in Street Fighter and how Akuma has this godly power and Sakura is a school girl with mini hadoukens in comparison. With Skullgirls, we see this reversed, like if you compare Marie to Big Band or Beowulf, Marie has the Satsui no Hado of the Skullgirls universe in the skullheart, Big Band is just brass, beos just a wrestler.

Please let me know what you think, the debate potential is strong here I feel, I'm sure some people have better ideas than I do as to what we all want to see for Beowulf which make a lot more sense. :)
RE your first point: Look at Valentine, she is a capable fighter without the need for a parasite or living weapon and instead uses normal objects, all of which have been weaponized, all of her other skills are the result of training her body beyond the normal limits. Beowulf can occupy that same position as a normal human with super human capabilities. Instead of needing to use some super gadget he just uses a heavily reinforced chair to complement his fighting style and strength, anything more would go against what we know about the character. Not to mention that one of Beowulf's known achievements is tearing the arm off a massive Gigan with his bare hands, so a mechanized chair would detract from that.

All-in-all I think that a transforming chair is something Beowulf can do without. Keep his equipment simple but his fighting style colorful, powerful, and inventive.
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Valentine (...) all of her other skills are the result of training her body beyond the normal limits.
The experiments she's been put through likely played a major role in this. As is, Beowulf might be the first playable character than is neither altered in some way nor equipped with special weaponry.
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The experiments she's been put through likely played a major role in this. As is, Beowulf might be the first playable character than is neither altered in some way nor equipped with special weaponry.
I thought she was just using morphine to dull her sense of pain and drugs derived from her former Lab. What augmentations did she undergo?
As far as memory serves, all Last Hope members went through some experimental drug treatment back in Lab 7, likely to enhance their physical capabilities. Valentine's eye cross is a little souvenir from it, too.
RE your first point: Look at Valentine, she is a capable fighter without the need for a parasite or living weapon and instead uses normal objects, all of which have been weaponized, all of her other skills are the result of training her body beyond the normal limits.

Of Course! Valentine! I neglected to consider her, damn.

those are all points I agree with whole heartedly. I'd be happy with either rendition of his chair (I myself would actually prefer a normal chair, I just put that theory as a way to rangle those two aformentioned concepts into a "normal human" worldspace)

one thing I do disagree with however is this:
so a mechanized chair would detract from that.

I cant really see beowulf going down anywhere but the "Batman" route, as in, a normal human who is made relevant by the tool(s) he has and how he uses them.

both your ideals for beo and my rough idea share this in common, they both allow Beowulf to be relevant to the cast based on The Hurting ( atleast thats what I see), whether that'll be a indestructible chair or a indestructible swiss army chair.

IMHO Batman is not undermined by his Gadgets, the Gadgets would be nothing without his wits (his main feature) and his super human-esque conditioning via martial arts training, they're just an extension of him. Now on to the point I'm trying to make:

no matter what form the chair is in, I don't think it will detract anything from Beowulf, Beowulf will make the chair and the super human conditioning we've been shown will show through just like Batman. The only thing the chair will effect is the options it gives Beowulf access to, such as, I am sure Beowulf could jump extremely high due to his bodies conditioning, but I doubt he could cover enough distance to catch painwheel if she flew high enough (this is entirely hypothetical) but if the chair were to give him leverage, such as by becoming a ladder or otherwise, it would allow him to do so. However, it wouldn't matter in what manner the chair helped him out, it would all hinge on beowulf himself to then use the chair, and that would require his physical prowess.

TL:DR: beo would make the chair. Seeing as he can fight with and without the chair, he himself will shine through and his fighting style could still adhere to how you want, simple and inventive

that being said I would love it to be a regular chair, there would definitely be a special satisfaction to winning games as him with that you couldn't get with something more fancy. What I said above was just rationale as to why it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was more fancy as long as its not a Parasite or Living Weapon, that WOULD be rubbish. Beowulf would still have to command the chair, it wouldn't command him. I'm still thoroughly in your camp in regards to the chair's characteristics though :)
Big write up on the concepts


If he pushblocks does the belt spin like Jern Cener's belt?


That there is a german suplex.



Dvd or burning hammaaaaaaaaaa..possibly an fu.


Personally hoping its the hamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


That there is a shotei palm strike famously used by jushin thunder liger.



Triple moonsault..double being the actual record of rotations in reality but still really cool.


Makes my knees hurt to watch personally. No wonder beowulf wears those beefy fur pads.


Resembles a Zangief lariat..which actually isn't a lariat at all. Rule of cool tho is always number one.


And a couple manly ass clotheslines good form lab zero. Good form.

Overall even an early stage the character comes off as a tribute to both wrestling and wrestling based characters in fighting games.

*gold clap*

Also obviously he has machoman elbow drop and axe handle in the concepts. I'm just lazy.


More junk


One of those attacks that probably functions like fuerte or bella's running stance stuff most likely. Press a button does multiple things. Otherwise a dropkick and a cutter



Classic staples.


It's a bulldog wrestling move. I think this may be one of the few direct lifts off of a character. Mika does the same thing in the end animation of daydream headlock.


More resembles Alex's air stampede or even m.bison's headstomp rather than an actual double stomp. They used the phrase "divekick" to describe it which makes me think it's a pressure tool like Chief Thunder's stomp.


versus say


Other thoughts:

The options for palletes blow me away still and I fully expect all the wrestlers/superheros/and anime bara characters ever. As a side note Beowulf comes off extremely beefy. More so than I thought he would be truthfully. The wolf cloak looks more like shoulder pads than something he just draped over himself. Rad character overall from the standpoint of aesthetics.

In terms of the little wip mechanics we were able to glean from it all. The hurting in it's current form based off of concepts functions like a puppet character that acts as a means of controlling space (by taking up said space). It's not controlled, but you probably don't want to get stuck between it and beowulf either..The hurting also seems to change beowulf's hitboxes and give him a variety of chair-less attacks as well. He seems to really be all about pressure with multiple concepts of aerial attacks and rush punches too. Setting up corner combos midscreen with the hurting seems mean, but probable. Jumping on the chair seems to have a spring effect too. One wonders though how many of these proposed mechanics will be cut and streamlined by the end.

Comes off as a super spacing dependent mobile grappler/rushdown character. Which is quite different to kanji (like Mike said) whom is not mobile at all. Very different from Bella too.
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Change of direction?

Concepts looks great, so many command grabs <3

But i really don't know what to think about the chair...
If they make it like stance or mode (with hurting - better pokes, without hurting better grabs etc.) it would be good enough for me.

Also, i hope he would play more like Abel, less like Fuerte.
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I took plenty of photos from the EVO panel so I have a question for you.
Are you ready for some concept art?!
1. I love this, it's definitely the most realistic and efficient fighting stance in the entire roster.
His stance in the final image looks a lot better.

2. A very energetic crouching idle. Maybe the team took some inspiration from Olympic Wrestling? As a wrestler myself this would make me very happy.

3. I love a good stomp in video games. I wonder if this is move will involve a command.

4. Aesthetically I think he leans a little too far forward in this second image, functionally it would give more distance to the stomp.

5. Yeeeaaah a palm thrust! Move over Squigly, your one-inch punch can't compare to the shock and impact of this move!

6. A good ol' haymaker, nothing feels better than landing a punch like that.

7. I don't know much about pro wrestling, but I'm learning.
The music note is a reference to Sweet Chin Music, right?

8. I like this angle more, it's just nicer to look at.

9. Lab Zero really is getting good at what they do. It's a different move without the chair, but there is very little difference in the drawn frames.

10. Is he spinning in this attack? I can't tell, but it definitely looks cool. I love animation smears.

11. Another haymaker, this one looks like it has more force behind it.

12. Aw yeah, we got options now, aerial options. Looks like Beowulf isn't going to be that simple.

13. This is one of my favorite images here. I still remember the day when Alex Ahad showed up at Salty Cupcakes and answered questions for the stream. One question he answered was about what blockbusters Beowulf would have. Among those that he listed was a Three Wolf Moon Uppercut, executed after drinking a gallon of Tuscan Milk. At the time we all thought it was a joke, but it looks like a real possibility now. Oh man he's going to be so awesome.

14. It's difficult to make out, but it looks like a very cool throw. Since it uses The Hurting it will probably be unusable when it's not equipped.
Sort of like headless fortune's heavy punch, only a little more complex.

15. Hahahahaha, oh gosh this is great. In all seriousness I like the idea that Beowulf is followed around by a bunch of people. Referees, stage hands, commentators, maybe even other wrestlers. However, all the fighting needs to be done by him and him alone in my opinion. Pfft, Mushrooms...

16. What even is this. Dagonian Referee, make it happen.

17. Looks like a launcher, I bet that the height of the launch will vary depending on whether or not The Hurting is equipped.

18. Can't have a pro wrestling character without a body press.

19. This is cool, exactly what I was hoping for. It should make getting in on zoners a lot easier.

20. Slide into a chair hit, huh? Looks cool, it would probably be a low attack.

21. YOOOOO, COUNTERS? FUCK YEAH! I love counters, it's so satisfying to turn your opponents offense against them, and It's a grab too! I've never seen that before, if it gets in I'm going to use this move so much.

22. The Hurting is such a versatile tool, I'm looking forward to seeing all the creative things that Lab Zero can do with it.

23. Even defending, Beowulf will remind you that he is undefeated and he will remain undefeated, and he'll do it with a smile.

24. I don't really like the invisible string idea, I prefer the stomp. I can live with it though.
That time out loss is adorable, it looks like his pelt will have cartoon physics like Fortune's bell collar or Squigly's skull breastplate.

25. Now this is a big deal, if this move gets in then The Hurting is no longer just a chair, it's a swiss army knife of pro wrestling weapons. At first I was apprehensive about Beowulf having a special weapon, but I'm getting used to the idea of it. Especially if it looks cool and provides an excuse for hammer space. I don't like hammer space.
Also as Maysey so eloquently put it, I don't believe that it will detract from Beowulf as a character. He's still just a man, just a man with a few more tools than before, and a tool is only as good as the man who wields it. Although I wonder how extensive The Hurting's transformations could be?
I have a great idea for a Level 5 Blockbuster.

26. Emlan's concept art is always adorable, catching The Hurting like something precious and letting the opponent hit the ground is a nice touch. If this move gets in I hope I get to mash a button for it. I love mashing.

27. All that milk probably made Beowulf's skull as hard as rock.

28. Beowulf fights for the people, even in battle he entertains.

29. It wouldn't be Skullgirls without loads of comedy, even for the more serious combatants.
I don't know much about programming, but I'm under the impression that elevating low attacks by using a platform in a non-platform fighter might be difficult. I hope Mike Z doesn't suffer too much while making Beowulf.

30. Now this is interesting, the chair looks like it'll stay standing after the wicked flaming projectile. Maybe on the way down after the attack Beowulf can bounce right off the chair into another attack, like an elbow drop. If that's the case then Beowulf is definitely going to be a highly technical and very agile character.

32. So it looks like that attacks with the chair will be more focused on impacts while attacks without the chair will be more focused on grappling. I like that, there may be hope for Beowulf being a character that's easy to use but difficult to master.

33. Now we're getting into dashes. I can't tell how it works at this point, but I'm hoping that it will be purely for movement until a command is entered. Although I'm still alright with it being a two in one dash grab like Akihiko's Kill Rush. I like the option to hold the grab buttons for a spin that can change the move's properties.

34. I've seen this already but it never gets old.

35. Another example of The Hurting changing its shape. Beowulf's got swag for days.

36. Is the move itself a taunt, or is it like an extra taunt connected to one of his normal moves? Either way it's pretty boss.

37. This is funny, but accidental attacks are more Minette's thing.

38. I'm so happy that the wolf pelt might be getting some use, I had my own ideas for it but this is the best I've seen. Those teeth have gotta hurt.

39. This is good for a standard throw, it shows off how strong he is. It's going to be great seeing him do this to Big Band.

40. I don't think anyone enjoys getting manhandled like this, well maybe Cerebella. Seriously though, the interaction in this move might be too complicated, they would have to draw out new frames for every character like in Cerebella's Excellebella. Who knows, Lab Zero works hard and they might be willing to put in the effort.

41. Now this is a perfect way to retrieve The Hurting, I hope they use this instead of the string.

42. Last but not least, Beowulf's early palette map. We all wanted it and Lab Zero delivered, Beowulf will have shirtless palettes! Not only that, he'll have face paint and in an unexpected twist his arm hair is part of his palette so it can be optional. Lab Zero is definitely catering to the ladies. I like how the elbows and knees are separate sections of the map, gloves are also a possibility. There's a lot of potential in Beowulf's palette map that I haven't seen yet with other characters, and it isn't even finished yet.
@chickenwithtie, your week ended a while ago so I must give the title of Wolf of the Week to @Cellsai.
I know it's not a real reward, it's just my own unique way of recognizing you online.
Thank You Cellsai, you've done a great service for The Pack.
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Among those that he listed was a Three Wolf Moon Uppercut, executed after drinking a gallon of Tuscan Milk.

I really hope the whole blockbuster is the uppercut into that moonsault (or shooting star press?) on the right. That'll be hype!

a small personal gripe I hope beo will fix for me with this blockbuster or something else, is to allow me to DHC off of Cere's Ultimate Showstopper (as in cere to wulf)

it bothers me to this day that I can't do it with anyone I considered for my team, not even Big Band. So hopefully, if this is implemented, the uppercut reaches high enough to connect and, in an ideal world, I'd personally like to see the moonsault act as a way to bring them down to the ground and hopefully combo at the expense of a otg. I just want the super to land to get a more favourable situation instead of being mid to full screen in neutral if I land a panic US, even if its dumb to spend the meter XD
Looking at Beowulf so far, I imagine it's gotta be reeeaally hard to pin him down to only one taunt and one victory pose. The guy is gonna be flashy as hell, and I'm lovin' it!

*sigh* When Beowulf's frames are finally all cleaned up and colored, it's gonna feel so bittersweet. I'm really gonna miss seeing these cool concept sketches once all of the DLC characters are done.
Is it just me or did they fix his height since the Animecon panel?
He's taller than Eliza and Parasoul
It's kind of hard to tell in the last image, but you might be right.
I can definitely see that they've shortened his forehead a little bit.
I added a bit to my big post. I missed a good bit. Shoutouts to Mika though.

Reposting my spoilered backlist of good matches too, for people who want to check out wrassling before beowulf is out.

Here is a list of matches ranging from modern era to 80s and 90s wcw with a bit of hapanese stuff thrown in.


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Is there a schedule of artists' streams?
Or links to their channels? They don't appear in the Streamsection for what I know
I usually just find out via following sg people on twitter and occasionally tumblr, unless its on the lab zero twitch channel. There really probably should be a better way of knowing when animation streams are though.

Like Lab Zero is very open about what's going on in development which is great. However, you have various info only on neogaf, other stuff from artists working on the game only on tumblr and twitter as I said earlier, streams that aren't always on the main lab-zero twitch channel meaning they are harder to find like I mentioned before, and shakesode giving exclusive linux updates on the skullgirls steam forum, etc.

It's all very messy and annoying to have to dig for everything.

But the fact that he is being animated so soon leaves me very...

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Is there a schedule of artists' streams?
Or links to their channels? They don't appear in the Streamsection for what I know
All I can really tell ya is keep a close eye on Twitter.
Is there a schedule of artists' streams?
Or links to their channels? They don't appear in the Streamsection for what I know

Just wait until they show his first frame.

I guess they don't want to rush but they want to finish the last two characters soon as possible for the PS4 and Vita versions.
Isn't Beowulf's collar-less idle his first frame already?

I'd definitely want to see his first animation though
dear god I nearly missed it, thank you denizen
I'm afraid I can't watch it or else my sisters will suffer very slow Internet.

EDIT: wait I can hooray!
I have a sister, you sort of develop a way to screen the whining, and then its fine. I mean, this is BEOWULF. Facebook and soaps can wait (at least thats what my sister does)
What's an internet? I just have this series of glowing rocks.
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the time is upon us.
beginning operation StarWulf: The Hypening
I'm fighting to not make a groin joke, but thank you as well and excellent job kinuko.
damn, twitter gifs randomly don't work for me.
Can anyone upload it somewhere else?
Yeah I think I should stay away from the Wulf Pack until the fanservice hype is over.
I love it but the copy-pasta'd head is kind of bothering me.
It's probably gonna get edited, I hope.
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