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Beowulf Thread: Retiring from Retirement

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the one being beaten with the arm was Grendal's Mother IIRC. Like Denizen said, Grendal himself is presumably still alive
Wait a minute.
When did anyone say that Beowulf smacked someone around with Grendel's Arm immediately after ripping it off?
By the way it's been confirmed by Alex Ahad that Grendel is still alive and his Mother is dead.
Well maybe she needed a hand
Beowulf killed someone, I doubt that he feels good about that.
Never mind Beowulf, how do you think Grendel feels, his mom is dead! He'd probably have to pay an arm and a-oooooohhhhhhhhhh

<Sorry, arm jokes are my favorite.>
The guilt from that incident is what drove Beowulf to retire.
I finished the macho man post late cause I'm lazy. Also how dare you pick on chicken.
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Wait a minute.
When did anyone say that Beowulf smacked someone around with Grendel's Arm immediately after ripping it off?
By the way it's been confirmed by Alex Ahad that Grendel is still alive and his Mother is dead.

I thought it was the Q&A with alex ahad but looking back at it and how the answer was worded, I guess I just kinda came to the conclusion myself as it was logical at the time. Beowulf could take grendal but his big ass mum would probably need something more, it made sense that he could have then used the arm to help him with the bigger foe, particularly if he needed to kill her. that was my thinking.

also "By the way it's been confirmed by Alex Ahad that Grendel is still alive and his Mother is dead."

that was what I was saying, the arm bit obv was the erroneous part, but I was referring to grendal being alive and armless with his mum being dead

sorry for the confusion.
I would like to see a comic where The Hurting and Eliza's Couch are just sitting across from each other for two panels, and in the third panel The Couch just SPLITS IN HALF.

However this is talk for The Wulf Den, not for a dedicated thread like this one.

The Hurting and Eliza's coach have to be forbidden lovers. @chickenwithtie please make this a reality.
It was a request. She as an artist can either take it or leave it for a different time/not do it at all. It was an idea I thought would be cute and or funny and I pitched it. There is no we.
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Maybe draw Hurting doing anime blushes with a bow tipped to the side.

Hurting-san loves Beowulf but feels he is taking advantage of their relationship and her ample butt room. She feels so used and ashamed. Hurting-san doesn't care for biolence and wants to simply live the quiet life desu desu baka (✿◠‿◠). Some day couch-san will notice her.

Couch and chair run off together and all is well in the canopy kingdom. Beowulf lives out the rest of his days crying at love lost. Now who will he sit on?
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It was a request. She as an artist can either take it or leave it for a different time/not do it at all.
It was an idea I thought would be cute and or funny and I pitched it. There is no we.
I just don't think anyone should be making a habit out of this. Maybe I'm different, but asking for more when you've already gotten some is not what I'd call gracious. Especially when it comes to art, even more so when it's a gift.
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I mean like I agree but I disagree. This thread typically doesn't ask much of chicken..and he is right to an extent. She can totally not pay attention to peoples requests just like some of the guys in the fan pallete thread. Like I do feel to an extent that people wanting you to draw things can be sort of exhilarating in a sense...as it proves people like and would like to see more of your style.

The friction comes from the stress of meeting expectations and when you have too many requests. Also random requests from people she doesn't know who aren't paying her. Just generally people not paying for stuff. That's me speaking as an artist and possibly a capitalist.

Honestly, I think Chicken can totally speak for herself in this instance and that we all can take things a little less seriously.
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And it's at this moment that I realize that Chicken has been secretly trying to brainwash us all into liking her art to take over the thread, but that's crazy, her art was already the best-oh no, it's already started! CURSE YOU CHICKEEEEEEEEEEN!
Nah it's okay Denizen, but thanks for worrying, you're hella sweet




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I laughed at that far longer then I should have.
They don't call him the Hurting for nothing. Poor Beo.

Can we just bunch up all the Beowulf comics Chicken made and call that his story mode.

Barking at cats!
Crashing in elevators!
Not looking at explosions!
Coming to you this Christmas.
Hohoho and a happy new suplex.
That movie gave me cancer, killed my dog, stole my wife, and single handedly toppled western civilization.

But yeah title belts and a very very large chair tonight. I hope ram doesn't become an issue.
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He tore off his (Gigan) opponent's arm and beat them to (presumably) death with it. He also fought said Gigan(Grendel)'s much bigger, much stronger mother.
Scythana is only half-gigan. so...
Few days late, but I want to jump in here right quick and defend Scythana for a second.

Her being Half-Gigan does not in any way imply that she's weaker than a full Gigan. Most other media that has a character be half one race and half another, especially when it's a story about people with powers, that character is usually stronger than either race. I would like to point to two well known half-bloods at this juncture. The first is Gohan, from DBZ, who is literally the strongest saiyan both when he defeated Cell (by a fucking long shot) and during the Buu Saga as Mystic Gohan (the strongest non-fused character in the manga after Buu Gotenks Absorbed). There is also Inuyasha, a hanyou, yet even without his Tetsusaiga he's more powerful than most youkai, not even counting his full-youkai form (a type of form similar to one Scythana is confirmed to have).

Could Beowulf beat Scythana in a fight? No clue. But I know the thought "Beo beat a full Gigan, so since ScyScy is a half Gigan it should be no problem" doesn't work for me personally. I'm pretty sure I've said this all somewhere before, though.
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Scythana's a huge wimp, get wrecked girl.
Zen's got your number.
Stokin' the flames
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That movie gave me cancer, killed my dog, stole my wife, and single handedly toppled western civilization.
I remember seeing that movie. I knew nothing of the original Beowulf. All I remember is me and my brothers laughing our asses off in the movie theater at the "They come from all around to taste my lord's sweet meat" scene. I still swear up and down that scene was intended to be funny.
Scythana's a huge wimp, get wrecked girl.
Zen's got your number.

How dare you say that.
Zen beats everyone because he's powered by alcohol the purity and justice his heart is full of( ´∀`)☆
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That movie gave me cancer, killed my dog, stole my wife, and single handedly toppled western civilization.
The movie portrays a poor representation of the Geatish Hero and it should burn in the fires of Hell.
I wasn't saying Beowulf could beat Scy because of any implication that her being only half-Gigan made her weaker than Grendel. Grendel got away from that fight because he was a fellow wrestler in the ring against Beowulf in a (seemingly) fair fight, his mom crashing the party nonwithstanding. Beo's a relatively big celebrity, if Scy starts fighting him, he'll just sue the pants of her! The legal system prevails!

(Still, I vote for "non-romantic bromance" between the two? Why must they fight? They are not enemies?)
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Would you rather we have overly describtive fan fiction?
For your sake overly descriptive better be for how hard their knuckles collide when they brofist.
I don't know. Depends on whose writing it...
"The greased up knuckles gently rapped against one another as i they were lovers copulating for the first time. The two metaphoric genitals meeting and then feeling the warmth of one another. The world would never be the same again. "

There the deed is done. That will be 1.60 so I can buy more cans of steel reserve.
I just want Beowulf to have an ensemble-only attack where he jumps in from behind the opponent and smacks them upside the head with his chair. ;__;
and then he says "I chair about you" and puts on sunglasses.


Let's write more bad puns

"this hurts you more than it hurts me"

"I'll be here chairing you on"

"chair up buttercup"

"please prepare to be seated"

"looks like you need some backrest"
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and then he says "I chair about you" and puts on sunglasses.


Let's write more bad puns

"this hurts you more than it hurts me"

"I'll be here chairing you on"

"chair up buttercup"

"please prepare to be seated"

"looks like you need some backrest"
Have you been secretly Fourtune this whole time?
I has a question:

does anyone know if they are still looking for a Beowulf voice actor or have they got one?
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