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Custom Palettes for the Cast

Squigly as Kanase Teto, UTAU


  • tetsquig.png
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Fencer of Justice Parasoul.png
Salty Wonder Umbrella.png

1. Fencer of Justice (Parasoul as Batman) (Renamed and updated the color scheme)
2. Salty Wonder (Umbrella as Robin from DC Comics) (Updated her pose and color scheme of her hat)

It's to commemorate Umbrella's release on 2nd Encore and Mobile and the Renoir sisters being playable together by making their palettes that depict Batman and Robin.
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Some randomised choices by the palette editor. It makes some pretty nice combinations just by itself.
Parasoul_PrincessPride (1).pngParasoul_PrincessPride (2).png
Parasoul_SM3_Burst (1).png
Parasoul_Primed (1).png
So, over the past weeks, I am basically inspired by an idea of a Skullgirls X BBTAG Palette Pack that can give the characters their palettes that depict characters in BBTAG, except Ms. Fortune and Robo-Fortune because they already had their palettes that depict Makoto Nanaya and Aigis, the two characters that are in BBTAG, so they get a pass. Here they are.

bandicam 2022-05-08 21-02-12-602.png

There are currently ten of them in this current 3x4 collage, sporting three characters in their palettes depicting BlazBlue characters at the top row, four characters in their palettes depicting Persona 4 Arena characters in the middle row and three characters in their palettes depicting Under Night In-Birth characters at the bottom row. That's what the blue, yellow and purple background colors mean. Basically, it won't have characters that depict RWBY characters, so it's gonna be BlazBlue, Persona 4 Arena and Under Night In-Birth. It even emulates the character selection in BBTAG. I compiled them together into one collage so you don't have to scroll down to look through all of them.

But my dream palette pack isn't complete and ten characters depicting BBTAG characters isn't nearly enough, so more characters to come before it's complete. For instance, if there is a future character released in Mobile and if I made them a palette that depicts a Persona 4 Arena character through the SGM palette editor, I shift into a new and bigger collage to have a fifth column to add the fifth character in among others and I share it here.
Great news, Black Dahlia is added to the Palette Editor.
And I needed exactly that to recreate my sick "Gyakuten Saiban"/"Ace Attorney" fantasies.
Dahlias of the world, unite!
Phantom Granny Black Dahlia.png

Phantom Granny (Black Dahlia as Nine the Phantom from BlazBlue)

bandicam 2022-05-16 09-58-33-864.png

This pack now has 11 characters who needed palettes that depict BBTAG characters, with Black Dahlia, the newest addition.
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This is a thread that i made for the purpose of posting custom palettes created using the Skullgirls Mobile Palette Editor or other programs like Photoshop and Gimp

Mobile Palette Editor

Some examples of what i have made with these tools

Beowulf as Skull from Persona 5

Robo-Fortune as Gray Fox from the Metal Gear series

Beowulf as Gordon Freeman from the Half-Life series

Parasoul as Lauren Sinclair ("Justice Seeker") and Valentine as Belladona Davenport ("Golden Viper"), both from Purple Hyacinth


Valentine 2.png
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Squigly as Kohaku from Tsukihime
Umbrella as Ess from Puyo Puyo
Parasoul as Doracu from Puyo Puyo
Ms. Fortune as Nekomata from Shin Megami Tensei
Robo Fortune as Sandalphon from Shin Megami Tensei



The Black Dahlia Special, Part 1 of ???

Palettes include

Dante from the Devil May Cry Series (DMC 1 Suit) with her grenade launcher based on Nightmare Beta
Naoto Kurogane and Lambda-11 from BlazBlue
A original Palette based on Princess Peach color scheme




Another two Dahlia color ideas for the game, but this time done right are Femme Fatale references. The first color is based in Luong from "KOF" Series, and the second is based on Belladona from BANNED PS1 game "Thrill Kill".
Black Dahlia Luong.png
Black Dahlia Belladona.png
The Black Dahlia Special, Part 2 of ???

Palettes include

Sion from Type-Moon
Ada Wong from Resident Evil (RE4 suit)
Noel from BlazBlue


Coloured Annie of the Stars as Nyo!Canada from "Hetalia" and Anya Forger from "Spy x Family".
The newest episode was something. Something that made me do it.
@Yatoto I tried to do some moderating stuff and merged some palette-related threads together but it turned out that there was another thread that is older than yours and merging it caused the older post to become the first post instead of yours. Sorry about that. orz

I tried to fix it but it seems next-to-impossible to unmerge threads without fucking up stuff, so I'm gonna leave it alone for now.
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@Yatoto I tried to do some moderating stuff and merged some palette-related threads together but it turned out that there was another thread that is older than yours and merging it caused the older post to become the first post instead of yours. Sorry about that. orz

I tried to fix it but it seems next-to-impossible to unmerge threads without fucking up stuff, so I'm gonna leave it alone for now.
Oh its ok, i has really busy with exam week so i did not have time to look, but i understand the trouble.
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What can I say, I really like "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".
Barrels are a girl's best friend.
_custom_dahlia1 (1).png
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Sealed-Weapon Annie.png

Phantom Murderess Black Dahlia.png

Sealed-Weapon (Annie as Izayoi from BlazBlue) (Tweaked and updated)
Phantom Murderess (Black Dahlia as Nine the Phantom from BlazBlue) (Tweaked and updated)
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Burger Dad Beowulf.png
Burger Wife Parasoul.png
Burger Sister Annie.png
Burger Child Umbrella.png

Burger Dad (Beowulf as Bob Belcher)
Burger Wife (Parasoul as Linda Belcher)
Burger Sister (Annie as Tina Belcher and Sagan as Gene Belcher)
Burger Child (Umbrella as Louise Belcher and Hungern as her grabber thing)

All from Bob's Burgers.

There may be at least two more characters with their palettes to go with them...
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