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Custom Palettes for the Cast

These are nice palettes, but you know that there is a thread where we suggest what palettes do we want in the game, right? Put them there instead of making new topics about them.


Also, if you have a lot of palettes to share, please compile all of them into one post instead of posting them consecutively. That's called double-posting.
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This my squigly
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Posts merged to main palette thread.

Also if you have multiple palettes to post in the future, just post them in one post instead of making separate posts for them.
I couldn't resist that temptation.
I really wanted to see somebody Godot-coloured to shoot lasers from their eyes.


Some really unfortunate spoilers for "Gyakuten Saiban"/ "Ace Attorney". See what I did here? :PUN:

Compiling all of my Bob's Burgers palettes in this post.

Burger Dad Beowulf.png
Burger Wife Parasoul.png
Burger Sister Annie.png
Burger Child Umbrella.png
Sassy Clown Cerebella.png

Beowulf as Bob Belcher
Parasoul as Linda Belcher
Annie as Tina Belcher and Sagan as Gene Belcher
Umbrella as Louise Belcher and Hungern with Gene Belcher's colors
Cerebella as Jocelyn and her hat with Tammy Larson's colors

There is one more character left to go with them, so I need Feng in her Tammy Larson palette to complete this one and it's totally gonna knock BellaFeng4Eternity's socks off once she sees on how fly Cerebella and Feng look in her Jocelyn and Tammy palettes like when the Renoir sisters looked totally fly in their Linda and Louise Belcher palettes to commemorate the beginning of Umbrella's story.
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Dragon Caper (Annie as Emmy and Sagan as Ord from Dragon Tales)
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Compiling most of my Annie palette ideas to celebrate her birthday.

Burger Sister Annie.png
Curious Startlet Annie.png
Dragon Caper Annie.png
Outer Pieces Annie.png
Science Test Annie.png
Star-Sealed Annie.png
Stellar Blossom Annie.png
Sugar Rush Annie.png

Tina Belcher and Gene Belcher
Maggie and Beast
Emmy and Ord
Johnny Test and Dukey

And I got a new Annie palette idea here below.


Wind Caster (Annie as Lily from Street Fighter 6 to commemorate the game's release)
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I found it pretty darn cool that I made a Noel Vermillion palette out of Buttercup except with the purple feathers that I had to keep.

But I agree with Holy Goose. The palette editor should actually have the bunny girls' sprites, so that I can actually make BlazBlue palettes out of the bunny girls to fit with Dahlia's Nine palette and separate color coding on certain parts.
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bandicam 2023-06-27 09-37-07-227.jpg
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Updated my projects to have Parasoul and Annie's new poses on them, which I found to be perfect. Soon, my projects will be coming along nicely to show everyone how fly the 14 Skullgirls characters in their BBTAG palettes once I have Marie on them.
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Oh my, Marie is available in the Palette Editor!

So I just had to try out something.
Justice Maid Marie (Preview).png

Justice Maid (Marie as Orie from Under Night In-Birth) (Preview)

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All of my projects are coming along nicely now that I have Marie in Orie's colors on them and she is now available on the palette editor on the custom section, but please note and be aware that her picture is a preview to show everyone how nifty and fly Marie looks in her Orie palette used as a temporary placeholder. It will be replaced with a final one, which has a flame effect to be colored blue once she is released on Mobile. That's when I'm gonna use the line to show everyone how fly and awesome the 14 Skullgirls characters look in their BBTAG palettes. The fourth one is the palette pack. If Marie gets her Orie palette during development, I will take it out.
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I thought that maybe it would make sense for Ms. Fortune's head to have a Lost Soul (Doom) palette.


Then again, the body needs to be coloured, too. What about Pain Elemental, then? Because it launches the head.


Makes perfect sense.
Silver Diva Eliza.png


Silver Diva (Eliza as Hakumen from BlazBlue with Sehkmet)

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Eliza is now on my collection of BBTAG palettes to be after Big Band and before Ms. Fortune. It now has six characters in their BlazBlue palettes.

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After looking through all of Eliza's palettes, her Hakumen palette is not in the game, so it goes up on this palette pack.

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Marie is no longer on this graphic because Eliza is now on it. But, if I copy this graphic and put Marie in a new position...

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There, I have another graphic that has Marie in the middle and it makes more sense because she is the current Skullgirl.

All of my projects are updated to have Eliza in Hakumen's colors and they are all coming along nicely even more and she is now legal in my planned special online casual that restricts us to these characters in my projects above. Reminder: Marie's current portrait is subject to change.
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I thought about recreating Melodia (and the Mini-Devils) from "Bahamut Lagoon" in a form of palette.
Well, it is what it is.
Annie_StarChild (1).pngAnnie_HeatSynced (2).png


Doll Consort (Beowulf as Ken from Barbie)

In response to Parasoul's Barbie palette making its debut to Mobile in November.
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Justice Maid Marie.png


Justice Maid (Marie as Orie from Under Night In-Birth) (Final)

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At long last, my projects now have a final picture of Marie in Orie's colors.

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Skullgirls X BBTAG Season 1 Pass ft. Annie as Izayoi, Umbrella as Platinum the Trinity, Black Dahlia as Nine the Phantom and Marie as Orie.

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Over the course of Marie's development on Mobile, she didn't get her Orie palette. But her second chance to get it will take place during the course of her Alpha in 2nd Encore. If she doesn't get it in 2nd Encore, it will stay on this palette pack.
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Because we (kind of) can have Marie now, I might finally try out a certain palette idea.

She kind of gives me the vibes of the Lost Souls from "Doom", you know...

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I heard they added more sprites on the palette editor. Here goes.

Bad Ace Feng (Preview).png
Deadly Legs Feng (Preview).png
Night Roamer Venus (Preview).png

Shy Shell Minette (Preview).png

Bad Ace (Feng as Tammy Larsen from Bob's Burgers)
Deadly Legs (Feng as Chie Satonaka from Persona 4)
Night Roamer (Venus as Linne from Under Night In-Birth)
Shy Shell (Minette as Celica A. Mercury from BlazBlue)

I hope they became playable for the Season 2 Pass, which I hope it's confirmed.
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Yay, the new addition to the Palette Editor is amazing. Hope to see more in the future.

Here's Minette as Mayoi Ayasato (Maya Fey) from "Gyakuten Saiban" (or "Ace Attorney", if you prefer). Somebody probably made a palette like this before, though.

I also remade a Kulderzipken-themed palette for Feng. It's much easier to work in the Palette Editor.
I find it cool that after Christmas got added to the palette editor, I made a Yuzuriha palette out of her as a cherry on top because if she becomes playable, I feel like that she might play like her.

Weak Point Christmas.png
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Hey. @BellaFeng4Eternity. I heard the friendship between Cerebella and Feng is similar to not just the friendship between Ms. Fortune and Minette, but also similar to the friendship between Jocelyn and Tammy, so I made Jocelyn and Tammy palettes out of this circus duo to make it true.

Rough Diamond and Bad Ace.png

Rough Diamond and Bad Ace (Cerebella and Feng as Jocelyn and Tammy from Bob's Burgers)
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As I added Minette, Feng, Venus and Christmas in their Celica, Chie, Linne and Yuzuriha palettes on my projects, I am one BBTAG palette away from the 20th BBTAG palette. I wonder what's it gonna be? I hope it's the one for a male character, like Taliesin's Tohru Adachi palette, Hubrecht's Azrael palette or Yu Wan's Jubei palette.
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This palette for Marie was (loosely) inspired by Melodia from "Baten Kaitos".
Marie_MaidOfHonor.pngMarie_SnakeCharmer (2).png

For this one, Milly from the BK prequel was the main basis.

A couple of palettes, based on Sork and Sion from "Rudra no Hihou".

MsFortune_HackNSplash (1).pngMsFortune_RogueAgent (1).png

Annie_SolarFlair (1).pngAnnie_AgelessWonder (1).png
Star-Sealed Annie.png
Trinity Pack Umbrella.png
Phantom Assassin Black Dahlia.png
Justice Maid Marie.png

I will never get over this moment that I found interesting as crap and heck that all four Season 1 Pass characters have been eligible for their BBTAG palettes, consisting of three BlazBliue palettes and one Under Night In-Birth palettes, to be eligible for my special online casual I postponed planning until I get a new high-end laptop to run Skullgirls smoothly. Even while streaming and recording clips.
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After some thought, Krieg is better off having Gene Belcher's colors for Parasoul's Linda Belcher palette to match with Hungern's on Umbrella's Louise Belcher palette. Also updated her pose to match with her sister and the tears on Krieg will remain colored red because it's ketchup. Huh, I guess the Renoirs are somewhat crappy, but special.

Burger Wife Parasoul.png
Burger Child Umbrella.png
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Two Marie Ideas

Poppy Pipopapo from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.


Perfecti (Mycale's Final Form) in her Akatsuki Blitzkampf's default color from Akatsuki/En-Eins series.
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bandicam 2023-11-25 12-49-21-710.jpg

The empty slot is now located at the middle of the UNI row to be reserved for Aeon's Vatista palette. The P4A row is left with one empty slot.
Divine Unit Aeon.png

Divine Unit (Aeon as Vatista from Under Night In-Birth)

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20 BBTAG palettes! Aeon's Vatista palette is the 20th BBTAG palette, but minus the wings.

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The Under Night In-Birth row has been filled out as Aeon's Vatista palette is on there. The Persona 4 Arena row is still left with just one empty slot. I hope the next addition involves at least one character eligible for their P4A palette to fill out the row.

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If Aeon doesn't get her Vatista palette, it will stay on my palette pack.

Violet is also added to the palette editor. Unfortunately, she is one of the characters not eligible for her BBTAG palette, so this means Violet will be banned from my online casual, but Aeon will be legal.

Now that I have 20 Skullgirls characters in their BBTAG palettes on my projects, let's see how this endeavor goes.
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custom_ichkaansiho_dviolet.pngcustom_ichkaansiho_dviolet (1).png

Because we have D. Violet in the Palette Editor now, I decided to try her out.
The first palette is original, the second one is based on Foxy from "Rudra no Hihou".
Shuffle Time Mrs. Victoria.png

Shuffle Time (Mrs. Victoria as Elizabeth from Persona 3)

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Mrs. Victoria is the 21st Skullgirls character in her BBTAG palette of Elizabeth. An open slot has been added to reserve a spot for the 22nd character.

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All rows have been filled out after Mrs. Victoria is added. But until the 22nd character is on there and it is either a BlazBlue or a P4A palette, but not a UNI palette because there will be no more of them. The best thing about this is that since Mrs. Victoria is after Filia to be faithful to the Persona 4 Arena characters' order of introduction, Parasoul is right in the center to make it true to the fact that she is the main character of the Webtoon series, which reached the end of the first season since the Canopy Kingdom is ruled by the Renoir family.


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Spellbound Annie.png


Spellbound (Annie as Bianca and Sagan as Hunter from the Spyro the Dragon franchise)

This is in response to Spyro 4 being developed by Toys for Bob.
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