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Custom Palettes for the Cast

Spellbound Annie.png

Updated Annie's Bianca palette to have Sagan in Spyro's colors instead because of this below.
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Couldn't get enough of the Palette Editor, it just gets better and better with each update.

Here's Annie, Sagan and the sword as Rostam, Huey and Valkyrie from "Rudra No Hihou".


Adding to the JRPG hyperfixation, D. Violet as Barbarella from "Bahamut Lagoon".
custom_ichkaansiho_dviolet (2).png
Glimmer of Healing Minette.png

Glimmer of Healing (Minette as Elora from the Spyro the Dragon franchise)

Also in response to Spyro 4 getting into development.

Spellbound Annie.png
Glimmer of Healing Minette.png

It's a bit too early to share this, but decided to share how fly Annie and Minette look in their Bianca and Elora palettes now. But Minette's image is a preview and will be subject to change since she is coming to Mobile as a Guest Star this year.
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download (1).png

It's possible that the palette editor now has Black Dahlia's bunny girls under the custom section. Here's Black Dahlia in her Nine palette and Buttercup and Killer having Ragna and Noel's colors. So the custom section needs one more bunny girl, and that is Bonnie.
download (3).png
download (4).png

So we now have a clearer view and a fix on Minette and Annie's palettes of Spyro's best girls as the Palette Editor is adding more sprites to the custom section every day, including idle animations.
I thought about making a palette, inspired by Surlent from "Rudra no Hihou". Parasoul turned out to be the one who fit that concept the most.
If it was a card in SGM, its abilities would revolve around rebirth.


Keeping with the main theme from above, here's Dahlia's bunnies as Riza and Marina, respectively.
I love the new updates for Palette Editor.

custom_yixtu_qu_buttercup (3).pngcustom_yixtu_qu_killer (2).png
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The palette editor didn't have what I wanted.
Sorry if anyone beat me to any of these!

Skullgirls Halloween 2024 Peacock.png

With Sagan as Polari!
Skullgirls Halloween 2024 Annie.png

Skullgirls Halloween 2024 Black Dahlia.png

I wonder if they plan to give Guest Stars alternate palettes, too...
Skullgirls Halloween 2024 Minette.png

Bloody Carnage (Leduc as Naoto Kurogane from BlazBlue)
Shadow Frenzy (Taliesin as Tohru Adachi from Persona 4)
Azure Drive (Patty as Mai Natsume from BlazBlue)

bandicam 2024-10-20 19-34-29-537.jpg

And lo and behold, Leduc, Taliesin and Patty are the 22nd, 23rd and 24th characters eligible for their BBTAG palettes. So as a bonus, we now have two members of the Last Hope eligible for their BBTAG palettes. Also, updated several characters' images and they have more flavor than their old ones. Also, Cerebella's updated image has more flavor to her Mika palette as she is into punching and grabbing.

But I'm not done yet. I need four more characters eligible for their BBTAG palettes, and they are Isaac, Roxie, Yu Wan and Hubrecht to complete this project.
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View attachment 17332View attachment 17333View attachment 17334

It's possible that the palette editor now has Black Dahlia's bunny girls under the custom section. Here's Black Dahlia in her Nine palette and Buttercup and Killer having Ragna and Noel's colors. So the custom section needs one more bunny girl, and that is Bonnie.
Thanks for using my custom sprites for Dahlia's bunnies, I'll try to finish the rest soon! :PUN:
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- Ada Wong (Resident Evil Series)
custom_n_ko_10_fiррlia_1p (1).png
- Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
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Now that Bonnie is added to the palette editor, we now have Black Dahlia and her bunny girls in their Nine, Hakumen, Ragna and Noel colors, so these are the BlazBlue palettes the bunny girls would have to go with her Nine palette. I am not putting Bookie because she is a timeout bunny.
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I originally said that I am not including Bookie because she is a timeout bunny, but apparently, since they actually added her to the palette editor, decided to share what BlazBlue palette she will have. Now, if you really want to know what BlazBlue palette Bookie will have to come with Black Dahlia's Nine the Phantom palette, it'll be a Litchi palette to come with it.

download (8).png

download (2).png
download (7).png
download (1).png
download (8).png

Lo and behold, we got all of Black Dahlia's bunny henchmen in their BlazBlue palettes to come with her Nine palette. Also, Bookie, though is a time out bunny, actually deserves a Litchi palette. It's because she can teach anything and it's deemed a reference to Teach Me, Miss Litchi. You have to remember that she is a time out bunny.
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I love making palettes they're so much fun to create!

I made a Hajime Saito Parasoul palette because some of her stances remind me of his Gatotsu move from Rurouni Kenshin.


Also a President Bishop Ninja Turtles 2003 fanmade palettes for Black Dahlia. The thigh slit in his shirt got me imagining a male Black Dahlia. Switched the black cross so its more visible.
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First fanmade fighter => Valentine Flying Death, working on her ,,super powers,, . How do you feel bout' this one ?
Another fanmade fighter => Parasoul "The Flash" as ASUNA from ,,SAO,, anime (Sword Art Online) . Necessary rate it !
@starshinea Your post have been moved to the appropriate thread. If you have multiple palettes you want to post within a short period of time, post them all together in a single post, and not as separate ones
I have been putting my palette ideas into SGM cards through my gaming laptop and the process of it is turning out quicker than what I have done with my old laptop I had at the time. Thought that I am going to share my SGM cards with my palette ideas here for fun purposes.

Heart of Night Venus.png
Justice Maid Marie.png
Hell's Shapeshifter Double.png
Divine Unit Aeon.png
Weak Point Christmas.png
Opera Black Squigly.png
Firmament Acrobat Cerebella.png

First off, here are the seven Skullgirls characters in their Under Night In-Birth palettes in SGM cards. All of them are Darkness type fighters. The fun fact to this is that because the core story of Under Night In-Birth involved fighting in a Hollow Night, that applied to these characters in their UNI palettes being Darkness types, hence "night" because you know, night is known for darkness.

I got more to share, but it's gonna be a little while before I share the next one because it's to avoid double posting.
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Magical Heart Annie.png

Magical Heart (Annie as Magical Pink from Future Club's first original game, Part-Time Hero)

In response to Future Club having their first original game called Part-Time Hero and its Kickstarter campaign launch. Be sure to back their project to make it happen.
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