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I would for serious pay good money to have a real Kreig umbrella.
Fight stick bag sounds good too..
Those are two practical things I could see myself seriously buying outside of a t shirt or hoodie..
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Plushies are the first thing that come to mind. Who doesn't love a good plushie?

Other than that, the only ideas I have are a Leviathan lighter and a Vice-Versa hat.
I DOOOOOOOOOOOO! ^_^ Seriously, make plushies! I saw some made a Bella plushie, it looked adorable.
I second the skullgirls plushies.
I didn't read this thread.

Can you get pencil erasers maybe, like the kind you stick on top of pencils that look like characters?? but of the logos so they're all round and gold/black that'd be cool maybe
What about a Vice Versa hat, but like in her pre-battle animation where she's spinning him and his tiny arms just sit on the side?
How about a Robo-Fortune alarm clock? I need one desprately and I would be willing to buy one. It's alarm would be her saying beeb, boop, meow really loudly.
How about a Robo-Fortune alarm clock? I need one desprately and I would be willing to buy one. It's alarm would be her saying beeb, boop, meow really loudly.

I don't know if I'd want fan merch that I'm just gonna violently smash in the morning.

then introduce Double alarm clocks. She wakes you up with incomprehensible phrases and it doesn't matter if you hit her hard because she's super squishy!
so we can't have fun? ono

and I doubt 86d has the funds or the manpower to sell alarm clocks. Though that would be cool.
I want a miniature Eliza staff as a novelty pen.

How 'bout a Big band body pillow?

I think that would end up being a body couch or bed rather than a pillow
Since we're speaking of clocks, why not a classic clock with Peacock telling the time with her Argus Arms? You know like those old Mickey Mouse watches, only with Peacock which would make them infinitely more awesome! ^_^

You can even have her say stuff at the top of the hour like "Time to paint the town RED!!!"
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Maybe some printed ties? Like this one:

I would love a black one with all the characters' symbols.
Don't look bad at me, I have a soft spot for ties that match with nothing
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Speaking of character symbols, that would honestly make for some really cool rings.
I would for serious pay good money to have a real Kreig umbrella.
Fight stick bag sounds good too..
Those are two practical things I could see myself seriously buying outside of a t shirt or hoodie..

I'd pay real good money to have Krieg for one reason: It's a weaponised umbrella, life is not complete without one.
Here are my ideas
-Those skulls Marie has on her pigtails
-I guess a Beowulf chair or action figure
-Samson beanie
-Painwheel beyblade
-Peacock dress? (I guess the make the arms a bit bigger and not skinny)
-Painwheel mask
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Skullgirls themed stick strap for the TE2. Though I'm not sure this is possible without permission from MadCatz.
Well, do you have something in mind?
Things like "Mad Salt" and "Skullgirls cats" or even just the character select symbols would look really cool.
Edit: And Galaxy S5 cases ^_^
Things like "Mad Salt" and "Skullgirls cats" or even just the character select symbols would look really cool.
Edit: And Galaxy S5 cases ^_^
Ah, theres a reason we currently don't have any new products that feature all the character symbols on the same design, as Beowulf and Robo Fortune do not have finished ones yet. I'll keep that in mind though, though we do try to avoid recyling designs for different products.
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I thought of this when I passed out in class today.
An "I (Insert Skullheart) NM" shirt.
Anybody? Anyone?
Sagan dolls. Sagan dolls for everyone.
And they can turn into interstellar choppers, just for good measure!
(Not realistic enough? Ok, I guess a collectible figure line like Play Arts Kai Would be nice, too)
For those who wanted more subtle or icon based designs:
We did this this week, we're using it to gauge interest in a full line like it.


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There should be more sticker designs that aren't so... cute. Like I wanna put them on my laptop but I know my friends are gonna be like, "What's that gay shit you got on your computer?" Then I'll be forced to destroy them.
Nobody wants that, so I think there should be a plain Skullgirls Logo Sticker and a Dak'kuul Dubu Sticker.
For those who wanted more subtle or icon based designs:
We did this this week, we're using it to gauge interest in a full line like it.
This is super nice. I'm not a big fan of crest shirts like that, but that is a beautiful image and would totally buy a full shirt design like that if my wardrobe wasn't already 86% Eighty Sixed shirts.

Mild critique though: The copy/pasted skulls under the cross arms bug me. It'd look better if they were at least mirrored.
This is super nice. I'm not a big fan of crest shirts like that, but that is a beautiful image and would totally buy a full shirt design like that if my wardrobe wasn't already 80% Eighty Sixed shirts.

Mild critique though: The copy/pasted skulls under the cross arms bug me. It'd look better if they were at least mirrored.
Theres a few factors that went into doing it that size and position:
We haven't tried it before, so we want to see how people like it. We havn't really gotten submissions that it would be appropriate for, so may as well try it ourselves, ya know?
We haven't had a more subdued/non-character based design in a long time. It's not that we don't like them or are against them, we just rarely get them in the first place.
The artwork was drawn a little bigger than that but it wasn't drawn huge.
(I wanted a design I'd actually wear in a public setting too.)

As far as the little skulls, yeah I can change that, and edit the one on the top, but it wouldn't be reflected in the store.
Aren't there phone cases? I'd be so swag If I could have one. It'd be REALLY cool if they had blankets or PJs. I would literallly wear SG PJs if I had a pair.
Theres some phone cases, yes.