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[Jazzy Diamonds]
Dec 4, 2013
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Big Band Cerebella
Thanks Mike Z and everyone else from Lab Zero for making this game. It was fun to play it. It's just that I know i'm not accepted in the SG community, people don't like me. So i'll be leaving.

I'm sorry. bye

I am not upset about my lost to Yaya. I accept it, i lost yaya won. No the reason as to why i am distancing myself from this community is that I always get the feeling that i'm just there. That despite people say they like me that i'm cool or uncool i still feel like a nobody. That this same feeling has been with me for years. This isn't meant for any sob points or anything. I'm just going to stay far far away from this place and personally try to better myself as a person.
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Good... bye?
haha what i've never even heard of you dude

The greatest compliment for every Ninja ever.

Don't know which forum you visited but he was fairly active around here.

Bye Ninja.
Who are these people that don't accept you? I've turned this thread into a no judgment zone. Feel free to speak and @ anyone.
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I thought we were crew, but I guess not?
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Hey just don't commit suicide okay?

Okay bye.
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okay then,
bye, I guess.
(Ninja was the guy with the ninja-in-red avatar who posted reaction images of a bored ninja, right?)
@Ninja what the fuck are you talking about?
You're not allowed to leave. Not as long as I accept you bro.
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I really enjoyed all of your videos. Actually, yours were some of my favorite youtube videos coming from this community. It was just sublime how you were able to summarize all of them with a single word appearing at the bottom-right corner of the screen. They were truly works of art...

WAIT YOU MADE THEM PRIVATE?!!!! Wha... but... huh?

I'm stressed.

(Ninja was the guy with the ninja-in-red avatar who posted reaction images of a bored ninja, right?)


"Hold on a moment!"

Where is this feeling of rejection coming from? The SG community welcomes all.
Has someone else logged into your account?

Ninja was the guy with the ninja-in-red avatar
Ninja is Ninja.

Now put your avatar back on and we'll forget all about this thread.
If you really want not to be leaving unnoticed, don't forget to have a farewell parade :
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Is this real?
I guess we'll meet in the Steam Community? Maybe.
Disclaimer: this post probably goes all over the place. I still have a lot to learn with words. This post also ended up sounding a bit hostile because your posts remind me of past-me and I have some pent-up anger I guess :x

So alright, this is coming from someone who used to pull shit like this in his early forum days (and I'm responding to you here because I know you're going to look at this thread anonymously while signed out of your account. I would've).

I used to do stuff like this when I was younger. It's basically giving yourself a reason to not try as hard as necessary to be successful at things, and it's the same type of thing you posted in the yaya kumite thread (which is also similar to what you said to me a few days ago when we played a set).

When you say things like "I'm not accepted" or "I wasn't trying," it's disrespectful and probably a lie. If you tell somebody that you weren't trying (when clearly you were) that's a straight-up insult to their skill level, the time they dedicated to both playing the game and (on a smaller scale) the time they dedicated to playing you. When you say that we as a community don't accept you, that's an insult to ALL OF US. Consider the hospitality you were given during NEC where hops let you into his room along with EVERYONE ELSE. Rather than think "what can I do to win/improve" or "what can I do to get people to like me more" you just give yourself a reason to give up, and blame your disinterest in the game or the fact that the community doesn't accept you (which once again I want to state is not true at all).

When I met you at NEC you were a really friendly guy and I enjoyed talking to you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't have spent 40-some minutes playing though Final Fight with you. But when you seek approval from your peers by trying to make us feel sorry for you can you not see why that is grating to some people? The best advice I can give you is to just mellow out a bit and realize when you make excuses like these it can be interpreted as insulting to others. You're not like this in person, but for many members of the community, skullheart is people's only exposure to you, and when they see things like this thread it certainly doesn't help. As Flotilla said, this is way over-dramatic for something you could have just played off as a joke and the community would have forgotten about eventually.

Ok, I lied, the ACTUAL best advice I can give you is to come to more tourneys! I know you say it's difficult for you but I'm sure if you try hard enough and save some moolah you can come to at least a couple per year. Or, heck, just take an extended introspective break and come back whenever you're ready. Regardless, I hope you don't actually stop playing the game and I doublehope I can see you at a tourney sometime soon. :)
You lost at a videogame, so noone accepts you?

It wasn't like it was a money match with people betting thousands on you or something, MAYBE this would make sense in that case, but you just lost a set on stream.

Hint: everyone loses, a lot, until you become good. Which takes effort. Real effort and time, as in years of play, years of losing games, sometimes publicly.
Wait Ninja felt this way because he lost?

Tell me more.
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Ninja you shouldn't care what other people think in the first place. Heck the creator of my favorite game doesn't like me but I still play it, and I'm still apart of the community!
what is this even over, lol
losing a match????
It's kind of irritating that you made a post like this, and then provided little reason as to why you're leaving. If you're going to leave, then it's better to just leave. However, if you are going to make a post about leaving at least post a real reason. "No one likes me" makes it seem like a desperate cry for attention.

But as you can see, there are people that enjoy your presence, and I, for one, like watching your YT videos, but if you're actually leaving then best of luck to you~
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oh i didn't recognize him without his avatar.
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I would really like to hear an explanation for why you are leaving Ninja, people like your contributions to the forum and it feels weird for you to leave so suddenly.

Ultimately your choice on things though.
Man I lose on stream ALL the time and people just spout memes at me in stream chat and I still love the community and even this website! I think you're just taking things a little too personally dude! As the great Tupac Shakur once said "quit getting mad at video games".
I think you're just taking things a little too personally dude!
Am I the only one feeling like this is 2015's fashion to take things too seriously in SH?
I know Ninja won't see this but goddamn, a few people don't like me, it's the fucking internet. Nobody likes anybody. I especially hate myself on the internet, yet I cuntinue to stay. You should've done the same.
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